• فهرس المقالات Gross Margin

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        1 - ارزش¬گذاری آب حاصل از طرح پخش سیلاب گربایگان فسا
        فردین بوستانی حمید محمدی ایمان نجفی
        اجرای طرح پخش سیلاب در منطقه گربایگان فسا منجر به بهبود قابل ملاحظه منابع آبی زیرزمینی منطقه شده است. به گونه ای که ظرفیت تأمین آب منطقه از 08/4 میلیون مترمکعب به بیش از 03/14 میلیون مترمکعب افزایش یافته است. البته در حال حاضر بیش از 9/26 میلیون مترمکعب از منابع آبی این أکثر
        اجرای طرح پخش سیلاب در منطقه گربایگان فسا منجر به بهبود قابل ملاحظه منابع آبی زیرزمینی منطقه شده است. به گونه ای که ظرفیت تأمین آب منطقه از 08/4 میلیون مترمکعب به بیش از 03/14 میلیون مترمکعب افزایش یافته است. البته در حال حاضر بیش از 9/26 میلیون مترمکعب از منابع آبی این منطقه استحصال می شود که فراتر از ظرفیت است. این مطالعه با هدف ارزیابی زیست محیطی این طرح صورت گرفته است. ارزش زیست محیطی حاصل از اجرای طرح برابر با ارزش آب تأمین شده توسط این طرح در نظر گرفته شد. ارزش گذاری آب نیز در دو قسمت مجزا صورت گرفت. به این ترتیب که ارزش اضافه برداشت مازاد بر ظرفیت طرح به طور مجزا و ارزش افزایش آب در دست رس ناشی از اجرای طرح تا سطح ظرفیت طرح به طور مجزا مورد ارزیابی قرار گرفت. ارزش اضافه برداشت با استفاده از دو روش تخمین تابع تقاضای تجویزی و محاسبه بازده ناخالص حاصل از اضافه برداشت مبتنی بر روش باقی مانده برآورد گردید. بر اساس روش اول قیمت هر مترمکعب اضافه برداشت شده بالغ بر 460 ریال به دست آمد و بر اساس روش تابع تقاضای تجویزی این ارزش 6/399 ریال به ازای هر متر مکعب آب به دست آمد. در حالی که قیمت آب در محدوده ظرفیت طرح بیش از 2770 ریال به ازای هر متر مکعب ارزیابی شد. بر اساس ارقام به دست آمده از روش باقی مانده منافع کل حاصل از آب اضافه برداشت شده 93/5 میلیارد ریال و ارزش آب حاصل از اجرای طرح در سطح ظرفیت طرح 57/27 میلیارد ریال برآورد گردید. همچنین مشخص گردید که ارزش آب تحت تأثیر سطح استفاده از آن قرار دارد. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        2 - Vegetable Production and the COVID-19 Lockdown
        Kafayat Belewu Hussein Ibrahim Sheriff Busari
        Due to various policies measures to curtail the virus, one of which was lockdown, the occurrence of COVID-19 had a negative impact on the nation's economy, especially the rural smallholder farmers. The study looked into how Covid-19 lockdowns affected Nigerian vegetable أکثر
        Due to various policies measures to curtail the virus, one of which was lockdown, the occurrence of COVID-19 had a negative impact on the nation's economy, especially the rural smallholder farmers. The study looked into how Covid-19 lockdowns affected Nigerian vegetable production. Descriptive statistics, budgetary approaches, multiple regression analysis, and a Likert scale were all used for the analysis. The findings show that most of vegetable growers in the research region were married women (88.33%). About 70% of respondents have completed at least their primary education. The multiple regression analysis results disclosed that number of extensions contact, farm size, market access and transportation cost were significantly affected the level of vegetable production with positive sign while household size had a negative effect on the vegetable production. The findings also showed that after the COVID-19 lockdown, vegetable production was extremely profitable in the study area, with an average gross margin of 82,836.04 that was statistically higher than the 60,709.97 gross margin generated from vegetable production during COVID-19 and the 71,234.91 gross margin generated prior to COVID-19. The constraints faced by vegetable farmers during the covid – 19 restrictions include: high cost of transportation, price fluctuation, and high cost of input, perishability of the produce and lack of improved seeds. It was concluded that Covid 19 pandemic has greater effect on vegetable production in the study areas تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        3 - Production Efficiency of Farmers under National Fadama II Project in Oyo State, Nigeria
        O.L Balogun A. Adeoye S.A Yusuf R.J Akinlade A. Carim-Sanni
        The study examines production efficiency of farmers under National Fadama-II Project in Oyo State Nigeria. Primary data were collected from two hundred and sixty-four farmers using multistage sampling technique. The analytical framework used for the study include: descr أکثر
