
  • احمدی.وحید Determining the Cultural Tourism Side Walk in Payin Khiaban Neighborhood of Mashhad [ المجلد 3, العدد 2 - ربيع السنة 2020]
  • اعتصام.ایرج Geometrical Model of Relations among Patterns in Iranian Architecture [ المجلد 3, العدد 1 - شتاء السنة 2020]
  • اعتصام.ایرج Phenomenology of Perception as a Qualitative Methodology to Study Contemporary Architecture [ المجلد 3, العدد 2 - ربيع السنة 2020]
  • اعتصام.ایرج The Interaction between Heidegger's Philosophical Hermeneutics and Christian Norberg-Schulz's Architectural Language [ المجلد 3, العدد 2 - ربيع السنة 2020]
  • اعتصام.ایرج The Identification of the Elements Effective on the Resilient Design of Buildings against Fire [ المجلد 3, العدد 2 - ربيع السنة 2020]
  • امیری پویا.فایزه The Interaction between Heidegger's Philosophical Hermeneutics and Christian Norberg-Schulz's Architectural Language [ المجلد 3, العدد 2 - ربيع السنة 2020]


  • به نیا.به نام Redefinition of the Participation Process of the Architecture and the Child Based on Children’s Creative Thinking Abilities [ المجلد 3, العدد 2 - ربيع السنة 2020]
  • به نیا.به نام Investigating the Generalizability of Participatory Architecture Design Process Results Based on the Interpretation of Children's Drawings (Case study: Comparing the Drawings of Children of Bojnourd and the Villages of Zard and Khorramdeh-e Sharqi) [ المجلد 3, العدد 2 - ربيع السنة 2020]


  • جبروتی.احسان Phenomenological Reading of Dwelling; Explaining How Humans Find Dwelling in the World from Heidegger's Point of View [ المجلد 3, العدد 2 - ربيع السنة 2020]


  • حنایی.تکتم A Comparative Study of the Role of Integrated Urban Management in Local Economic Development: A Case Study of Iran and South Africa [ المجلد 3, العدد 1 - شتاء السنة 2020]
  • حنایی.تکتم The Effect of Covid-19 Disease on the Mental Health and Attendance of Urban Planning Students: A Case Study of Students of Islamic Azad University of Mashhad [ المجلد 3, العدد 2 - ربيع السنة 2020]
  • حنایی.تکتم The impact of using participatory planning in residential neighborhoods to achieve smart growth (case study: Isargaran neighborhood of mashhad) [ المجلد 3, العدد 1 - شتاء السنة 2020]
  • حنایی.تکتم The Impact of Urban microclimates on Environmental Comfort in Public open spaces (Case study: Fields at the end of Vakilabad, Mashhad) [ المجلد 3, العدد 1 - شتاء السنة 2020]


  • خیرالهی.مهران Phenomenological Reading of Dwelling; Explaining How Humans Find Dwelling in the World from Heidegger's Point of View [ المجلد 3, العدد 2 - ربيع السنة 2020]


  • ذبیحی.حسین Phenomenology of Perception as a Qualitative Methodology to Study Contemporary Architecture [ المجلد 3, العدد 2 - ربيع السنة 2020]


  • سعیدی مفرد.ساناز Identification and evaluation of physical indicators affecting emergency accommodation and safe places with physical resilience approach Case study: District 11 of Mashhad [ المجلد 3, العدد 1 - شتاء السنة 2020]
  • سعیدی مفرد.ساناز Social events and investigating their role in culture-led urban regeneration of the historical context using the method of structural equations. (Case study: Arg neighborhood of Mashhad) [ المجلد 3, العدد 2 - ربيع السنة 2020]
  • سلطانی فر.عاطفه Redefinition of the Participation Process of the Architecture and the Child Based on Children’s Creative Thinking Abilities [ المجلد 3, العدد 2 - ربيع السنة 2020]
  • سلطانی فر.عاطفه Investigating the Generalizability of Participatory Architecture Design Process Results Based on the Interpretation of Children's Drawings (Case study: Comparing the Drawings of Children of Bojnourd and the Villages of Zard and Khorramdeh-e Sharqi) [ المجلد 3, العدد 2 - ربيع السنة 2020]
  • سیدالحسینی.سید مسلم The impact of using participatory planning in residential neighborhoods to achieve smart growth (case study: Isargaran neighborhood of mashhad) [ المجلد 3, العدد 1 - شتاء السنة 2020]


  • صحاف.سید محمد خسرو Phenomenological Reading of Dwelling; Explaining How Humans Find Dwelling in the World from Heidegger's Point of View [ المجلد 3, العدد 2 - ربيع السنة 2020]


  • طالب علم.مهدی Evaluation of the Environmental Impact of Khurshid Park through Rapid Impact Assessment Matrix (RIAM) [ المجلد 3, العدد 1 - شتاء السنة 2020]
  • طبسی.محسن The Interaction between Heidegger's Philosophical Hermeneutics and Christian Norberg-Schulz's Architectural Language [ المجلد 3, العدد 2 - ربيع السنة 2020]
  • طبسی.محسن Privacy in the houses of eastern parts of Iran, during the transition period with an emphasis on the architecture of housing entrances [ المجلد 3, العدد 1 - شتاء السنة 2020]


  • عابدی.شیما An overview of urban planning experiences in Kuala Lumpur with emphasis on wayfinding [ المجلد 3, العدد 2 - ربيع السنة 2020]


  • فرکیش.هیرو Assessment of Social Interaction in Sense of Place: Rethinking the Design of Neighborhood Center in Urban space, Case study: Boshrooyeh City [ المجلد 3, العدد 1 - شتاء السنة 2020]
  • فرکیش.هیرو Determining the Cultural Tourism Side Walk in Payin Khiaban Neighborhood of Mashhad [ المجلد 3, العدد 2 - ربيع السنة 2020]
  • فرهادی نصب.فرانک The Role of the Ceilings with Folding Smart Shell in Creating Thermal Comfort (A Case Study of Redesigning an Educational Building in Mashhad) [ المجلد 3, العدد 1 - شتاء السنة 2020]


  • مظفری قادیکلائی.فاطمه The Role of the Ceilings with Folding Smart Shell in Creating Thermal Comfort (A Case Study of Redesigning an Educational Building in Mashhad) [ المجلد 3, العدد 1 - شتاء السنة 2020]
  • موسوی.سپیده Privacy in the houses of eastern parts of Iran, during the transition period with an emphasis on the architecture of housing entrances [ المجلد 3, العدد 1 - شتاء السنة 2020]