سالمندان و فعالیتهای فیزیکی: یک روش کیفی
الموضوعات :
محمد مصطفی عبدی
محمد عباس زاده
کمال کوهی
1 - کارشناسیارشد پژوهش اجتماعی دانشگاه تبریز ، ایران (نویسنده مسئول)
2 - استاد ، گروه علوم اجتماعی ، دانشگاه تبریز ، ایران
3 - دانشیار ،دانشکده علوم اجتماعی دانشگاه تبریز، ایران
الکلمات المفتاحية: وضعیت سلامت جسمانی/ فیزیکی, رویکرد پدیدارشناسی تفسیری, سالمندان شهر تبریز, مصاحبه نیمه ساخت یافته, تکنیک تثلیث,
ملخص المقالة :
چکیدههدف از این تحقیق شناسایی وضعیت سلامت جسمانی/ فیزیکی در بین سالمندان شهر تبریز میباشد. روش تحقیق مورد استفاده در این پژوهش کیفی بود. در این تحقیق، از ابزار مصاحبه نیمه ساخت یافته به منظور جمعآوری دادهها استفاده گردید. به منظور تجزیه و تحلیل داده ها، از روش پدیدارشناسی تفسیری استفاده شد. جامعه آماری تحقیق حاضر شامل سالمندان شهر تبریز میباشد. نمونه با روش نمونه گیری هدفمند انتخاب گردیدند. به عنوان حجم نمونه آماری تحقیق با 15 نفر از سالمندان در مناطق مختلف شهر تبریز مصاحبه به عمل آمد. در این تحقیق برای احراز قابلیت اعتبار یافتههای تحقیق حاصل از مصاحبهها از تکنیک تثلیث، و نیز تکنیک کسب اطلاعات دقیق موازی و ارائهی تحلیلهای داده ای و نتایج آن به متخصصان امر استفاده شد. نتایج تحقیق حاضر نشان می دهد که عوامل مهم و تاثیر گذار بر محدود سازی فعالیتهای فیزیکی سالمندان شامل مشکلات جسمی، مشکلات روانشناختی، مشکلات جنسی، رضایت مندی از شرایط زندگی و حمایت خانوادگی می باشند.
Ahmadi, N. (2004). Different theories on aging. Neshat-e-Varzesh, 1 (3), 37-46.
Asadi, L. (2006). Sexual rights; disturbance and deviation in the laws of the subject, Nedaye Sadegh, Vol. 11, no. 43, pp: 36-61.
Bani, N.A., Zaki Hassan, M., Kaidi, H., Mohd Hashim, N. F., Dziyauddin, R.A., Musa, R. Suhot, A. (2018). Assessment of Health Status of the Elderly and Pre-elderly at a Malaysia Elderly Care Centre.Int. J. of Integrated Engineering, 10 (7), 10-22.
Baoli Bahmani, F. (2016). Sociological explanation of successful aging (Case study: the elderly of Tabriz), Master Thesis in Social Sciences Research, University of Tabriz.
Bidaurrazaga-Letona, I., Esain, I., Gil, S.M., & Rodriguez-Larrad, A. (2017). Health-related quality of life, handgrip strength and falls during detraining in elderly habitual exercisers. Health and quality of life outcomes, 15, 226.
Cadore, E.L., & Izquierdo, M. (2018). Muscle power training: A hallmark for muscle function retaining in frail clinical setting. J. Am. Med. Dir. Assoc, 19, 190–192.
Cadore, E.L., Pinto, R.S., Reischak-Oliveira, Á., & Izquierdo, M. (2018). Explosive type of contractions should not be avoided during resistance training in elderly. Exp. Gerontol, 102, 81–83.
