آخر اخبار المجلة
    International Journal of Finance, Accounting and Economics Studies ( علمي بحثي )
  • مقدمة في المجلة

    Editorial Team of IJFAES is Fortunate to Announce that the journal has achieved an A+ rating with a 90 in the latest ranking by the Publications Commission of the Islamic Azad University in the year 1402.

    Obtaining a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) is carried out by the international institution MEDRA. All articles published in this journal from the summer of 2023 onwards will be equipped with a DOI.

    “This journal is following of Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and complies with the highest ethical standards in accordance with ethical laws”

    To prevent plagiarism, this magazine should use the iranpaper system (click) to send a similarity report to the quarterly. َAuthors should notice thatthe similarity report they receive from lthenticate must be sent to the quarterly.

    Dear authors

    According to the article’s processing fee determined by ministry of Iran’s Science, Research and Technology, (No. 3112, dated 1400/1/23in solar hijri calendar), the authors have to pay 150,000 Tomans (Iran currecy) for initial review process, and additional payment as 350,000 Tomans. For accepted paper to publish in journal. (It should be pointed out that initial processing fee paid by authors, couldnot be teturned to the authors for rejected papers).



    المقالات الأكثر مشاهدة
    أوراق في انتظار النشر

    ابر واژگان

  • البريد الإلکتروني
    Email: abas.asadi@srbiau.ac.ir Address: Science and Research Branch, Daneshgah Blvd, Simon Bulivar Blvd, Tehran


    مفهرسات هذه المجلة

    إحصاء المقالات

    عدد الدورات 5
    عدد الأرقام 18
    المقالات المنشورة 101
    عدد المؤلفين 371
    آراء المقالة 8471
    عدد مرات تنزيل المقالات 3205
    عدد المقالات المقدمة 209
    عدد المقالات المرفوضة 69
    عدد المقالات المقبولة 115
    درصد پذیرش 48 %
    وقت تسجيل الدخول(یوم) 181
    عدد الحکم 70
    آخرین به روزرسانی 07/03/46