فهرس المقالات Writing Instruction حرية الوصول المقاله صفحة الملخص نص كامل 1 - The Dual Meaning Potential of Prepositional Grammatical Metaphor in Prose Fiction یاسر حدیدی 10.30495/jal.2018.541069 حرية الوصول المقاله صفحة الملخص نص كامل 2 - Iranian EFL Learners’ Reactions to Different Feedbacks in Writing Classrooms: Teacher Written Comments (TWC) vs. Peer Written Comments (PWC) میترا ربیعی حرية الوصول المقاله صفحة الملخص نص كامل 3 - Web-Based Googling Techniques and Strategic-Interactive Writing Instruction: A Study of Deaf and Hearing-Impaired Students’ L2 Writing Performance Asma Qoreishi Kolaqani Hossein Vahid Dastjerdi Hadi Salehi Omid Tabatabaei 10.30495/ttlt.2022.692144