تحلیل عوامل موثر برانتخاب فناوری و رتبهبندی فناوریهای کاهش انتشار اکسیدهای نیتروژن(مورد مطالعه: نیروگاههای حرارتی ایران)
الموضوعات :
شیرین عزیزی
رضا رادفر
هانیه نیکومرام
علی رجب زاده قطری
1 - دانشجوی دکترای مدیریت صنعتی گرایش مدیریت سیستمها، گروه مدیریت صنعتی، دانشکده مدیریت و اقتصاد، واحد علوم و تحقیقات، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، تهران، ایران.
2 - گروه مدیریت صنعتی. دانشکده مدیریت و اقتصاد، واحد علوم وتحقیقات، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی.تهران.ایران. * (مسوول مکاتبات)
3 - گروه مدیریت محیط زیست. دانشکده منابع طبیعی و محیط زیست. واحد علوم و تحقیقات، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، تهران، ایران.
4 - گروه مدیریت صنعتی، دانشکده مدیریت و اقتصاد، دانشگاه تربیت مدرس، تهران، ایران.
تاريخ الإرسال : 23 الخميس , شعبان, 1441
تاريخ التأكيد : 14 الأربعاء , جمادى الثانية, 1442
تاريخ الإصدار : 16 الخميس , صفر, 1443
الکلمات المفتاحية:
فنآوریهای کاهنده NOx,
دلفی فازی,
آلودگی هوا,
تحلیل سلسله مراتبی,
ملخص المقالة :
زمینه و هدف: نیروگاه های حرارتی با مصرف قابل توجه سوخت های فسیلی، نقش عمده ای در تولید آلاینده های هوا دارند. اکسیدهای نیتروژن از جمله این آلاینده ها هستند. تاکنون هیچ یک ازنیروگاه های حرارتی ایران به فناوری های کاهش و کنترل انتشار اکسیدهای نیتروژن تجهیز نشده اند. با توجه به ضرورت کاهش آلاینده های ناشی از احتراق سوخت در نیروگاه های کشور، و تحمیل هزینه های گزاف اجتماعی ناشی از انتشار بی رویه آلاینده ها این مقاله با هدف ارائه راهکاری به منظور تحلیل عوامل تاثیرگذار بر انتخاب فناوری های کاهنده اکسیدهای نیتروژن با منشا فعالیت های نیروگاهی و نیز اولویت بندی و انتخاب آن ها با رویکرد سرمایه گذاری در فناوری های کاهنده انتشار این آلاینده در نیروگاه های حرارتی ایران انجام گرفته است.روش بررسی: در این پژوهش ابتدا با مطلعه گسترده پژوهش های انجام شده در این زمینه، فناوری های موجود در سطح جهان و نیز اهم معیارهای موثر در تاثیر گذاری آن ها شناسایی شده و در گام بعد به منظور انطباق این معیارها با شرایط ایران، از تکنیک دلفی فازی به منظور تایید نهایی معیارها استفاده شد. به منظور وزن دهی به معیارها و سپس رتبه بندی فناوری های موجود از تکنیک رتبه بندی نوین SECA استفاده می شود.یافته ها: نتایج پژوهش که در سال 1399 انجام گرفته است نشان داد که تکنولوژی های IFGR، OFA ، Flameless ، LNB، FR به ترتیب اولویت اول تا پنجم را به خود اختصاص دادند که با توجه با این مطلب که جملگی آنها جزء تکنولوِژی های اصلاح فرآیند احتراق هستند، در واقع نشان دهنده این واقعیت است که فن آوری های اصلاح فرآیند احتراق از اولویت بالاتری نسبت به سایر گروه های فنآوری برخوردار هستند.
Chaloulakou A, Mavroidis I, Gavriil I. Compliance with the annual NO2 air quality standard in Athens. Required NOx levels and expected health implications. Atmospheric Environment. 2008 Jan 1;42(3):454-65.
Razmjoo A, Shirmohammadi R, Davarpanah A, Pourfayaz F, Aslani A. Stand-alone hybrid energy systems for remote area power generation. Energy Reports. 2019 Nov 1;5:231-41.
Spangenberg JH, Pfahl S, Deller K. Towards indicators for institutional sustainability: lessons from an analysis of Agenda 21. Ecological indicators. 2002 Nov 1;2(1-2):61-77.
