
  • اسحاقی.مجید Evaluating the Factors Affecting on Credit Ratings of Accepted Corporates in Tehran Securities Exchange by Using Factor Analysis and AHP [ المجلد 6, العدد 1 - شتاء السنة 2021]
  • اسدالهی.سید یحیی Modeling Liquidity Risk Management in Banking Using System Dynamics Approach [ المجلد 6, العدد 3 - الصيف السنة 2021]
  • اسلامی مفیدآبادی.حسین Oil Price estimating Under Dynamic Economic Models Using Markov Chain Monte Carlo Simulation Approach [ المجلد 6, العدد 3 - الصيف السنة 2021]
  • اسماعیلی.بهمن Higher moments portfolio Optimization with unequal weights based on Generalized Capital Asset pricing model with independent and identically asymmetric Power Distribution [ المجلد 6, العدد 2 - ربيع السنة 2021]
  • افلاطونی.عباس Earnings Manipulation and Adjustment Speed towards an Optimal Leverage [ المجلد 6, العدد 3 - الصيف السنة 2021]
  • امیدی.محسن Effect of the Financial Dominance of Financial Institutions on the Risk-taking Level of Managers [ المجلد 6, العدد 4 - الخريف السنة 2021]
  • امیری.علی Ranking the Efficiency and Soundness of Business Banks Using a Combined Method of Data Envelopment Analysis and Fuzzy VIKOR [ المجلد 6, العدد 3 - الصيف السنة 2021]
  • ایزدی خواه.محمد Financial Assessment of Banks and Financial Institutes in Stock Exchange by Means of an Enhanced Two stage DEA Model [ المجلد 6, العدد 2 - ربيع السنة 2021]


  • آذین فر.کاوه Stock price analysis using machine learning method(Non-sensory-parametric backup regression algorithm in linear and nonlinear mode) [ المجلد 6, العدد 2 - ربيع السنة 2021]


  • بادآور نهندی.یونس Explain and Prioritize Information Disclosure Factors related to Sustainable Development Accounting with Fuzzy Approach [ المجلد 6, العدد 4 - الخريف السنة 2021]
  • برادران حسن زاده.رسول Explain and Prioritize Information Disclosure Factors related to Sustainable Development Accounting with Fuzzy Approach [ المجلد 6, العدد 4 - الخريف السنة 2021]
  • بکی حسکویی.مرتضی An Algorithmic Trading system Based on Machine Learning in Tehran Stock Exchange [ المجلد 6, العدد 3 - الصيف السنة 2021]
  • بنی مهد.بهمن The Role of Earnings Management in Economic Growth and Corporate Growth Illusion [ المجلد 6, العدد 4 - الخريف السنة 2021]


  • پورزمانی.زهرا Ranking of Banks’ Risk Reporting Using Data Envelopment Analysis [ المجلد 6, العدد 4 - الخريف السنة 2021]
  • پویا.علیرضا An Integrated Entropy/VIKOR Model for Customer Clustering in Targeted Marketing Model Design (Case Study: IoT Technology Services Companies) [ المجلد 6, العدد 4 - الخريف السنة 2021]
  • پیرزادی.سمیه The Role of Financial Instruments and Derivatives Disclosure on the Excess Return and Company Value Based on Iran Accounting Standards [ المجلد 6, العدد 1 - شتاء السنة 2021]


  • تقی زاده.رضا Network Analysis of Interpersonal Relationships in Tehran Stock Exchange [ المجلد 6, العدد 1 - شتاء السنة 2021]


