MXene-based Nanostructures for Water Splitting Process Using the Density Functional Theory
Alireza Rastkar Ebrahimzadeh
Department of Physics, Faculty of Basic Sciences, Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University, Tabriz, Iran
Sima Rastegar
Department of Physics, Faculty of Basic Sciences, Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University, Tabriz, Iran
Jaber Jahanbin Sardroodi
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Basic Sciences, Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University, Tabriz, Iran
الکلمات المفتاحية: DFT, Photocatalyst, Water splitting, MXene, Hybrid Functional,
ملخص المقالة :
Solar energy reserving and conversion into usable chemical energy with semiconductor photocatalysts help a promising method to solve both energy and environmental issues. Green and efficient energy technologies are crucial where nanoscience could change the paradigm shift from fossil fuels to renewable sources. One of the most attractive cases is solar energy utilization to earn electricity or chemical fuel based on semiconductor nanomaterials ability to function as photocatalysts promoting various oxidation and reduction reactions under sunlight. Recently, two-dimensional (2D) materials have attracted particular focus because of their charming properties. We report on a novel class of two-dimensional photocatalysts for hydrogen generation via water splitting. In this paper, by Density Functional Theory (DFT) calculations, we investigated Hf2CO2 as two-dimensional transition metal carbides, referred to as MXene, to understand its photocatalytic properties. Using this method, we theoretically investigated the structural, electronic, and optical properties of MXene-based nanostructures such as Hf2CO2 that calculated using GGA-PBE and HSE06 functionals. The lattice constant for GGA-PBE functional for Hf2CO2 is 3.3592A°. The calculated band gaps for GGA-PBE and HSE06 functionals for two-dimensional Hf2CO2 MXene were 0.92 and 1.75 eV, respectively. This MXene-based nanostructure also exhibits excellent optical absorption performance. Hence, Hf2CO2 is a promising photocatalytic material.
MXene-based Nanostructures for Water Splitting Process Using the Density Functional Theory
Solar energy reserving and conversion into usable chemical energy with semiconductor photocatalysts help a promising method to solve both energy and environmental issues. Green and efficient energy technologies are crucial where nanoscience could change the paradigm shift from fossil fuels to renewable sources. One of the most attractive cases is solar energy utilization to earn electricity or chemical fuel based on semiconductor nanomaterials' ability to function as photocatalysts promoting various oxidation and reduction reactions under sunlight. Recently, two-dimensional (2D) materials have attracted particular focus because of their charming properties. We report on a novel class of two-dimensional photocatalysts for hydrogen generation via water splitting. In this paper, by Density Functional Theory (DFT) calculations, we investigated Hf2CO2 as two-dimensional transition metal carbides, referred to as MXene, to understand its photocatalytic properties. Using this method, we theoretically investigated the structural, electronic, and optical properties of MXene-based nanostructures such as Hf2CO2 that calculated using GGA-PBE and HSE06 functionals. The lattice constant for GGA-PBE functional for Hf2CO2 is 3.3592A°. The calculated band gaps for GGA-PBE and HSE06 functionals for two-dimensional Hf2CO2 MXene were 0.92 and 1.75 eV, respectively. This MXene-based nanostructure also exhibits excellent optical absorption performance. Hence, Hf2CO2 is a promising photocatalytic material.
Keywords: MXene; Photocatalyst; Water Splitting; DFT; Hybrid Functional
The escalating consumption of fossil fuels has driven the development of energy generation methods to increase sustainability and reduce negative effects on the environment [1,2]. Nowadays, the much consumption of fossil fuels (natural gas, coal, oil, etc.) by population growth and continuous improvement of living standards have dramatically enhanced the world's demand for green energy. The large intake of fossil fuels has led to huge carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and global environmental challenges. Hence, various research groups are efforting to find stable ways by using various strategies, such as solar energy, hydropower, wind energy, geothermal energy, and biomass energy [3–8]. Solar energy is considered one of the most promising options due to its ultimately unlimited supply. While natural photosynthesis is a biochemical process to transform sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide into carbohydrates and oxygen with very high efficiency, artificial photosynthesis is a human-made chemical process that biomimics the natural process of photosynthesis for catching and storing the energy from sunlight in the chemical bonds of solar fuels [9–14]. Photocatalytic water splitting and light-driven carbon dioxide reduction are two important applications. For the past decades, various materials (organic, inorganic) have been designed for these purposes, such as graphene [15], TiO2 [16], WO3 [17], ABO3 [18], Fe2O3 [19], WS2 [20], MoS2 [21], Bi2O3 [22] and BiVO4 [23] etc. However, all these materials have some deficiencies, such as improper band gap or band edge positions, limited visible-light response, larger electronic defect density, and small surface area. Therefore, it is crucial to identify materials or a design strategy to overcome these deficiencies towards overall high efficiency for practical civil applications [24,25].
Photocatalytic water splitting can play an essential role in future renewable energy systems by presentation a way to directly convert solar energy into chemical energy in the form of hydrogen [26,27]. There are three steps in the process of water splitting using a semiconductor photocatalyst:
(1) Light absorption, resulting in electrons in the valence band is excited into the conduction band when a photon with energy major than the semiconductor's band gap energy is absorbed.
(2) Separation and diffusion of the photo-excited electrons and holes to the surface.
