• فهرس المقالات repeatability

      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        1 - Genetic Analysis of Egg Quality Traits in Bovan Nera Black Laying Hen under Sparse Egg Production Periods
        ا. سیلویا جوهن-جایا ا.آر. عبدالله سی. ساموئل نوکولو
        The present research was designed to examine the genetic analysis of egg weight, egg yolk weight and egg albumen weight of Bovan Neva Black laying hens at 25, 51 and 72 weeks. For this purpose, thirty birds were selected from the layer flock in the Babcock University Te أکثر
        The present research was designed to examine the genetic analysis of egg weight, egg yolk weight and egg albumen weight of Bovan Neva Black laying hens at 25, 51 and 72 weeks. For this purpose, thirty birds were selected from the layer flock in the Babcock University Teaching and Research Farm. They were individually housed in separate labeled battery cage. A total of thirty eggs were collected daily from the birds continuously in five days of egg production, at each age of 25, 51 and 72 weeks. The total number of eggs collected at each age were 150. Data collected for egg weight, egg yolk weight and egg albumen weight were used to evaluate the descriptive statistics, influence of age and Pearson correlation coefficient on different age groups. The mean values of the traits revealed a consistent increase in egg weight 55.02-63.29 g, egg yolk weight 13.14-19.39 g and egg albumen weight 35.52-39.21 g by aging. A significant positive genetic correlation was obtained among traits with linear regression equations at different age groups. Restricted maximum likelihood (REML) of Wombat software was used to obtain the repeatability and heritability estimates. From the results, it was revealed that all the traits recorded high estimates of heritability and repeatability while egg weight is more heritable and repeatable than egg yolk weight and egg albumen weight indicating that fewer records would be required to adequately characterize the inherent production ability of each trait as laying age progressed. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        2 - Genetic Analysis of Ewe Productivity Traits in Baluchi Sheep
        م. جعفراوغلی ع. صفری ع.ا. شادپرور ن. قوی حسین-‌زاده
        The present study was carried out to estimate (co)variance components and genetic parameters for some productivity traits of Baluchi ewes. The data were collected during a 31 year period (1984-2014) at the experimental breeding station of Baluchi sheep, which is located أکثر
        The present study was carried out to estimate (co)variance components and genetic parameters for some productivity traits of Baluchi ewes. The data were collected during a 31 year period (1984-2014) at the experimental breeding station of Baluchi sheep, which is located in north-east of Mashhad, Iran. The analysis was based on 14030 records of lambs and 4371 records of ewes. Investigated traits were litter size at birth (LSB), litter size at weaning (LSW), litter mean weight per lamb born (LMWLB) and litter mean weight per lamb weaned (LMWLW) as basic traits, total litter weight at birth (TLWB) and total litter weight at weaning (TLWW) as composite traits. Genetic analysis of the studied traits was performed applying restricted maximum likelihood (REML) procedure by fitting a linear mixed animal model. Direct heritability estimate for LSB, LSW, LMWLB, LMWLW, TLWB and TLWW were 0.10, 0.08, 0.13, 0.07, 0.12 and 0.05, respectively. Corresponding values for repeatability estimates were 0.18, 0.17, 0.19, 0.15, 0.18 and 0.15, respectively. Direct genetic correlation estimates among the studied traits varied from -0.52 for LSW and LMWLB to 0.99 for TLWB and TLWW. Phenotypic and environmental correlation estimates were generally lower than those of genetic ones. Although low direct heritability’s were estimated for the reproductive traits, as these traits are of interest then they used as the primary selection criterion to bring about genetic improvement in ewe productivity traits. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        3 - Estimates of Repeatability and Heritability of Productive Trait in Holstein Dairy Cattle