        The study examines production efficiency of farmers under National Fadama-II Project in Oyo State Nigeria. Primary data were collected from two hundred and sixty-four farmers using multistage sampling technique. The analytical framework used for the study include: descriptive, infrastructure index, gross margin and stochastic frontier production function. Average infrastructural index in the area was 0.42. The gross margin for IDV was ₦445, 968.30 while for IUV for under-developed in Fadama villages is ₦357, 805.00. Gross margin was higher for Fadama II farmers than non Fadama-II farmers in IDV. The mean technical efficiency was 0.69 and 0.59 for Fadama and non-Fadama farmers respectively. The result showed that technical inefficiency of female Fadama-II farmers reduced by 0.19% while that of non-Fadama II farmers by 1.23%. Similarly, extension contact, marital status and infrastructural status reduced technical inefficiency of Fadama-II farmers by 2.8%, 0.3% and 2.6% respectively. Presence of infrastructure of Fadama-II project has imparted on efficiency of resource use among the beneficiary. There is therefore need to improve on Community Driven Development programme like Fadama-II and on coming Fadama-III project or any developmental project, so as to further impart more technical and economic knowledge to farmers. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        4 - Socio-Economic Determinants of Supply and Demand for Convenience Foods (Okpa, Moimoi and Meat Pie) in Lafia Urban of Nasarawa State, Nigeria
        E.G. Onuk C.N. Shailong B.A Beshi E.A. Adgidzi
        The study specifically described the socio-economic status of the people involved in the production, distribution and consumption of convenience foods in Lafia urban of Nasarawa State. It identified the factors that influence the entry into convenience food enterprise, أکثر
        The study specifically described the socio-economic status of the people involved in the production, distribution and consumption of convenience foods in Lafia urban of Nasarawa State. It identified the factors that influence the entry into convenience food enterprise, factors necessitating the demand and supply of the products and examined the costs and returns of three convenience foods. The data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics, inferential statistics (multiple regression analysis), the four point’s likert type scale and the enterprise gross margin. The major findings indicated that female producers of convenience foods were more than male producers, the multiple regression result on the effects of socio-economic characteristics of consumers on the amount of money spent on consumer foods revealed that R value is 0.697. This implied that 69.7% of the total variation in output (Y) is explained by the combined influences of the independent variables in the model. The gross margin enterprise revealed that the sale of convenience foods in Lafia metropolis is profitable. The study concluded by advocating for provision of credit facilities amongst others to producers and distributors of convenience foods with limited income. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        5 - Creating Sustainable Income through the Cashew Nuts Value Chain (Evidence from Ghana)
        Nicholas Oppong Mensah Richmond Anaman Kingsford Nyarko- Fordjour Samuel Afotey Anang Anthony Donkor Jacqueline Twintoh
        The study assessed the actors along the Cashew value chain and their influence in making the income derived from cashew sustainable. Primary data for the study were collected from 210 actors using a structured questionnaire. The gross margin and the Herfindahl-Hirschman أکثر
        The study assessed the actors along the Cashew value chain and their influence in making the income derived from cashew sustainable. Primary data for the study were collected from 210 actors using a structured questionnaire. The gross margin and the Herfindahl-Hirschman Index (HHI) were used to determine the revenue margin and market competitiveness (concentration) among the various actors along the cashew value chain. The results revealed that most of the actors were male and had between 6-10 years of experience in cashew production. Also, the actors’ resort to loans in financing their operations was an interest rate of 24%. Producers had the lowest net margin on revenue of 16.95%, and they indicated that fluctuation in pricing and bushfires were challenges faced in production. Purchasing clerks pointed out that inadequate storage facilities and the high cost of transportation were their challenges. Moreover, processors indicated that lack of government support, high interest on loans, and low demand for processed cashew nuts were their challenges. According to cashew nuts exporters, their significant challenges are high cost of transport and high cost of storage facilities. Furthermore, the Herfindahl-Hirschman index showed that the cashew industry in the study area was highly concentrated. The study recommended that government efforts should be focused on developing a cashew Development Board to enhance marketing and price regulation. تفاصيل المقالة