  • جباری نوقابی.مهدی Chaotic Test and Non-Linearity of Abnormal Stock Returns: Selecting an Optimal Chaos Model in Explaining Abnormal Stock Returns around the Release Date of Annual Financial Statements [ المجلد 6, العدد 2 - ربيع السنة 2021]
  • جبلی.نعیمه Presenting a New Bankruptcy Prediction Model Based on Adjusted Financial Ratios According to the General Price Index [ المجلد 6, العدد 4 - الخريف السنة 2021]
  • جرجرزاده.علیرضا Idiosyncratic Risk and Disclosure of Corporate Social Responsibility: Emphasizing the Role of Corporate Governance [ المجلد 6, العدد 1 - شتاء السنة 2021]
  • جعفری.علی The Role of Earnings Management in Theoretical Development and Improving the Efficiency of Accounting-Based Financial Distress Prediction Models [ المجلد 6, العدد 3 - الصيف السنة 2021]
  • جلالی.فاطمه To Study The Effect of Investor Protection on Future Stock Price Crash Risk [ المجلد 6, العدد 2 - ربيع السنة 2021]
  • جهانشاد.آزیتا Ranking of Banks’ Risk Reporting Using Data Envelopment Analysis [ المجلد 6, العدد 4 - الخريف السنة 2021]


  • چاوشانی.مجتبی The Role of Financial Instruments and Derivatives Disclosure on the Excess Return and Company Value Based on Iran Accounting Standards [ المجلد 6, العدد 1 - شتاء السنة 2021]


  • حاجیها.زهره Application of Resource-Based View Theory in Assessing of Efficiency of Companies Accepted in Tehran Stock Exchange by Data Envelopment Analysis [ المجلد 6, العدد 3 - الصيف السنة 2021]
  • حجازی.رضوان Financial Performance Evaluation of Companies Using Decision Trees Algorithm and Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Techniques with an Emphasis on Investor’s Risk-Taking Behavior [ المجلد 6, العدد 3 - الصيف السنة 2021]
  • حمیدیان.محسن An Investigation into the Effect of CEO’s Perceptual Biases on Investment Efficiency and Financing Constraints of the Iranian Listed Firms [ المجلد 6, العدد 1 - شتاء السنة 2021]
  • حیدرزاده هنزائی.علیرضا Investigating the Effect of Business Strategy and Stock Price Synchronicity on Stock Price Crash Risk [ المجلد 6, العدد 2 - ربيع السنة 2021]
  • حیدری.سید علی Identifying and Ranking the Factors Affecting Customer Financial Behavior Using Multi-Criteria Decision Making Technic (TOPSIS) [ المجلد 6, العدد 3 - الصيف السنة 2021]


  • خانمحمدی.محمدحامد Application of Resource-Based View Theory in Assessing of Efficiency of Companies Accepted in Tehran Stock Exchange by Data Envelopment Analysis [ المجلد 6, العدد 3 - الصيف السنة 2021]
  • خانمحمدی.محمدحامد Presenting a Model for Financial Reporting Fraud Detection using Genetic Algorithm [ المجلد 6, العدد 2 - ربيع السنة 2021]
  • خدادادی.ولی Idiosyncratic Risk and Disclosure of Corporate Social Responsibility: Emphasizing the Role of Corporate Governance [ المجلد 6, العدد 1 - شتاء السنة 2021]
  • خرمین.منوچهر Ranking the Efficiency and Soundness of Business Banks Using a Combined Method of Data Envelopment Analysis and Fuzzy VIKOR [ المجلد 6, العدد 3 - الصيف السنة 2021]
  • خوشرو.علیرضا Measuring Economic Efficiency of Kidney Bean Production using Non-Discretionary Data Envelopment Analysis [ المجلد 6, العدد 2 - ربيع السنة 2021]
  • خیرالهی.فرشید Modeling Liquidity Risk Management in Banking Using System Dynamics Approach [ المجلد 6, العدد 3 - الصيف السنة 2021]