Bekhrad K, Roumi S, Yousefi H, Noorollahi Y. Decrease in CO2 emission per capita as a result of the reduction in power grid losses in Iran. International Journal of Ambient Energy. (2020) Jan 2;41(1):8-18.
Spangenberg JH, Pfahl S, Deller K. Towards indicators for institutional sustainability: lessons from an analysis of Agenda 21. Ecological indicators. 2002 Nov 1;2(1-2):61-77.
Salo A, Gustafsson T, Ramanathan R. Multicriteria methods for technology foresight. Journal of Forecasting. 2003 Mar;22(2‐3):235-55.
Szegö GG, Dally BB, Nathan GJ. Scaling of NOx emissions from a laboratory-scale mild combustion furnace. Combustion and Flame. 2008 Jul 1;154(1-2):281-95.
Kamall R. Flue Gas Desulphurisation (FGD) technologies. Cleaner coal technology programme, Department of Trade and Industry. 2000;1.
Novelo DA, Igie U, Prakash V, Szymański A. Experimental investigation of gas turbine compressor water injection for NOx emission reductions. Energy. 2019 Jun 1;176:235-48Onat N, Bayar H. The sustainability indicators of power production systems. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. 2010 Dec 1;14(9):3108-15.
Keshavarz-Ghorabaee M, Amiri M, Zavadskas EK, Turskis Z, Antucheviciene J. Simultaneous evaluation of criteria and alternatives (SECA) for multi-criteria decision-making. Informatica. 2018 Jan 1;29(2):265-80.
Skalska K, Miller JS, Ledakowicz S. Trends in NOx abatement: A review. Science of the total environment. 2010 Sep 1;408(19):3976-89.
Zhang J, Zhang R, Chen X, Tong M, Kang W, Guo S, Zhou Y, Lu J. Simultaneous removal of NO and SO2 from flue gas by ozone oxidation and NaOH absorption. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 2014 Apr 16;53(15):6450-6.
Sorrels JL, Randall DD, Schaffner KS, Fry CR. Selective catalytic reduction. EPA Air Pollution Control Cost Manual. 2016 May:1-08.
Rezaei F, Rownaghi AA, Monjezi S, Lively RP, Jones CW. SOx/NOx removal from flue gas streams by solid adsorbents: a review of current challenges and future directions. Energy & fuels. 2015 Sep 17;29(9):5467-86.
Romero, C. E., Vahedi, N., & Qin, Y. (2020). Chemical Kinetics Modeling and Analysis of Mon methylamine for Power Plants Selective Non-Catalytic Reduction (SNCR) Systems. Emission Control Science and Technology, 6(4), 431-441.
Mousavi, S. M., Fatehi, H., & Bai, X. S. (2021). Numerical study of the combustion and application of SNCR for NOx reduction in a lab-scale biomass boiler. Fuel, 293, 120154.
Romano S, Cerutti M, Riccio G, Andreini A, Romano C. Effect of Natural Gas Composition on Low NOx Burners Operation in Heavy Duty Gas Turbine. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power. 2019 Nov 1;141(11).
Strategic Document and Technology Development Roadmap, Tehran,Iran, 2015. (In Persian)
Liu J, Luo X, Yao S, Li Q, Wang W. Influence of flue gas recirculation on the performance of incinerator-waste heat boiler and NOx emission in a 500 t/d waste-to-energy plant. Waste Management. 2020 Mar 15;105:450-6.
Abuelnuor AA, Wahid MA, Mohammed HA, Saat A. Flameless combustion role in the mitigation of NOX emission: a review. International journal of energy research. 2014 Jun 10;38(7):827-46.
Effuggi A, Gelosa D, Derudi M, Rota R. Mild combustion of methane-derived fuel mixtures: natural gas and biogas. Combustion Science and Technology. 2008 Jan 28;180(3):481-93.
Szegö GG, Dally BB, Nathan GJ. Scaling of NOx emissions from a laboratory-scale mild combustion furnace. Combustion and Flame. 2008 Jul 1;154(1-2):281-95.
Kim KH, Ko HJ, Kim K, Perez-Blanco H. Analysis of water droplet evaporation in a gas turbine inlet fogging process. Applied Thermal Engineering. 2012 Feb 1;33:62-9.
Egware HO, Onochie UP, Itoje H. Effect of incorporating fogging inlet air cooling system: a case study of Ihovbor Thermal Power Plant, Benin City. International Journal of Ambient Energy. 2020 Feb 13:1-7.