Casas-Herrero, A., Anton-Rodrigo, I., Zambom-Ferraresi, F., Sáez De Asteasu, M.L., Martinez-Velilla, N., Elexpuru-Estomba, J.; Marin-Epelde, I.; Ramon-Espinoza, F.; Petidier-Torregrosa, R.; Sanchez-Sanchez, J.L. (2019). E_ect of a multicomponent exercise programme (VIVIFRAIL) on functional capacity in frail community elders with cognitive decline: Study protocol for a randomized multicentre control trial. Trials, 20, 1–12
Cederholm, T., Barazzoni, R., Austin, P., Ballmer, P., Nutrition, G.B.-C. (2017). Undefined ESPEN Guidelines on Definitions and Terminology of Clinical Nutrition; Elsevier: Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Chenari, M. (2007). Comparison of Husserl, Heidegger and Gadamer with methodological benchmark. Journal of Philosophical-Theological Research, 34, 113-138.
Depp CA, Jeste DV. (2006). Definitions and predictors of successful aging: a comprehensive review of larger quantitative studies. Am J Geriatr Psychiatry, 14:6-20.
Drenthe, Jean-Philippe (2014). Existentialist aesthetics. Translated by Hoda Nedayifard, Tehran: Gognus.
Fernández-García, A.I., Gómez-Cabello, A., Moradell, A., Navarrete-Villanueva, D. (2020). How to Improve the Functional Capacity of Frail and Pre-Frail Elderly People? Health, Nutritional Status and Exercise Intervention. The EXERNET-Elder 3.0 Project. Sustainability, 12, 6246; doi: 10.3390/su12156246.
Franceschi, C., Garagnani, P., Morsiani, C., Conte, M., Santoro, A. (2018). The continuum of aging and age-related diseases: common mechanisms but different rates. Front Med (Lausanne), 5: 61.
-Goli, M. (2016). Investigating the relationship between spiritual health of successful elderly in the elderly in Tehran. Master Thesis, Department of Nursing, University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences.
Heydari, S.; Mohammad Gholizadeh, L.; Asadollahi, F.; Abedini, Z. (2011). Assessing the health status of the elderly in Qom. Journal of Qom University of Medical Sciences, 7 (4), 71-80.
Hofheinz, M., & Mibs, M. (2016). The prognostic validity of the timed up and go test with a dual task for predicting the risk of falls in the elderly. Gerontol. Geriatr. Med, 2, 233372141663779
Holliday, R. (2012). Telomeres and telomerase: the commitment theory of cellular ageing revisited.Science Progress, 95(2), 199-205 doi: 10.3184/003685012X13361526995348
Iman, M.T (2011). Qualitative research methodology. Qom: Research Center and University.
Jakovljevic, D.G. (2018). Physical activity and cardiovascular aging Physiological and molecular insights. Exp Gerontol, 109, 67-74.
Karimi, T.; Noji, E.; Iranmanesh, S. (2013). Comparison of life satisfaction in the elderly living in homes with the elderly living in nursing homes in Isfahan, Quarterly Journal of Nursing, Vol. 1, no. 1, pp: 43-54.
Lau, H., Ludin, M., Arimi Fitri, R., Fadilah Nor, S. (2017). The Association between Physical Fitness with Successful Ageing and Risk of Cognitive Impairment among Malaysian Older Adults, Jurnal Sains Kesihatan Malaysia, 15(2), 97-102. DOI: http://dx.doi.org./10.17576/JSKM-2017-1502-13.
Lin, P-S., Hsieh, C-C., Cheng, H-S., Tseng, T-J., & Su, S-C. (2016). Association between Physical Fitness and Successful Aging in Taiwanese Older Adults. PLoS ONE, 11(3), e0150389. doi:10.1371/journal.
López-Rodríguez, C., Laguna, M., Gómez-Cabello, A., Gusi, N., Espino, L., Villa, G., Pedrero-Chamizo, R., Casajus, J.A., Ara, I., & Aznar, S. (2017). Validation of the self-report EXERNET questionnaire for measuring physical activity and sedentary behavior in elderly. Arch. Gerontol. Geriatr, 69, 156–161.