        ز. عرفانی اصل ع. هاشمی م. فرهادیان
        Dairy cattle breeding programs have been based in the selection for traits related to milk production. In this research a data set of 63 herds of East Azerbaijan province Holstein cattle, collected during 2002-2013 by the Iranian Animal Breeding Center was used to estim أکثر
        Dairy cattle breeding programs have been based in the selection for traits related to milk production. In this research a data set of 63 herds of East Azerbaijan province Holstein cattle, collected during 2002-2013 by the Iranian Animal Breeding Center was used to estimate the repeatability and heritability of three traits of economic importance. Genetic parameters for first three lactations of Holstein cows were estimated using repeatability models. Single-trait repeatability models were fitted for milk, fat and protein yields. The model contained milk frequency and herd-year-months of test-days (HTD) as fixed effects; effect of animals were the random effects. The estimated heritabilities in first three lactations for milk yield were 0.154, 0.263 and 0.334, for protein yield 0.134, 0.166 and 0.274 and for fat yield 0.059, 0.083 and 0.052. The estimated repeatability in first three lactations for milk yield were 0.475, 0.847 and 0.898, for protein yield 0.398, 0.479 and 0.678 and for fat yield 0.198, 0.281and 0.279. The results imply that milk traits for Holstein dairy cattle in east Azerbaijan, Iran are more heritable. Therefore, these traits can be employed by breeders as selection criteria in developing effective genetic improvement programs. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        4 - برآورد پارامترهای ژنتیکی صفت تولید شیر گاوهای نژاد هلشتاین مهدشت ساری با استفاده از رکوردهای روز آزمون
        شهاب الدین قره ویسی روح الله عبدالله پور ذبیح اله کالاشی
        به منظور برآورد پارامترهای ژنتیکی صفت تولید شیر، از رکوردهای روز آزمون مربوط به اولین دورۀ شیردهی گاوهای هلشتاین مهدشت ساری که طی سال های1380 الی 1388 جمع آوری شده بود، استفاده گردید. داده های مورد بررسی در این تحقیق شامل 9782 رکورد روز آزمون مربوط به 1140 رأس گاو هلشتا أکثر
        به منظور برآورد پارامترهای ژنتیکی صفت تولید شیر، از رکوردهای روز آزمون مربوط به اولین دورۀ شیردهی گاوهای هلشتاین مهدشت ساری که طی سال های1380 الی 1388 جمع آوری شده بود، استفاده گردید. داده های مورد بررسی در این تحقیق شامل 9782 رکورد روز آزمون مربوط به 1140 رأس گاو هلشتاین موجود در مجتمع شیر و گوشت مهدشت ساری بود. آنالیز رکوردهای روز آزمون با استفاده از نرم افزار DFREMLانجام شد. تابعیت ثابت و تصادفی طبق چند جمله ای های لژاندار از روزهای شیردهی در مدل منظور گردید. همچنین از مدلی با درجه برازش 3 برای عوامل ژنتیکی افزایشی و محیطی دائمی استفاده گردید. حداقل میزان وارثت پذیری مربوط به اوایل دورۀ شیردهی بود(039/0 ) و مقدار آن در اواخر دوره شیردهی افزایش و در حدود ماه نهم از دوره شیردهی به حداکثر مقدار رسید(280/0). مقدار واریانس فنوتیپی صفت تولید شیر در طول دورۀ شیردهی یکسان نبوده و مقدار آن در اوایل و اواخر دورۀ شیردهی بیشتر بود. حداکثر میزان واریانس ژنتیکی افزایشی در ماه دهم(750/18) و حداقل میزان آن در اوایل دوره ی شیردهی(360/2) برآورد گردید. واریانس باقیمانده صفت تولید شیر ثابت بود. حداکثر میزان همبستگی های ژنتیکی افزایشی و فنوتیپی بین روزهای شیردهی مجاور مشاهده گردید و مقدار این همبستگی ها به موازات افزایش فاصله بین روزهای شیردهی کاهش یافت. با استفاده از رکوردهای روز آزمون، دقت برآورد پارامترهای ژنتیکی افزایش یافت. تفاصيل المقالة