A Study on the Frequency of Occurrence and Usage of Anglicism in Speech of Young Iranian Telegram Users
الموضوعات :داوود مشهدی حیدر 1 , رضا ملاحسینی 2 , معصومه عصایی 3
1 - Department of TEFL, Tonekabon Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tonekabon, Iran
2 - phd student
3 - Department of TEFL, Tonekabon Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tonekabon, Iran
الکلمات المفتاحية: Social Networking, Loanwords, Lexical borrowing, Anglicism,
ملخص المقالة :
This paper investigates the frequency of occurrence of English borrowed words in terms of three variables of age, gender, and educational status. To do so, a corpus including the extant files of participants in a target group of telegram social networking was selected and analyzed. The quantitative study of the data shows that the occurrence of the loanwords is much more frequent in the speech of both youngster and highly educated telegram users. The results indicated that Persian speakers' tendency to employ more Anglicism in particular functional domains can be justified in terms of gender differentiation. In short, the results of this study highlights that Telegram social networking inter alia expedites the ongoing process of loan word influx into Persian language.
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