Vadlamudi TC, Kommineni R, Katuru BP. Exploration of turbine blade cooling strategies for performance boosting and CO2 emissions reduction of combined cycle with steam injection based gas turbine. International Journal of Ambient Energy. 2020 Feb 18(just-accepted):1-32.
Novelo DA, Igie U, Prakash V, Szymański A. Experimental investigation of gas turbine compressor water injection for NOx emission reductions. Energy. 2019 Jun 1;176:235-48.
Londerville S, Anderson K, Baukal C, Bussman W. Water/Steam Injection for NOx Reduction in Process Burners. In ASME 2018 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition 2018 Nov 9. American Society of Mechanical Engineers Digital Collection.
National Energy Technology Laboratory. IEP—advanced NOx emissions control, NOx reduction technologies. netl.doe.gov/technologies/coalpower/ewr/nox/NOx reduct.
Sun Y, Zwolińska E, Chmielewski AG. Abatement technologies for high concentrations of NOx and SO2 removal from exhaust gases: A review. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology. 2016 Jan 17;46(2):119-42.
Talebizadeh, P., Babaie, M., Brown, R., Rahimzadeh, H., Ristovski, Z., & Arai, M. (2014). The role of non-thermal plasma technique in NOx treatment: A review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 40, 886-901.
Tan E, Ünal S, Doğan A, Letournel E, Pellizzari F. New “wet type” electron beam flue gas treatment pilot plant. Radiation Physics and Chemistry. 2016 Feb 1;119:109-15.
Lakshmipathiraj P, Chen J, Doi M, Takasu N, Kato S, Yamasaki A, Kojima T. Electron beam treatment of gas stream containing high concentration of NOx: An in situ FTIR study. Chemical engineering journal. 2013 Aug 1;229:344-50.
Chmielewski AG, Sun Y, Licki J, Pawelec A, Witman S, Zimek Z. Electron beam treatment of high NOx concentration off-gases. Radiation Physics and Chemistry. 2012 Aug 1;81(8):1036-9.
Talebizadeh, P., Babaie, M., Brown, R., Rahimzadeh, H., Ristovski, Z., & Arai, M. (2014). The role of non-thermal plasma technique in NOx treatment: A review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 40, 886-901
Vinogradov J, Rivin B, Sher E. NOx reduction from compression ignition engines with pulsed corona discharge. Energy. 2008 Mar 1;33(3):480-491.
Park JH, Ahn JW, Kim KH, Son YS. Historic and futuristic review of electron beam technology for the treatment of SO2 and NOx in flue gas. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2019 Jan 1;355:351-66.
Poullikkas A. Review of Design, Operating, and financial considerations in flue gas desulfurization systems. Energy Technology & Policy. 2015 Jan 1;2(1):92-103.
Kamall R. Flue Gas Desulphurisation (FGD) technologies. Cleaner coal technology programme, Department of Trade and Industry. 2000;1.
Greening LA, Bernow S. Design of coordinated energy and environmental policies: use of multi-criteria decision-making. Energy policy. 2004 Apr 1;32(6):721-35.
Daim T, Yates D, Peng Y, Jimenez B. Technology assessment for clean energy technologies: The case of the Pacific Northwest. Technology in Society. 2009 Aug 1;31(3):232-43.
Park JH, Ahn JW, Kim KH, Son YS. Historic and futuristic review of electron beam technology for the treatment of SO2 and NOx in flue gas. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2019 Jan 1;355:351-66.
Tsoutsos T, Drandaki M, Frantzeskaki N, Iosifidis E, Kiosses I. Sustainable energy planning by using multi-criteria analysis application in the island of Crete. Energy policy. 2009 May 1;37(5):1587-600.
Shafie-Pour, M., & Ardestani, M. (2007). Environmental damage costs in Iran by the energy sector. Energy Policy, 35(9), 4413-4423.
Energy balance sheet of 2016, Ministry of Energy. (In Persian)
Chaloulakou A, Mavroidis I, Gavriil I. Compliance with the annual NO2 air quality standard in Athens. Required NOx levels and expected health implications. Atmospheric Environment. 2008 Jan 1;42(3):454-65.
Razmjoo A, Shirmohammadi R, Davarpanah A, Pourfayaz F, Aslani A. Stand-alone hybrid energy systems for remote area power generation. Energy Reports. 2019 Nov 1;5:231-41.
