بررسی آلودگی سرب در ذرات معلق داخل و خارج ساختمان های مسکونی، اداری، تجاری در کلانشهر کرج
الموضوعات :
شکوفه ساجدی سابق
نبی اله منصوری
لعبت تقوی
سیدعلیرضا حاجی سیدمیرزاحسینی
1 - دانشجوی دکتری رشته محیط زیست دانشکده منابع طبیعی و محیط زیست، واحد علوم وتحقیقات، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، تهران، ایران.
2 - استاد دانشکده منابع طبیعی و محیط زیست ، واحد علوم وتحقیقات، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، تهران، ایران. *(مسوول مکاتبات)
3 - دانشیار دانشکده منابع طبیعی و محیط زیست، واحد علوم وتحقیقات، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، تهران، ایران.
4 - استادیار دانشکده منابع طبیعی و محیط زیست، واحد علوم وتحقیقات، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، تهران، ایران.
تاريخ الإرسال : 10 الثلاثاء , ربيع الأول, 1442
تاريخ التأكيد : 01 الأربعاء , صفر, 1443
تاريخ الإصدار : 17 الإثنين , ربيع الثاني, 1443
الکلمات المفتاحية:
ذرات معلق,
کلانشهر کرج,
آلودگی هوا,
ملخص المقالة :
زمینه و هدف: آلودگی فلزات سنگین ذرات معلق موجود در هوا یک مشکل جدی محیط شهری است و مورد توجه بسیاری از محققان قرار گرفته است. در بین فلزات سنگین سرب عنصری است که در ذرات معلق از منابع مختلف وارد می شود. در این تحقیق به تعیین میزان سرب در ذرات معلق ریزشی در داخل و خارج ساختمان های مسکونی و اداری و تجاری کلانشهر کرج پرداخته شده است.
روش بررسی: نمونه گیری از ذرات معلق در دی ماه 1399 از 23 ایستگاه در داخل و خارج از ساختمان در سطح کلانشهر کرج انجام شد. به منظور سنجش میزان سرب در نمونه های جمع آوری شده از روش هضم شیمیایی تر با استفاده از ترکیب اسیدنیتریک/اسید پرکلریک استفاده شد. در نهایت میزان فلز سرب با استفاده از دستگاه ICP-MS اندازه گیری شد.
یافته ها: براساس یافته های این مطالعه بیشترین میزان سرب در داخل و خارج ساختمان های مسکونی و اداری و تجاری به ترتیب برابر با 73/858 و 28/446 میکرو گرم بر گرم اندازه گیری شد. همچنین بین میزان سرب در داخل و خارج ساختمان و بین ایستگاه های مختلف اختلاف معنی دار مشاهده شد، در بعضی از ایستگاه ها میزان سرب داخل و در بعضی از ایستگاه ها در خارج ساختمان میزان این عنصر بیشتر اندازه گیری گردید.
بحث و نتیجه گیری: آنالیز سرب در نمونه های گرد و غبار داخل و خارج ساختمان در کلانشهر کرج، پراکنش مکانی میزان این آلاینده را در ایستگاه های مختلف براساس منابع آلاینده نشان می دهد. بررسی نتایج آزمون آنالیز واریانس یک طرفه نشان داد در مناطق با بار ترافیکی بالاتر میزان سرب در نمونه های گرد و غبار جمع آوری شده در داخل و خارج ساختمان بیشتر از سایر ایستگاه های اندازه گیری شده است.
Chen J, Wang B, Huang S, Song M. The influence of increased population density in China on air pollution. Sci Total Environ. 2020;139456.
Zhang Q, Jiang X, Tong D, Davis SJ, Zhao H, Geng G, et al. Transboundary health impacts of transported global air pollution and international trade. Nature. 2017;543(7647):705–9.
Lanzerstorfer C, Logiewa A. The upper size limit of the dust samples in road dust heavy metal studies: Benefits of a combined sieving and air classification sample preparation procedure. Environ Pollut. 2019; 245: 1079–85.
