وضعیت عملکرد کبد در موشهای صحرایی تحت درمان با عصاره اتیل استات دانه های .Abrus precatorius Linn
Subject Areas : Journal of Medicinal Herbs, "J. Med Herb" (Formerly known as Journal of Herbal Drugs or J. Herb Drug)
سون موتونرایو اوومول
دامیلولا اموبویووا
1 - گروه بیوشیمی ، دانشگاه Adekunle Ajasin ، Akungba-Akoko ، نیجریه
2 - گروه بیوشیمی ، دانشگاه Adekunle Ajasin ، Akungba-Akoko ، نیجریه
Keywords: liver, ethanol, mRNA, Cytochrome,
Abstract :
Background & Aim:Ethanol metabolism by the liver differentially impairs hepatic functions. This study investigated the attenuating potential of Abrus precatorius seeds on liver damage in HCl/EtOH induced rats and evaluated the prophylactic potential of ethylacetate extract of A. precatorius on the hepatic function of acidified ethanol induced rats. Experimental: Rats were pre-treated with ethylacetate extract of A. precatorius seeds and standard drugs for eight consecutive days and 0.15M HCl/EtOH (60%) (1:1) was administered once on the 8th day. Biochemical assay, mRNA expression and liver histo-pathological studies were performed using standard procedures. Results: HCl/EtOH induction significantly (p < 0.05) raised hepatic alanine amino transferase and aspartate amino transferase activities that were ameliorated by pre-treatment with 100 and 200mg/kg b.w of A. precatorius seeds extract. The significant (p < 0.05) up-regulation of CYP2D3, CYP3A4 and GGT mRNA expression in the liver tissues of HCl/EtOH induced rats were successfully down-regulated upon pre-treatment with the extract. The micro-morphological alteration characterized by severe congestion of central venules and sinusoids, fibrosis at the portal veins and presence of inflammatory cells observed in HCl/EtOH induced rats was reversed by pre-treatment with A. precatorius seeds. Recommended applications/industries: Acidified ethanol used for ulcerative induction could result in liver injury in rats; pre-treatment with A. precatorius seeds extract could exert hepato-protective efficacy.
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