  • داداشی.ایمان Stock price analysis using machine learning method(Non-sensory-parametric backup regression algorithm in linear and nonlinear mode) [ المجلد 6, العدد 2 - ربيع السنة 2021]
  • داداشی.ایمان Presenting a New Bankruptcy Prediction Model Based on Adjusted Financial Ratios According to the General Price Index [ المجلد 6, العدد 4 - الخريف السنة 2021]
  • داودی کسبی.علی اصغر Stock price analysis using machine learning method(Non-sensory-parametric backup regression algorithm in linear and nonlinear mode) [ المجلد 6, العدد 2 - ربيع السنة 2021]
  • دستگیر.محسن Identifying and Ranking the Factors Affecting Customer Financial Behavior Using Multi-Criteria Decision Making Technic (TOPSIS) [ المجلد 6, العدد 3 - الصيف السنة 2021]
  • دعائی.میثم Hybrid Multilayer Perceptron Neural Network with Grey Wolf Optimization for Predicting Stock Market Index [ المجلد 6, العدد 4 - الخريف السنة 2021]
  • دهدار.فرهاد Developing a Measurement Model for the Sensitivity Analysis of Asset Returns with Regard to Beta Index of Exchange Rate in the Context of the Modified Capital Asset Pricing Model [ المجلد 6, العدد 3 - الصيف السنة 2021]
  • دیانتی دیلمی.زهرا The Role of Earnings Management in Economic Growth and Corporate Growth Illusion [ المجلد 6, العدد 4 - الخريف السنة 2021]


  • رمضان زاده زیدی.عباس The Role of Earnings Management in Theoretical Development and Improving the Efficiency of Accounting-Based Financial Distress Prediction Models [ المجلد 6, العدد 3 - الصيف السنة 2021]
  • رنجبر.محمد حسین Ranking the Efficiency and Soundness of Business Banks Using a Combined Method of Data Envelopment Analysis and Fuzzy VIKOR [ المجلد 6, العدد 3 - الصيف السنة 2021]


  • زارع بهنمیری.محمدجواد Presenting a New Bankruptcy Prediction Model Based on Adjusted Financial Ratios According to the General Price Index [ المجلد 6, العدد 4 - الخريف السنة 2021]
  • زراعت کیش.یعقوب Financial Performance Evaluation of Companies Using Decision Trees Algorithm and Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Techniques with an Emphasis on Investor’s Risk-Taking Behavior [ المجلد 6, العدد 3 - الصيف السنة 2021]
  • زمانی مقدم.افسانه Predicting financial statement fraud using fuzzy neural networks [ المجلد 6, العدد 1 - شتاء السنة 2021]
  • زمردیان.غلامرضا An Algorithmic Trading system Based on Machine Learning in Tehran Stock Exchange [ المجلد 6, العدد 3 - الصيف السنة 2021]
  • زنجیردار.مجید Effect of Peer Performance, Future Competitive Performance, and Factors of Correlation with Peer Companies on Manipulation of Abnormal Real Operations [ المجلد 6, العدد 1 - شتاء السنة 2021]
  • زنجیردار.مجید Effect of the Financial Dominance of Financial Institutions on the Risk-taking Level of Managers [ المجلد 6, العدد 4 - الخريف السنة 2021]
  • زینالی.مهدی Explain and Prioritize Information Disclosure Factors related to Sustainable Development Accounting with Fuzzy Approach [ المجلد 6, العدد 4 - الخريف السنة 2021]


  • سبزعلی پور.فرشاد Using Contingency Approach to Improve Firms’ Financial Performance Forecasts [ المجلد 6, العدد 2 - ربيع السنة 2021]
  • سلطان پناه.هیرش Development of closed-loop supply chain mathematical model (cost-benefit-environmental effects) under uncertainty conditions by approach of genetic algorithm [ المجلد 6, العدد 2 - ربيع السنة 2021]
  • سوری.علی Higher moments portfolio Optimization with unequal weights based on Generalized Capital Asset pricing model with independent and identically asymmetric Power Distribution [ المجلد 6, العدد 2 - ربيع السنة 2021]
  • سیف‌الدینی.جلال Stock Option Pricing by Augmented Monte-Carlo Simulation models [ المجلد 6, العدد 4 - الخريف السنة 2021]


  • شاه ویسی.فرهاد Modeling Liquidity Risk Management in Banking Using System Dynamics Approach [ المجلد 6, العدد 3 - الصيف السنة 2021]