Marijuán, P.C., Montero-Marín, J., Navarro, J., García-Campayo, J., Del Moral, R. (2017). The “sociotype” construct: Gauging the structure and dynamics of human sociality. PLoS ONE, 12, e0189568.
McPhee, J.S., French, D.P., Jackson, D., Nazroo, J., Pendleton, N. (2016). Physical activity in older age: perspectives for healthy ageing and frailty. Biogerontology 17: 567-580.
Mendes, F.R. (2013). Activeaging: Arightoraduty? Health Sociology Review, 22,174–185.
Miri, M.R.; Salehinia, H.; Teyuri, H.; Behlgerdi, M.; Taghizadeh, A.A.(2014). Prevalence of mental disorders and related factors in the elderly in Birjand, Quarterly Journal of Elderly Nursing, Vol. 2, no. 2, pp: 94-103.
-Mohammadpour, N. (2015). Violence against women and its related factors (Case study: married women in Tabriz), PhD thesis, Faculty of Law and Social Sciences, University of Tabriz.
Mok, A., Khaw, K.T., Luben, R., Wareham, N., Brage, S. (2019). Physical activity trajectories and mortality: population based cohort study. BMJ, 365: l2323.
-Moradi Parandjani, H.; Sadeghi, S. (2014). Phenomenology: A philosophical, interpretive, and methodological approach to entrepreneurship studies. Bi-Quarterly Journal of Religious Methodology Studies, 1 (2), 62-76.
National Academies (US). (2008). Keck Futures Initiative. Conference. Future of Human Healthspan Demography, Evolution, Medicine, and Bioengineering: Task Force Group Summaries: The National Academies Keck Futures Initiative. Washington, DC:National Academies Press.
Nejati, V.; Kurdi, R.; Shoaei, F. (2009). Factors affecting physical activity in the elderly in District 7 of Tehran. Salmand, 4 (4), 52-58.
Notthoff, N., Reisch, P., & Gerstorf, D. (2017). Individual Characteristics and Physical Activity in Older Adults: A Systematic Review. Gerontology, 63:443–459 DOI: 10.1159/000475558.
O'Brien, M.W., Johns, J.A., Dorey, T.W., Frayne, R.J., Fowles, J.R. (2019). Meeting international aerobic physical activity guidelines is associated with enhanced cardio-vagal baro reflex sensitivity in healthy older adults. Clin Auton Res, 30: 139-148.
Papadaki, A., Johnson, L., Toumpakari, Z., England, C., Rai, M., Toms, S., Penfold, C., Zazpe, I., Martínez-González, M.A., & Feder, G. (2018). Validation of the English version of the 14-item mediterranean diet adherence screener of the PREDIMED study, in people at high cardiovascular risk in the UK. Nutrients, 10, 138.
Papathanasiou, G., Mitsiou, G., Stamou, M., Stasi, S., Mamali, A. (2020). Impact of Physical Activity on Heart Rate, Blood Pressure and Rate-Pressure Product in Healthy Elderly. Health Sci J. 14, (2): 712, 1-7.
Pourjafar, M.R.; Tagvaei, A.; Bemanian, M. R.; Sadeghi, A.; Ahmadi, F. (2006). Presenting environmental ideas affecting the formation of public spaces encouraging successful aging with emphasis on the preferences of the elderly in Shiraz, Salmand (Iranian Journal of Aging), Vol. 5, no. 15, Spring, pp: 22-24.
Reimers, A.K., Knapp, G., Reimers, C.D. (2018). Effects of exercise on the resting heart rate: a systematic review and meta-analysis of interventional studies. J Clin Med, 7: E503.
Reyahe, M.; Ali Verdinia, A.; Pourhossein, S.Z. (2010). A Study of the relationship between social support and mental health, Social Welfare Quarterly, Vol. 10, no.39, pp: 85-121.