Spangenberg JH, Pfahl S, Deller K. Towards indicators for institutional sustainability: lessons from an analysis of Agenda 21. Ecological indicators. 2002 Nov 1;2(1-2):61-77.
Bekhrad K, Roumi S, Yousefi H, Noorollahi Y. Decrease in CO2 emission per capita as a result of the reduction in power grid losses in Iran. International Journal of Ambient Energy. (2020) Jan 2;41(1):8-18.
Spangenberg JH, Pfahl S, Deller K. Towards indicators for institutional sustainability: lessons from an analysis of Agenda 21. Ecological indicators. 2002 Nov 1;2(1-2):61-77.
Salo A, Gustafsson T, Ramanathan R. Multicriteria methods for technology foresight. Journal of Forecasting. 2003 Mar;22(2‐3):235-55.
Szegö GG, Dally BB, Nathan GJ. Scaling of NOx emissions from a laboratory-scale mild combustion furnace. Combustion and Flame. 2008 Jul 1;154(1-2):281-95.
Kamall R. Flue Gas Desulphurisation (FGD) technologies. Cleaner coal technology programme, Department of Trade and Industry. 2000;1.
Novelo DA, Igie U, Prakash V, Szymański A. Experimental investigation of gas turbine compressor water injection for NOx emission reductions. Energy. 2019 Jun 1;176:235-48Onat N, Bayar H. The sustainability indicators of power production systems. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. 2010 Dec 1;14(9):3108-15.
Keshavarz-Ghorabaee M, Amiri M, Zavadskas EK, Turskis Z, Antucheviciene J. Simultaneous evaluation of criteria and alternatives (SECA) for multi-criteria decision-making. Informatica. 2018 Jan 1;29(2):265-80.
Skalska K, Miller JS, Ledakowicz S. Trends in NOx abatement: A review. Science of the total environment. 2010 Sep 1;408(19):3976-89.
Zhang J, Zhang R, Chen X, Tong M, Kang W, Guo S, Zhou Y, Lu J. Simultaneous removal of NO and SO2 from flue gas by ozone oxidation and NaOH absorption. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 2014 Apr 16;53(15):6450-6.
Sorrels JL, Randall DD, Schaffner KS, Fry CR. Selective catalytic reduction. EPA Air Pollution Control Cost Manual. 2016 May:1-08.
Rezaei F, Rownaghi AA, Monjezi S, Lively RP, Jones CW. SOx/NOx removal from flue gas streams by solid adsorbents: a review of current challenges and future directions. Energy & fuels. 2015 Sep 17;29(9):5467-86.
Romero, C. E., Vahedi, N., & Qin, Y. (2020). Chemical Kinetics Modeling and Analysis of Mon methylamine for Power Plants Selective Non-Catalytic Reduction (SNCR) Systems. Emission Control Science and Technology, 6(4), 431-441.
Mousavi, S. M., Fatehi, H., & Bai, X. S. (2021). Numerical study of the combustion and application of SNCR for NOx reduction in a lab-scale biomass boiler. Fuel, 293, 120154.
Romano S, Cerutti M, Riccio G, Andreini A, Romano C. Effect of Natural Gas Composition on Low NOx Burners Operation in Heavy Duty Gas Turbine. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power. 2019 Nov 1;141(11).
Strategic Document and Technology Development Roadmap, Tehran,Iran, 2015. (In Persian)
Liu J, Luo X, Yao S, Li Q, Wang W. Influence of flue gas recirculation on the performance of incinerator-waste heat boiler and NOx emission in a 500 t/d waste-to-energy plant. Waste Management. 2020 Mar 15;105:450-6.
Abuelnuor AA, Wahid MA, Mohammed HA, Saat A. Flameless combustion role in the mitigation of NOX emission: a review. International journal of energy research. 2014 Jun 10;38(7):827-46.
Effuggi A, Gelosa D, Derudi M, Rota R. Mild combustion of methane-derived fuel mixtures: natural gas and biogas. Combustion Science and Technology. 2008 Jan 28;180(3):481-93.
Szegö GG, Dally BB, Nathan GJ. Scaling of NOx emissions from a laboratory-scale mild combustion furnace. Combustion and Flame. 2008 Jul 1;154(1-2):281-95.