  • صالحی.اله کرم Idiosyncratic Risk and Disclosure of Corporate Social Responsibility: Emphasizing the Role of Corporate Governance [ المجلد 6, العدد 1 - شتاء السنة 2021]
  • صدیق بهزادی.شادان Optimization of the Black-Scholes Equation with the Numerical Method of Local Expansion to Minimize Risk Coverage [ المجلد 6, العدد 4 - الخريف السنة 2021]
  • صراف.فاطمه The power indexes of the CEO and the performance of the company under pressure based on product market competition [ المجلد 6, العدد 1 - شتاء السنة 2021]
  • صفری گرایلی.مهدی Comparability of Financial Reports and Negative Skewness of firm-Specific Monthly Returns: Evidence from Iranian firms [ المجلد 6, العدد 1 - شتاء السنة 2021]


  • طالب نیا.قدرت الله Ranking the Efficiency and Soundness of Business Banks Using a Combined Method of Data Envelopment Analysis and Fuzzy VIKOR [ المجلد 6, العدد 3 - الصيف السنة 2021]
  • طاهرآبادی.علی اصغر Modeling Liquidity Risk Management in Banking Using System Dynamics Approach [ المجلد 6, العدد 3 - الصيف السنة 2021]


  • عباسی استمال.محمد رضا Explain and Prioritize Information Disclosure Factors related to Sustainable Development Accounting with Fuzzy Approach [ المجلد 6, العدد 4 - الخريف السنة 2021]
  • عباسی.ابراهیم Oil Price estimating Under Dynamic Economic Models Using Markov Chain Monte Carlo Simulation Approach [ المجلد 6, العدد 3 - الصيف السنة 2021]
  • عباسیان نقنه.سلمان The Effect of JCPOA on the Network Behavior Analysis of Tehran Stock Exchange Indexes [ المجلد 6, العدد 3 - الصيف السنة 2021]
  • عبدلی.محمدرضا Developing a Measurement Model for the Sensitivity Analysis of Asset Returns with Regard to Beta Index of Exchange Rate in the Context of the Modified Capital Asset Pricing Model [ المجلد 6, العدد 3 - الصيف السنة 2021]
  • علی‌آبادی.مجید The power indexes of the CEO and the performance of the company under pressure based on product market competition [ المجلد 6, العدد 1 - شتاء السنة 2021]
  • علیزاده.رضا Developing a Measurement Model for the Sensitivity Analysis of Asset Returns with Regard to Beta Index of Exchange Rate in the Context of the Modified Capital Asset Pricing Model [ المجلد 6, العدد 3 - الصيف السنة 2021]


  • غفاری آشتیانی.پیمان Factors Affecting Stock Prices Regarding Uncertainty and Asymmetric Information in Tehran Stock Exchange [ المجلد 6, العدد 3 - الصيف السنة 2021]
  • غیابی.حمیدرضا Effect of Peer Performance, Future Competitive Performance, and Factors of Correlation with Peer Companies on Manipulation of Abnormal Real Operations [ المجلد 6, العدد 1 - شتاء السنة 2021]


  • فتحی واجارگاه.کیانوش Oil Price estimating Under Dynamic Economic Models Using Markov Chain Monte Carlo Simulation Approach [ المجلد 6, العدد 3 - الصيف السنة 2021]
  • فغانی ماکرانی.خسرو The Role of Earnings Management in Theoretical Development and Improving the Efficiency of Accounting-Based Financial Distress Prediction Models [ المجلد 6, العدد 3 - الصيف السنة 2021]
  • فلاح شمس لیالستانی.میر فیض Evaluating the Factors Affecting on Credit Ratings of Accepted Corporates in Tehran Securities Exchange by Using Factor Analysis and AHP [ المجلد 6, العدد 1 - شتاء السنة 2021]
  • فیض اللهی.صادق Development of closed-loop supply chain mathematical model (cost-benefit-environmental effects) under uncertainty conditions by approach of genetic algorithm [ المجلد 6, العدد 2 - ربيع السنة 2021]