Rodriguez-Larrad, A., Arrieta, H.; Rezola, C.; Kortajarena, M.; Yanguas, J.J.; Iturburu, M.; Susana, M.G.; Irazusta, J. E. (2017). Effectiveness of a multicomponent exercise program in the attenuation of frailty in long-term nursing home residents: Study protocol for a randomized clinical controlled trial. BMC Geriatr, 17, 60.
Sadegh Moghadam, L.; Delshad Noghabi, A.; Nazari, S.; Eshghizadeh, M.; Chopanvafa, F. (2014). Satisfaction with the life of the elderly, the role of perceived social support, Journal of Sabzevar University of Medical Sciences, Vol. 22, no. 6, pp: 1043-1051.
Salimi, M.; Sharafi, R.(2015). Investigating the structure and dimensions of qualitative phenomenological research method. Conference on Humanities, Psychology and Social Sciences.
Shirani, M., Kheirabadi, G., Sharifirad, G., Keshvari, M. (2019). The Effect of Education Program on Health Promotion Behavior on Successful Aging, Iranian Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Research, 234-239, DOI: 10.4103/ijnmr.IJNMR_31_15.
Simundic, A., Bölenius, K., Cadamuro, J., Church, S., Cornes, M.P., van Dongen-Lases, E.C., Hoke, R. (2018). Joint EFLM-COLABIOCLI Recommendation for venous blood sampling. Clin. Chem. Lab. Med, 56, 2015–2038.
Tafafiyan, S.; Aghamolai, T.; Moeini, B. (2014). Status of physical functional independence of the elderly: A demographic study. Journal (survey) of Jihad University Research Institute of Health Sciences, 449-456.
-Taghipour, M.; Hosseini, S.R.; Salmipour, A. (2015). The relationship between physical activity and balance control in the elderly, Research Paper, Babol Medical School, Vol. 10, no. 4, 60-67.
Tarazona-Santabalbina, F.J., Gómez-Cabrera, M.C., Pérez-Ros, P., Martínez-Arnau, F.M., Cabo, H., Tsaparas, K., Salvador-Pascual, A., Rodriguez-Mañas, L., Viña, J. (2016). A multicomponent exercise intervention that reverses frailty and improves cognition, emotion, and social networking in the community-dwelling frail elderly: A randomized clinical trial. J. Am. Med. Dir. Assoc, 17, 426–433.
Teater,B.,&Chonody,J.(2017).Promotingactivelyaging:Advancingaframeworkforsocialworkpracticewitholderadults. FamiliesinSociety,98, 137–145.
The Return to Education in Terms ofWealth and Health. Available online: https://ssrn.com/abstract=2864333 (accessed on 4 November, 2016).
Treacy, D., & Hassett, L. (2018). The short physical performance battery. J. Physiother, 64, 61.
Vemeulen, J ., Neyenjc van Rossum , E., Spreeuwenberg, M.D,. & Dewitte, L. (2011). Predicting ADL disability in Community – dweling elderty people using physical frailty indicators: A systematicre – view, BioMed Central Geriatrics, 11(1): 1-33.
White House Conference Aging. (2015). White House Conference Aging. Final report.
World Health Organization. (2019). Global strategy on diet, physical activity and health.
World Health Organization. (2019). Physical activity and older adults.
_||_Asadi, L. (2006). Sexual rights; disturbance and deviation in the laws of the subject, Nedaye Sadegh, Vol. 11, no. 43, pp: 36-61.
Bani, N.A., Zaki Hassan, M., Kaidi, H., Mohd Hashim, N. F., Dziyauddin, R.A., Musa, R. Suhot, A. (2018). Assessment of Health Status of the Elderly and Pre-elderly at a Malaysia Elderly Care Centre.Int. J. of Integrated Engineering, 10 (7), 10-22.
Baoli Bahmani, F. (2016). Sociological explanation of successful aging (Case study: the elderly of Tabriz), Master Thesis in Social Sciences Research, University of Tabriz.
