The Relationship between the Exploitation of New Communication Technologies and the Tendency to Addiction in Young People 15 to 30 Years (about: Zones 2 and 18 in Tehran
الموضوعات :
Seyed Reza Naqib Al-Sadat
Mahsa Ghane
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الکلمات المفتاحية: Addiction, Internet, Satellite, Communication technologies, social pathology,
ملخص المقالة :
The aim of this research is to evaluate the relationship between use of new communication technology (internet and satellite) and tendency toward social pathology(addiction).The results are based on survey methods and questionnaire techniques which asked amongst 400 people in a range 15-30 years old. In order to analyze the statistical data, Pearson's correlation test and Man-Whitney and structural equation model was used. This research indicates that there is a meaningful relation between communication technology and addiction. Man-Vitny comparison examination is used for data analyzing between two regions. The results show the obtained correlation function is precise with 95% confidence interval. Based on structural equations model, the variable which gets more weight in this relation is how to use the communication technologies.
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