Kim KH, Ko HJ, Kim K, Perez-Blanco H. Analysis of water droplet evaporation in a gas turbine inlet fogging process. Applied Thermal Engineering. 2012 Feb 1;33:62-9.
Egware HO, Onochie UP, Itoje H. Effect of incorporating fogging inlet air cooling system: a case study of Ihovbor Thermal Power Plant, Benin City. International Journal of Ambient Energy. 2020 Feb 13:1-7.
Vadlamudi TC, Kommineni R, Katuru BP. Exploration of turbine blade cooling strategies for performance boosting and CO2 emissions reduction of combined cycle with steam injection based gas turbine. International Journal of Ambient Energy. 2020 Feb 18(just-accepted):1-32.
Novelo DA, Igie U, Prakash V, Szymański A. Experimental investigation of gas turbine compressor water injection for NOx emission reductions. Energy. 2019 Jun 1;176:235-48.
Londerville S, Anderson K, Baukal C, Bussman W. Water/Steam Injection for NOx Reduction in Process Burners. In ASME 2018 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition 2018 Nov 9. American Society of Mechanical Engineers Digital Collection.
National Energy Technology Laboratory. IEP—advanced NOx emissions control, NOx reduction technologies. netl.doe.gov/technologies/coalpower/ewr/nox/NOx reduct.
Sun Y, Zwolińska E, Chmielewski AG. Abatement technologies for high concentrations of NOx and SO2 removal from exhaust gases: A review. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology. 2016 Jan 17;46(2):119-42.
Talebizadeh, P., Babaie, M., Brown, R., Rahimzadeh, H., Ristovski, Z., & Arai, M. (2014). The role of non-thermal plasma technique in NOx treatment: A review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 40, 886-901.
Tan E, Ünal S, Doğan A, Letournel E, Pellizzari F. New “wet type” electron beam flue gas treatment pilot plant. Radiation Physics and Chemistry. 2016 Feb 1;119:109-15.
Lakshmipathiraj P, Chen J, Doi M, Takasu N, Kato S, Yamasaki A, Kojima T. Electron beam treatment of gas stream containing high concentration of NOx: An in situ FTIR study. Chemical engineering journal. 2013 Aug 1;229:344-50.
Chmielewski AG, Sun Y, Licki J, Pawelec A, Witman S, Zimek Z. Electron beam treatment of high NOx concentration off-gases. Radiation Physics and Chemistry. 2012 Aug 1;81(8):1036-9.
Talebizadeh, P., Babaie, M., Brown, R., Rahimzadeh, H., Ristovski, Z., & Arai, M. (2014). The role of non-thermal plasma technique in NOx treatment: A review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 40, 886-901
Vinogradov J, Rivin B, Sher E. NOx reduction from compression ignition engines with pulsed corona discharge. Energy. 2008 Mar 1;33(3):480-491.
Park JH, Ahn JW, Kim KH, Son YS. Historic and futuristic review of electron beam technology for the treatment of SO2 and NOx in flue gas. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2019 Jan 1;355:351-66.
Poullikkas A. Review of Design, Operating, and financial considerations in flue gas desulfurization systems. Energy Technology & Policy. 2015 Jan 1;2(1):92-103.
Kamall R. Flue Gas Desulphurisation (FGD) technologies. Cleaner coal technology programme, Department of Trade and Industry. 2000;1.
Greening LA, Bernow S. Design of coordinated energy and environmental policies: use of multi-criteria decision-making. Energy policy. 2004 Apr 1;32(6):721-35.
Daim T, Yates D, Peng Y, Jimenez B. Technology assessment for clean energy technologies: The case of the Pacific Northwest. Technology in Society. 2009 Aug 1;31(3):232-43.
Park JH, Ahn JW, Kim KH, Son YS. Historic and futuristic review of electron beam technology for the treatment of SO2 and NOx in flue gas. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2019 Jan 1;355:351-66.
Tsoutsos T, Drandaki M, Frantzeskaki N, Iosifidis E, Kiosses I. Sustainable energy planning by using multi-criteria analysis application in the island of Crete. Energy policy. 2009 May 1;37(5):1587-600.
Shafie-Pour, M., & Ardestani, M. (2007). Environmental damage costs in Iran by the energy sector. Energy Policy, 35(9), 4413-4423.
Energy balance sheet of 2016, Ministry of Energy. (In Persian)