Bidaurrazaga-Letona, I., Esain, I., Gil, S.M., & Rodriguez-Larrad, A. (2017). Health-related quality of life, handgrip strength and falls during detraining in elderly habitual exercisers. Health and quality of life outcomes, 15, 226.
Cadore, E.L., & Izquierdo, M. (2018). Muscle power training: A hallmark for muscle function retaining in frail clinical setting. J. Am. Med. Dir. Assoc, 19, 190–192.
Cadore, E.L., Pinto, R.S., Reischak-Oliveira, Á., & Izquierdo, M. (2018). Explosive type of contractions should not be avoided during resistance training in elderly. Exp. Gerontol, 102, 81–83.
Casas-Herrero, A., Anton-Rodrigo, I., Zambom-Ferraresi, F., Sáez De Asteasu, M.L., Martinez-Velilla, N., Elexpuru-Estomba, J.; Marin-Epelde, I.; Ramon-Espinoza, F.; Petidier-Torregrosa, R.; Sanchez-Sanchez, J.L. (2019). E_ect of a multicomponent exercise programme (VIVIFRAIL) on functional capacity in frail community elders with cognitive decline: Study protocol for a randomized multicentre control trial. Trials, 20, 1–12
Cederholm, T., Barazzoni, R., Austin, P., Ballmer, P., Nutrition, G.B.-C. (2017). Undefined ESPEN Guidelines on Definitions and Terminology of Clinical Nutrition; Elsevier: Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Chenari, M. (2007). Comparison of Husserl, Heidegger and Gadamer with methodological benchmark. Journal of Philosophical-Theological Research, 34, 113-138.
Depp CA, Jeste DV. (2006). Definitions and predictors of successful aging: a comprehensive review of larger quantitative studies. Am J Geriatr Psychiatry, 14:6-20.
Drenthe, Jean-Philippe (2014). Existentialist aesthetics. Translated by Hoda Nedayifard, Tehran: Gognus.
Fernández-García, A.I., Gómez-Cabello, A., Moradell, A., Navarrete-Villanueva, D. (2020). How to Improve the Functional Capacity of Frail and Pre-Frail Elderly People? Health, Nutritional Status and Exercise Intervention. The EXERNET-Elder 3.0 Project. Sustainability, 12, 6246; doi: 10.3390/su12156246.
Franceschi, C., Garagnani, P., Morsiani, C., Conte, M., Santoro, A. (2018). The continuum of aging and age-related diseases: common mechanisms but different rates. Front Med (Lausanne), 5: 61.
-Goli, M. (2016). Investigating the relationship between spiritual health of successful elderly in the elderly in Tehran. Master Thesis, Department of Nursing, University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences.
Heydari, S.; Mohammad Gholizadeh, L.; Asadollahi, F.; Abedini, Z. (2011). Assessing the health status of the elderly in Qom. Journal of Qom University of Medical Sciences, 7 (4), 71-80.
Hofheinz, M., & Mibs, M. (2016). The prognostic validity of the timed up and go test with a dual task for predicting the risk of falls in the elderly. Gerontol. Geriatr. Med, 2, 233372141663779
Holliday, R. (2012). Telomeres and telomerase: the commitment theory of cellular ageing revisited.Science Progress, 95(2), 199-205 doi: 10.3184/003685012X13361526995348
Iman, M.T (2011). Qualitative research methodology. Qom: Research Center and University.
Jakovljevic, D.G. (2018). Physical activity and cardiovascular aging Physiological and molecular insights. Exp Gerontol, 109, 67-74.
Karimi, T.; Noji, E.; Iranmanesh, S. (2013). Comparison of life satisfaction in the elderly living in homes with the elderly living in nursing homes in Isfahan, Quarterly Journal of Nursing, Vol. 1, no. 1, pp: 43-54.
Lau, H., Ludin, M., Arimi Fitri, R., Fadilah Nor, S. (2017). The Association between Physical Fitness with Successful Ageing and Risk of Cognitive Impairment among Malaysian Older Adults, Jurnal Sains Kesihatan Malaysia, 15(2), 97-102. DOI: http://dx.doi.org./10.17576/JSKM-2017-1502-13.
