Estimating damages caused by earthquake using RADIUS and GIS model (case study of Tabriz region 8)
الموضوعات : فصلنامه علمی پژوهشی سنجش از دور راداری و نوری و سیستم اطلاعات جغرافیایی
Seyed ahmad Mirdehghan Ashkezari
Seyed Ali Almodaresi
Mohamad Reza Rezaei
Mohammad Reza Nojavan
Mostafa khabazi
1 - Yazd branch, Islamic azad university, Yazd, Iran
2 - Yazd branch, Islamic azad university, Yazd, Iran
3 - Associate Professor, Department of Geography and Urban Planning, Yazd University
4 - Meybod branch, Islamic azad university, meybod, Iran
5 - Department of Geography and Urban Planning, Shahid Bahonar University, Kerman
الکلمات المفتاحية: Earthquake, Damage, Scenario, RADIUS model, Tabriz region 8,
ملخص المقالة :
Natural disasters are phenomena that have always exposed human life in all ages and centuries and had harmful effects. Today's cities in different parts of the world are always exposed to risks caused by natural disasters such as earthquakes due to many reasons such as the type of location, inappropriate physical development, non-compliance with necessary standards and lack of proper management. Assessing the vulnerability of cities against these hazards from different aspects and as one of the factors that determine the level of risk, can lead to the reduction of physical, economic and social damages caused by the occurrence of such incidents. In this research, the 8th region of Tabriz municipality was chosen as the historical and cultural region due to its dilapidated texture, heavy traffic and high and vulnerable population density. The method of research and analysis of the collected information is carried out according to the methods based on the information base and using the Radius program, and three scenarios, according to the fault in the north of Tabriz (scenarios 5, 6 and 7 on the Richter scale) to estimate the damages caused by a possible earthquake in The study was considered.The results indicate that the results of the damages and casualties caused by the earthquake on the considered scenarios indicate that, in the 5 Richter scenario, 20-26% of the buildings will be destroyed, in the 6 Richter scenario, 35-45% of the buildings will be destroyed, and in the 7 Richter scenario, 55-60% Buildings will be destroyed.
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Ahdanjad, M. (2009). Modeling the vulnerability of cities against earthquakes, a case study of Zanjan city. PhD dissertation in geography and urban planning under the guidance of Garkhlo Mehdi, University of Tehran.
Amini, J. (2010). Vulnerability Analysis of Urban Housing Against Earthquake (Case Study of Region 9 of Tehran Municipality). Master's Thesis of Remote Sensing and Geographical Information System under the guidance of Farajzadeh Asl Manouchehr, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran.
Amini, J., Karmi, J., Alimohammadi, A., & Safarrad, T. (2013). Evaluation of the RADIUS model in the estimation of damages caused by earthquakes in the GIS environment (case study of one district of Tehran Municipality). Journal of Urban and Regional Studies and Researches of Isfahan University, 3(11), 23-40.
Azizi, M. M., & Akbari R. (2008). Urban Planning Considerations in Measuring the Vulnerability of Cities to Earthquakes. Fine Arts Magazine, 34, 25-36.
Carlos, A. V., & Cynthia, N. C. (1999). Guidelines for the implementation of earthquake risk management projects. Geo hazards International. Palo Alto, California.
Cynthia N. C. (2002). Earthquake Damage Scenarios for Thimphu Valley- implementation of Case Study. Geo hazards International, 38-42.
Giovinazzi, S., Lagomarsino, S., & Pampanin, S. (2006). Vulnerability Methods and Damage Scenario for Seismic Risk Analysis as Support to Retrofit Strategies: an European Perspective, NZSEE Conference.
Gulati, B. (2006). Earthquake Risk Assessment of Buildings Applicability of HAZUS in Dehradun, India. Unpublished MS Thesis, ITC, The Netherlands.
Hatami-nejad, H., Fathi, H., Eshgh-abadi, F. (2009). Evaluation of the level of seismic vulnerability in the city, case example: District 10 of Tehran. Journal of Human Geographical Research, 68, 1-20.
Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). (2001) Greater Tehran Seismic Zoning Project.
Lantada, N., Pujades, L., & Barbat, A. (2009). Vulnerability index and capacity spectrum based methods for urban seismic risk evaluation. A comparison. Nat Hazards, 51, 501–524.
Martinelli, A., Cifani, G., Cialone, G., Corazza, L., Petracca, A., & Petrucci, G. (2008). Building vulnerability assessment and damage scenarios in Celano (Italy) using a quick survey data-based methodology. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 28, 875– 88.
Mahdian, F. (2008). Vulnerability of Tehran buildings against earthquakes and how to reduce vulnerability. Collection of papers of the first construction seminar in the capital, University of Tehran.
Rashed, T., Weeks, J., Couclelis, H., & Herold, M. (2007). An integrative GIS and remote sensing model for place-based urban vulnerability analysis.
Smith, K. (2002). Environmental Hazards: Assessing Risk and Reducing Disaster. 3rd Ed, Routledge, New York.
Tavakoli, B., & Tavakoli, S. (1993). Estimating the Vulnerability and Loss functions of Residential Buildings. Journal of the International Society for the Presentational Mitigation of Natural Hazard, 7(2).
Tang, A., & Wen, A. (2009). An intelligent simulation system for earthquake disaster assessment. Computers & Geosciences, 35, 871– 879.
UNDP (2004). Reducing Disaster Risk, A Challenge for Development.
Yamazaki, F. (2005). Building Damage Mapping of the 2003 Bam, Iran, Earthquake Using Envisat/ASAR Intensity Imagery. Earthquake Spectra, 21(S1), S285-S294.
Zangiabadi, A., Mohammadi, J., Safai, H., Qaider Rahmati, S. (2007). Analysis of vulnerability indicators of urban housing against earthquake risk (case example: Isfahan city housing). Geography and Development, (12), 61-79.