(3) The holes and electrons reduce surface reactions in which water oxidized and protons, respectively, to produce O2 and H2 [28,29].
The photocatalytic water splitting process involves the generation of electrons and holes by photocatalysts through absorbing solar energy, the migration of the generated electrons and holes to the semiconductor surface, and the redox reaction of water to form H2 and O2 on the surface. In order to achieve these three steps, an ideal photocatalyst should meet the requirements of:
(1) A primary requirement for a suitable photocatalyst is that the conduction band minimum (CBM) should be higher (more negative) than the hydrogen reduction potential (H+/H2) and the valence band maximum (VBM) should be lower (more positive) than the water oxidation potential (H2O/O2) [30]. (2) Second, the smallest band gap for a semiconductor to be used as a photocatalyst is 1.23 eV.
Due to the wide range of applications of 2D nanomaterials in materials science, including energy storage [34], sensing [35], catalysis [36], and electronic devices [37] like field-effect transistors [38], caused to the 2D materials identify as a considerable research field. Recently, a new family of 2D materials has emerged known as MXenes. MXenes are a new family of 2D transition metal carbides/nitrides produced by selective chemical etching of "A" from MAX phases, where M is a transition metal, A is an IIIA or IVA element, and X is C or N [39]. Hydrogen produced by the direct splitting of water via a semiconductor photocatalyst under sunlight is considered an alternative energy resource to fossil fuels and a promising solution to severe environmental problems [40].
MXenes has highly regarded by researchers all over the world for its specific features. Currently, the potential of MXenes is due to their use as electrodes for supercapacitors [41], Li–S batteries [42], and Li-, Na- and K-ion batteries [43, 44]. All the MXenes are metals with a high electron density near the Fermi level [45]. Hence, all properties of MXenes could also be modified by surface functionalization [46-48]. Therefore, such materials convert from a metallic state to a semiconductor state due to surface functionalization by O or F groups. Also, the band gap can be tailored by surface functionalization [46, 47].
Band gap engineering is an essential technology for designing new materials and devices for semiconducting, optoelectronic, and optical applications [49, 50].
2D materials have two desirable advantages for water splitting: they have large surface active sites for photocatalytic reactions. The other is the thin layer allowing photogenerated electrons and holes to migrate rapidly, decreasing the possibility of electron-hole recombination and increasing the quantum yield [51-55].
In this paper, we study two-dimensional Hf2CO2 nanostructure from the family of MXenes. An important aim in our research is to study methods to discover photocatalyst for the water-splitting process. For this purpose, we calculate the structural, electronic, and optical properties of Hf2CO2 MXene, and using these properties, we find that it is a suitable and promising photocatalyst for the water-splitting process. For this work, we use the Vienna ab initio simulation package (VASP). Since the GGA-PBE always underestimates the band gap while a computationally more expensive Heyd–Scuseria– Ernzerhof (HSE06) hybrid functional [56] has been proven to provide accurate values agreeing well with experiments in a vast variety of systems.
The computational studies based on Density Functional Theory (DFT) in conjunction with projector augmented wave (PAW) potentials, as implemented in the Vienna ab initio simulation package (VASP) [57], which includes hybrid methods. Hybrid procedures generally increase the precision of computed band gaps compared with pure DFT computations [58]. The k-points of 11*11*1 and 13*13*1 were automatically generated by the Monkhorst–Pack scheme [59] used for structural optimization and static self-consistent calculations, respectively. The cut-off energy is set to be 520 eV. The optical absorption properties of the 2D semiconductor photocatalyst were studied using the calculation of dielectric constants () at a given frequency. For this purpose, we used the Heyd-Scuseria-Ernzerhof (HSE06) hybrid functional with 11*11*1 k-point mesh. The atomic structures were analyzed by using the VESTA code.
Among the two-dimensional MXene-based nanostructures with a hexagonal lattice, we can mention Hf2CO2. In this two-dimensional nanostructure, the C atom sandwiched between two layers of transition metal atoms functionalized with oxygen, shown in Fig. 1. The model shown in Fig. 1 is the most stable configuration after optimized geometry for the top (Fig. 1(a)) and side (Fig. 1(b)) views for two-dimensional MXene nanostructure, which is functionalized with oxygen.
Fig. 1. (a) Top and (b) side views of the most stable configurations for two-dimensional Hf2CO2 MXene.
Fig. 2. Energy diagram based on unit cell volume for two-dimensional Hf2CO2 MXene and fitted curve.
To calculate the lattice parameter of Hf2CO2, corresponding simulated unit cells were optimized. Calculating the total energy of optimized primitive unit cells at different lattice parameters around the equilibrium lattice parameter and fitting the data with the Murnaghan equation of state [16], the obtained value of the equilibrium lattice parameter together with other theoretical result has been shown in Tabel 1. Fig. 2 shows the energy diagram based on unit cell volume for two-dimensional Hf2CO2 MXene and its fitted curve using the Birch-Murnaghan equation. This process was performed to obtain the best lattice constant for the structure two-dimensional Hf2CO2 MXene. The optimized lattice constant for Hf2CO2 using the GGA-PBE is 3.3592, which is in excellent agreement with experimental and theoretical works [60]. The bond length for two-dimensional Hf2CO2 MXene is indicated in Table 2.
Table 1. Lattice parameter for two-dimensional Hf2CO2 MXene.