Analysis of Multi-Robots Transportation with Multi-objective PSO Algorithm in an Artificial Capital Market
الموضوعات : journal of Artificial Intelligence in Electrical Engineeringداود آشیانی 1 , سعید حسین سعادتی 2 , عبدالرضا صدیق منش 3
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الکلمات المفتاحية: PSO Algorithm, Multi-object function, autonomous robots, artificial capital market, market mechanism,
ملخص المقالة :
In this paper, to analyze the transport of autonomous robots, an artificial Capital market is used. Capital market is considered as a pier which loading and unloading of cargo is done. Autonomous robots load and unload from the ship to the warehouse wharf or vice versa. All the robots have the ability of transporting the loads, but depending on loads and the location of unloading (or loading) and position of robots, robots have different role in unloading tasks. The role of robots and their number is decided, planned, and managed by the partial swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm. The main goal of the paper is to optimize a multi-object function (MOF) which is a combination of total work time and fuel cost functions. In this paper, a new method of transporting from ships to warehouses and vice versa was developed and presented considering the cost of fuel and the shortest possible time.
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