  • کعب عمیر.احمد Idiosyncratic Risk and Disclosure of Corporate Social Responsibility: Emphasizing the Role of Corporate Governance [ المجلد 6, العدد 1 - شتاء السنة 2021]
  • کیقبادی.امیررضا Optimization of the Black-Scholes Equation with the Numerical Method of Local Expansion to Minimize Risk Coverage [ المجلد 6, العدد 4 - الخريف السنة 2021]


  • لطف اله همدانی.محمد حسین Identifying and Ranking the Factors Affecting Customer Financial Behavior Using Multi-Criteria Decision Making Technic (TOPSIS) [ المجلد 6, العدد 3 - الصيف السنة 2021]


  • محمدی.اسفندیار Using Contingency Approach to Improve Firms’ Financial Performance Forecasts [ المجلد 6, العدد 2 - ربيع السنة 2021]
  • محمدی.اسفندیار The Effect of Macroeconomic Variables on Stock Portfolio Performance Based on Traditional and Modern Network [ المجلد 6, العدد 3 - الصيف السنة 2021]
  • محمدی.محمود Presenting a Model for Financial Reporting Fraud Detection using Genetic Algorithm [ المجلد 6, العدد 2 - ربيع السنة 2021]
  • محمدی.یادگار The Effect of Macroeconomic Variables on Stock Portfolio Performance Based on Traditional and Modern Network [ المجلد 6, العدد 3 - الصيف السنة 2021]
  • مردای.زهرا Application of Resource-Based View Theory in Assessing of Efficiency of Companies Accepted in Tehran Stock Exchange by Data Envelopment Analysis [ المجلد 6, العدد 3 - الصيف السنة 2021]
  • مسلمی.آذر Ranking of Banks’ Risk Reporting Using Data Envelopment Analysis [ المجلد 6, العدد 4 - الخريف السنة 2021]
  • مهرآذین.علیرضا Chaotic Test and Non-Linearity of Abnormal Stock Returns: Selecting an Optimal Chaos Model in Explaining Abnormal Stock Returns around the Release Date of Annual Financial Statements [ المجلد 6, العدد 2 - ربيع السنة 2021]
  • مهرگاه.محمدرضا An Entropy/TOPSIS based Model for Financial prioritization of professional ethics teaching methods in accounting [ المجلد 6, العدد 4 - الخريف السنة 2021]
  • موسی نژاد.سامان Using Contingency Approach to Improve Firms’ Financial Performance Forecasts [ المجلد 6, العدد 2 - ربيع السنة 2021]
  • میرجمالی مهرآبادی.منیرالسادات Factors Affecting Stock Prices Regarding Uncertainty and Asymmetric Information in Tehran Stock Exchange [ المجلد 6, العدد 3 - الصيف السنة 2021]
  • میرلوحی.سید مجتبی Higher moments portfolio Optimization with unequal weights based on Generalized Capital Asset pricing model with independent and identically asymmetric Power Distribution [ المجلد 6, العدد 2 - ربيع السنة 2021]


  • ناظمی.امین Network Analysis of Interpersonal Relationships in Tehran Stock Exchange [ المجلد 6, العدد 1 - شتاء السنة 2021]
  • نجفی زاده.عباس Factors Affecting Stock Prices Regarding Uncertainty and Asymmetric Information in Tehran Stock Exchange [ المجلد 6, العدد 3 - الصيف السنة 2021]
  • نفری.ندا The Role of Earnings Management in Economic Growth and Corporate Growth Illusion [ المجلد 6, العدد 4 - الخريف السنة 2021]
  • نوراله زاده.نوروز An Investigation into the Effect of CEO’s Perceptual Biases on Investment Efficiency and Financing Constraints of the Iranian Listed Firms [ المجلد 6, العدد 1 - شتاء السنة 2021]
  • نیکومرام.هاشم The Role of Earnings Management in Economic Growth and Corporate Growth Illusion [ المجلد 6, العدد 4 - الخريف السنة 2021]