
  • باقرپور.مرتضی An ex ante control chart for project monitoring using earned duration management observations [ المجلد 14, العدد 4 - الخريف السنة 2018]
  • بشیری.مهدی Two phase genetic algorithm for vehicle routing and scheduling problem with cross-docking and time windows considering customer satisfaction [ المجلد 14, العدد 1 - شتاء السنة 2018]
  • بشیری.مهدی General form of a cooperative gradual maximal covering location problem [ المجلد 14, العدد 2 - ربيع السنة 2018]


  • جعفرزاده قوشچی.سعید Evaluation and selection of sustainable suppliers in supply chain using new GP-DEA model with imprecise data [ المجلد 14, العدد 3 - الصيف السنة 2018]
  • جوزدانی.جاوید MTBF evaluation for 2-out-of-3 redundant repairable systems with common cause and cascade failures considering fuzzy rates for failures and repair: a case study of a centrifugal water pumping system [ المجلد 14, العدد 2 - ربيع السنة 2018]


  • سید حسینی.سید محمد Optimization of rotor shaft shrink fit method for motor using “Robust design” [ المجلد 14, العدد 4 - الخريف السنة 2018]


  • فهیمی.کاوه Optimization of rotor shaft shrink fit method for motor using “Robust design” [ المجلد 14, العدد 4 - الخريف السنة 2018]