Lin, P-S., Hsieh, C-C., Cheng, H-S., Tseng, T-J., & Su, S-C. (2016). Association between Physical Fitness and Successful Aging in Taiwanese Older Adults. PLoS ONE, 11(3), e0150389. doi:10.1371/journal.
López-Rodríguez, C., Laguna, M., Gómez-Cabello, A., Gusi, N., Espino, L., Villa, G., Pedrero-Chamizo, R., Casajus, J.A., Ara, I., & Aznar, S. (2017). Validation of the self-report EXERNET questionnaire for measuring physical activity and sedentary behavior in elderly. Arch. Gerontol. Geriatr, 69, 156–161.
Marijuán, P.C., Montero-Marín, J., Navarro, J., García-Campayo, J., Del Moral, R. (2017). The “sociotype” construct: Gauging the structure and dynamics of human sociality. PLoS ONE, 12, e0189568.
McPhee, J.S., French, D.P., Jackson, D., Nazroo, J., Pendleton, N. (2016). Physical activity in older age: perspectives for healthy ageing and frailty. Biogerontology 17: 567-580.
Mendes, F.R. (2013). Activeaging: Arightoraduty? Health Sociology Review, 22,174–185.
Miri, M.R.; Salehinia, H.; Teyuri, H.; Behlgerdi, M.; Taghizadeh, A.A.(2014). Prevalence of mental disorders and related factors in the elderly in Birjand, Quarterly Journal of Elderly Nursing, Vol. 2, no. 2, pp: 94-103.
-Mohammadpour, N. (2015). Violence against women and its related factors (Case study: married women in Tabriz), PhD thesis, Faculty of Law and Social Sciences, University of Tabriz.
Mok, A., Khaw, K.T., Luben, R., Wareham, N., Brage, S. (2019). Physical activity trajectories and mortality: population based cohort study. BMJ, 365: l2323.
-Moradi Parandjani, H.; Sadeghi, S. (2014). Phenomenology: A philosophical, interpretive, and methodological approach to entrepreneurship studies. Bi-Quarterly Journal of Religious Methodology Studies, 1 (2), 62-76.
National Academies (US). (2008). Keck Futures Initiative. Conference. Future of Human Healthspan Demography, Evolution, Medicine, and Bioengineering: Task Force Group Summaries: The National Academies Keck Futures Initiative. Washington, DC:National Academies Press.
Nejati, V.; Kurdi, R.; Shoaei, F. (2009). Factors affecting physical activity in the elderly in District 7 of Tehran. Salmand, 4 (4), 52-58.
Notthoff, N., Reisch, P., & Gerstorf, D. (2017). Individual Characteristics and Physical Activity in Older Adults: A Systematic Review. Gerontology, 63:443–459 DOI: 10.1159/000475558.
O'Brien, M.W., Johns, J.A., Dorey, T.W., Frayne, R.J., Fowles, J.R. (2019). Meeting international aerobic physical activity guidelines is associated with enhanced cardio-vagal baro reflex sensitivity in healthy older adults. Clin Auton Res, 30: 139-148.
Papadaki, A., Johnson, L., Toumpakari, Z., England, C., Rai, M., Toms, S., Penfold, C., Zazpe, I., Martínez-González, M.A., & Feder, G. (2018). Validation of the English version of the 14-item mediterranean diet adherence screener of the PREDIMED study, in people at high cardiovascular risk in the UK. Nutrients, 10, 138.
Papathanasiou, G., Mitsiou, G., Stamou, M., Stasi, S., Mamali, A. (2020). Impact of Physical Activity on Heart Rate, Blood Pressure and Rate-Pressure Product in Healthy Elderly. Health Sci J. 14, (2): 712, 1-7.
