Microbiostratigraphy of upper Cretaceous deposits (Bangestan Group) in the northwestern flank of Sepid Kuh anticline, W Iran
الموضوعات :
Iraj Maghfouri Moghaddam
Keyvan Khaksar
Ghamarnaz Darabi
Zahra Rahomo rokrok
Ziba Besharati
1 - Geology Department, Faculty of Science, Lorestan University, Lorestan, Iran
2 - Department of Experimental Science, Qom Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qom, Iran
3 - Geology Department, Faculty of Science, Lorestan University, Lorestan, Iran
4 - Geology Department, Faculty of Science, Lorestan University, Lorestan, Iran
5 - Geology Department, Faculty of Science, Lorestan University, Lorestan, Iran
تاريخ الإرسال : 25 الإثنين , ذو الحجة, 1437
تاريخ التأكيد : 01 الجمعة , شعبان, 1443
تاريخ الإصدار : 13 السبت , ذو الحجة, 1444
الکلمات المفتاحية:
Lorestan Zone,
Sepid Kuh,
Bangestan Group,
ملخص المقالة :
The benthic and planktonic foraminiferal contents of the Bangestan Group (Sarvak, Surgah and Ilam formations) in the Sepid Kuh anticline in the Lorestan Zone, W Iran, were studied. Bangestan Group consists of limestone, argillaceous limestone, dolomitic limestone and marl with thickness of 5400 m. In this section Bangestan Group overlies Garu Formation disconformably and its upper boundary is not exposed. By micropaleontological study on 176 thin sections, 8 genus and 34 species planktonic foraminifera were identified. 400 m of Sarvak Formation has very little fossil diversity that does not indicate a certain age. For this reason, this interval was called the indeterminate zone, which due to its stratigraphic position, is probably of Cenomanian age. Based on the biostratigraphical range of planktonic foraminifera distinguished, four biozones can be identified: Helvetoglobotruncana helvetica Total Rang Zone (Early- Middle Turonian), Marginotruncana schneegansi partial Range Zone (late Turonian), Diacarinella concavata Interval Zone (Coniacian), and Diacarinella asymetrica Total Zone (Santonian).
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