• فهرس المقالات Intensification

      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        1 - تأثیر حکمرانی خوب بر فرصت‌ها و چالش‌های محلات قدیمی شهر جهرم
        محمدجواد شعبانپور حقیقی کرامت الله راسخ مجید رضا کریمی
        مدیریت و اداره مناطق قدیمی و فرسوده شهرها امروز در کانون توجه رویکردها و رهیافت‌های مختلف مدیریت شهری قرارگرفته است. هدف مقاله بررسی تأثیر فرصت‌ها و چالش‌های محلات قدیمی دوازده‌گانه شهر جهرم بر شکل‌گیری حکمروایی خوب در این شهر می‌باشد. نظریه حکمروایی خوب یکی از مهم‌ترین أکثر
        مدیریت و اداره مناطق قدیمی و فرسوده شهرها امروز در کانون توجه رویکردها و رهیافت‌های مختلف مدیریت شهری قرارگرفته است. هدف مقاله بررسی تأثیر فرصت‌ها و چالش‌های محلات قدیمی دوازده‌گانه شهر جهرم بر شکل‌گیری حکمروایی خوب در این شهر می‌باشد. نظریه حکمروایی خوب یکی از مهم‌ترین رویکردهای مردم محور است و راهکاری مناسب برای اداره امور شهری محسوب می‌شود. روش تحقیق مبتنی بر استفاده از تکنیک سوات برای شناسایی فرصت‌ها و چالش‌های مقابل حکمرانی خوب در شهر جهرم است. جامعه آماری کارشناسان شهرداری جهرم هستند که با استفاده از فرمول کوکران نمونه موردنظر 79 نفر محاسبه شد. برای تحلیل داده‌ها از روش تحلیلی استفاده شد. یافته‌های پژوهش نشان داد که مناطق قدیمی دوازده‌گانه شهر جهرم دارای فرصت‌هایی هستند که امکان تحقق یافتن حکمروایی مطلوب را بالاتر می‌برد؛ اما این مناطق علی‌رغم دارا بودن این ظرفیت‌ها با چالش‌هایی درگیر هستند که رفع آن‌ها برای تحقق یافتن حکمروایی مطلوب، ضرورتی اجتناب‌ناپذیر است. تشدید روند مهاجرت ساکنین اولیه از بافت‌های قدیمی، فقدان برنامه توسعه راهبردی برای بهسازی و نوسازی این مناطق، بی‌توجهی به مشارکت مردمی، نامناسب بودن زیرساخت‌ها و تأسیسات شهری برای دفع آب‌های سطحی و فاضلاب‌ها، ارزان بودن مسکن و میزان اجاره‌بهای ساختمان‌ها ازجمله عواملی هستند که امکان احیای بافت فرسوده و تحقق عدالت اجتماعی برای این مناطق را محدود کرده است. نتیجه کلی پژوهش نشان داد که این مناطق از ظرفیت‌های مطلوب برای عملیاتی شدن رویکرد حکمروایی خوب برخوردار هستند، کما این‌که در این مسیر چالش‌ها و موانعی نیز وجود دارد. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        2 - Intensification of Apology Strategies in Persian: A Politeness Perspective
        Mohsen Shahrokhi
        This paper is an endeavor to investigate whether apology supportive intensification is motivated by contextual variables in Persian. In this respect, the relevant apology speech acts were collected through the administration of a Discourse Completion Test consisting of أکثر
        This paper is an endeavor to investigate whether apology supportive intensification is motivated by contextual variables in Persian. In this respect, the relevant apology speech acts were collected through the administration of a Discourse Completion Test consisting of situations which varied in terms of Social Dominance, Social Distance, and Severity of Offence. The elicited data was analyzed and codified according to a coding scheme developed by Blum-Kulka et al. (1989). The results indicated that participants’ assessment of contextual variables motivated the strategy they used as apology supportive intensifications. Moreover, the study identified the use of culture-specific strategies as far as apology speech act supportive intensifications are concerned. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        3 - Transformation in Smallholder Agriculture through Intensification in Ethiopia: Determinants and Implications
        Habtamu Yesigat
        It is a challenge for a farmer with limited resources to decide on the production of commodities and investment in the farm. Transformation of smallholder subsistence agriculture, to market oriented value addition based agriculture is vital for poverty reduction in Ethi أکثر
        It is a challenge for a farmer with limited resources to decide on the production of commodities and investment in the farm. Transformation of smallholder subsistence agriculture, to market oriented value addition based agriculture is vital for poverty reduction in Ethiopia. This study was initiated to explore the factors which contribute for the adoption of improved wheat and pepper varieties and intensification of the farm in Bure district, Ethiopia. The study took a random sample of 200 households using two stage sampling procedure with a probability proportional to size technique. Descriptive statistics and econometric statistical tools were used for analyzing the data and answering research questions. Different demographic, social, economic and access to institutional support service variables which are theoretically supported to influence the adoption and use of improved technologies and intensification of the farm were used for the logit and multiple linear regression model respectively. Resource endowments of the farm household, institutional factors and socio-economic factors are found to be vital in the decision making for intensification and adoption of improved varieties. It is found that different institutional support services in the rural economy have had significant role to enhance the uptake of technologies and intensification of smallholder agriculture. [H. Yesigat. Transformation in smallholder agriculture through intensification in Ethiopia: determinants and implications. International Journal of Agricultural Science, Research and Technology, 2012; 2(3):123-128]. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        4 - Socioeconomic and Ecological Transitions of Pastoral System in Semi-arid Areas of Rift Valley, Fentale District, Ethiopia
        Fikrineh Negash
        Pastoralism contributes significantly to the national economy and livelihoods of pastoralists in Ethiopia. However, socio-ecologically considerable variations exist between pastoral systems of the country in terms of the drivers they are currently experiencing and the i أکثر
        Pastoralism contributes significantly to the national economy and livelihoods of pastoralists in Ethiopia. However, socio-ecologically considerable variations exist between pastoral systems of the country in terms of the drivers they are currently experiencing and the impact of these drivers. This study was conducted in Fentale district, Ethiopia, to understand the perceived transitions of the pastoral system and the key factors driving this transition over the last two decades. Data were collected through a household survey (n = 60), focus group discussions, and key informant interviews. The results showed that the decline in livestock holding per household (4.90) and livestock mobility (4.41), expansion of cultivation (4.83), degradation of rangeland (4.79), and migration (4.26) were perceived to occur. The perceived transformations in the pastoral system were primarily driven by population growth (4.81), land (4.76) and water shortage (4.29), adoption of cultivation (4.67), and climate change (3.78). The complex nature of pastoral development makes the isolation of root causes of transformation in the pastoral systems more difficult. The combined effects of the observed transitions and their drivers had been driving pastoralists into non-livestock-based livelihood strategies. Such diversification indicated that livestock alone would not sustainably maintain the livelihood of pastoralists. The intensification of livestock production is also being adopted by pastoralists as a coping strategy for the perceived transitions. The pastoral system needs to be supported by policies that are consistent with existing situations and future expectations. Therefore, an enabling policy environment considering livestock intensification and economic diversification need to put into place. However, a holistic understanding of a pastoral system and its transition and the likely trade-offs associated with different livelihood strategies in this system is a prerequisite. تفاصيل المقالة