Pourjafar, M.R.; Tagvaei, A.; Bemanian, M. R.; Sadeghi, A.; Ahmadi, F. (2006). Presenting environmental ideas affecting the formation of public spaces encouraging successful aging with emphasis on the preferences of the elderly in Shiraz, Salmand (Iranian Journal of Aging), Vol. 5, no. 15, Spring, pp: 22-24.
Reimers, A.K., Knapp, G., Reimers, C.D. (2018). Effects of exercise on the resting heart rate: a systematic review and meta-analysis of interventional studies. J Clin Med, 7: E503.
Reyahe, M.; Ali Verdinia, A.; Pourhossein, S.Z. (2010). A Study of the relationship between social support and mental health, Social Welfare Quarterly, Vol. 10, no.39, pp: 85-121.
Rodriguez-Larrad, A., Arrieta, H.; Rezola, C.; Kortajarena, M.; Yanguas, J.J.; Iturburu, M.; Susana, M.G.; Irazusta, J. E. (2017). Effectiveness of a multicomponent exercise program in the attenuation of frailty in long-term nursing home residents: Study protocol for a randomized clinical controlled trial. BMC Geriatr, 17, 60.
Sadegh Moghadam, L.; Delshad Noghabi, A.; Nazari, S.; Eshghizadeh, M.; Chopanvafa, F. (2014). Satisfaction with the life of the elderly, the role of perceived social support, Journal of Sabzevar University of Medical Sciences, Vol. 22, no. 6, pp: 1043-1051.
Salimi, M.; Sharafi, R.(2015). Investigating the structure and dimensions of qualitative phenomenological research method. Conference on Humanities, Psychology and Social Sciences.
Shirani, M., Kheirabadi, G., Sharifirad, G., Keshvari, M. (2019). The Effect of Education Program on Health Promotion Behavior on Successful Aging, Iranian Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Research, 234-239, DOI: 10.4103/ijnmr.IJNMR_31_15.
Simundic, A., Bölenius, K., Cadamuro, J., Church, S., Cornes, M.P., van Dongen-Lases, E.C., Hoke, R. (2018). Joint EFLM-COLABIOCLI Recommendation for venous blood sampling. Clin. Chem. Lab. Med, 56, 2015–2038.
Tafafiyan, S.; Aghamolai, T.; Moeini, B. (2014). Status of physical functional independence of the elderly: A demographic study. Journal (survey) of Jihad University Research Institute of Health Sciences, 449-456.
-Taghipour, M.; Hosseini, S.R.; Salmipour, A. (2015). The relationship between physical activity and balance control in the elderly, Research Paper, Babol Medical School, Vol. 10, no. 4, 60-67.
Tarazona-Santabalbina, F.J., Gómez-Cabrera, M.C., Pérez-Ros, P., Martínez-Arnau, F.M., Cabo, H., Tsaparas, K., Salvador-Pascual, A., Rodriguez-Mañas, L., Viña, J. (2016). A multicomponent exercise intervention that reverses frailty and improves cognition, emotion, and social networking in the community-dwelling frail elderly: A randomized clinical trial. J. Am. Med. Dir. Assoc, 17, 426–433.
Teater,B.,&Chonody,J.(2017).Promotingactivelyaging:Advancingaframeworkforsocialworkpracticewitholderadults. FamiliesinSociety,98, 137–145.
The Return to Education in Terms ofWealth and Health. Available online: https://ssrn.com/abstract=2864333 (accessed on 4 November, 2016).
Treacy, D., & Hassett, L. (2018). The short physical performance battery. J. Physiother, 64, 61.
Vemeulen, J ., Neyenjc van Rossum , E., Spreeuwenberg, M.D,. & Dewitte, L. (2011). Predicting ADL disability in Community – dweling elderty people using physical frailty indicators: A systematicre – view, BioMed Central Geriatrics, 11(1): 1-33.
White House Conference Aging. (2015). White House Conference Aging. Final report.
World Health Organization. (2019). Global strategy on diet, physical activity and health.
World Health Organization. (2019). Physical activity and older adults.