
  • دهقانپور.بهرام An Investigation of Writing Anxiety among Freshmen University Students in an EFL Context [ المجلد 3, العدد 1 - شتاء السنة 2024]


  • سیفوری.زهره Think-Pair-Share as a Formative Assessment Strategy: EFL Learners’ Reading Comprehension and Vocabulary Learning [ المجلد 3, العدد 1 - شتاء السنة 2024]


  • فتاحی پور.مجید Effects of Explicit Instruction of Metadiscourse Markers on Persuasive Writing Ability and the Learners’ Attitude towards Teaching Academic Writing with Online Modality [ المجلد 3, العدد 2 - ربيع السنة 2024]