پروفسور مسعود هاشمی26 استاذ
masoud@umass.edu دکتوراه
گروه خاک و گیاه، دانشکده استاکبریج کشاورزی، کالج علوم طبیعی، دانشگاه ایالتی ماساچوست، آمهرست، آمریکاhttps://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=oT9jv3wAAAAJ&viewop=listworks&sortby=pubdate0000-0002-6126-4208<p><strong>Extension Professor<br />Graduate Program Director</strong></p> <h3>RESEARCH INTERESTS AND PROJECTS</h3> <p>My research activity is mainly focused on sustainability of farming systems through diversified cropping systems. I am specifically interested in integrating cover crops into farming systems to enhance nutrient recovery and recycling, weed suppression, and improving general soil health.&nbsp;&nbsp;My other research focus is pasture management including grazing systems and strategies to extend grazing season.</p> گروه خاک و گیاه، دانشکده استاکبریج کشاورزی، کالج علوم طبیعی، دانشگاه ایالتی ماساچوست، آمهرست، آمریکاhttps://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=oT9jv3wAAAAJ&viewop=listworks&sortby=pubdateExtension ProfessorGraduate Program Director RESEARCH INTERESTS AND PROJECTS My research activity is mainly focused on sustainability of farming systems through diversified cropping systems. I am specifically interested in integrating cover crops into farming systems to enhance nutrient recovery and recycling, weed suppression, and improving general soil health.&nbsp;&nbsp;My other research focus is pasture management including grazing systems and strategies to extend grazing season.
(413) 545-1843
(413) 545-1843
Website :
https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=oT9jv3wAAAAJ&viewop=listworks&sortby=pubdate0000-0002-6126-4208<p><strong>Extension Professor<br />Graduate Program Director</strong></p> <h3>RESEARCH INTERESTS AND PROJECTS</h3> <p>My research activity is mainly focused on sustainability of farming systems through diversified cropping systems. I am specifically interested in integrating cover crops into farming systems to enhance nutrient recovery and recycling, weed suppression, and improving general soil health.&nbsp;&nbsp;My other research focus is pasture management including grazing systems and strategies to extend grazing season.</p>