Jin Y, O’Connor D, Ok YS, Tsang DCW, Liu A, Hou D. Assessment of sources of heavy metals in soil and dust at children’s playgrounds in Beijing using GIS and multivariate statistical analysis. Environ Int. 2019;124:320–8.
Barbier O, Jacquillet G, Tauc M, Cougnon M, Poujeol P. Effect of heavy metals on, and handling by, the kidney. Nephron Physiol. 2005; 99(4): p 105–10.
Menezes-Filho JA, de Souza KOF, Rodrigues JLG, dos Santos NR, de Jesus Bandeira M, Koin NL, et al. Manganese and lead in dust fall accumulation in elementary schools near a ferromanganese alloy plant. Environ Res. 2016;148:322–9.
Skerfving S, Löfmark L, Lundh T, Mikoczy Z, Strömberg U. Late effects of low blood lead concentrations in children on school performance and cognitive functions. Neurotoxicology. 2015;49:114–20.
Mazumdar I, Goswami K, Ali MS. Status of serum calcium, vitamin D and parathyroid hormone and hematological indices among lead exposed jewelry workers in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Indian J Clin Biochem. 2017;32(1):110–6.
Gulson B, Taylor A. A simple lead dust fall method predicts children’s blood lead level: New evidence from Australia. Environ Res. 2017;159:76–81.
Aelion CM, Davis HT. Blood lead levels in children in urban and rural areas: Using multilevel modeling to investigate impacts of gender, race, poverty, and the environment. Sci Total Environ. 2019;694:133783.
Von Lindern IH, Spalinger SM, Bero BN, Petrosyan V, Von Braun MC. The influence of soil remediation on lead in house dust. Sci Total Environ. 2003; 303 (1–2):59–78.
Marcus AH, Elias RW. Estimating the contribution of lead-based paint to soil lead, dust lead, and childhood blood lead. In: Lead in Paint, Soil and Dust: Health Risks, Exposure Studies, Control Measures, Measurement Methods, and Quality Assurance. ASTM International; 1995.
Cheng Z, Chen L-J, Li H-H, Lin J-Q, Yang Z-B, Yang Y-X, et al. Characteristics and health risk assessment of heavy metals exposure via household dust from urban area in Chengdu, China. Sci Total Environ. 2018; 619:621–9.
Muhamad-Darus F, Nasir RA, Sumari SM, Ismail ZS, Omar NA. Nursery schools: characterization of heavy metal content in indoor dust. Asian J Environ Stud. 2017;2(5):63–70.
Tong STY, Lam KC. Home sweet home? A case study of household dust contamination in Hong Kong. Sci Total Environ. 2000;256(2–3):115–23.
Calabrese EJ, Stanek EJ. What proportion of household dust is derived from outdoor soil? Soil Sediment Contam. 1992;1(3):253–63.
Wei X, Gao B, Wang P, Zhou H, Lu J. Pollution characteristics and health risk assessment of heavy metals in street dusts from different functional areas in Beijing, China. Ecotoxicol Environ Saf. 2015;112:186–92.
Abbas F, Soroush M, Alireza S, Amirali T shabani. Assessment of heavy metal pollution in urban soil in Karaj (Iran). Geosci J. 2020; 29 (114): 231–40.
Mirsanjari MM, Zarandian A, Mohammadyari F, Visockiene JS. Investigation of the impacts of urban vegetation loss on the ecosystem service of air pollution mitigation in Karaj metropolis, Iran. Environ Monit Assess. 2020;192(8):1–23.
Shirazi MR. Growth of polynucleated metropolis and fragmentation of territorial management in the Tehran–Karaj urban region. Int J Urban Sustain Dev. 2014;6(1):107–22.
Moeinaddini M, Ali-Taleshi MS. A GIS Based Emission Inventory of Air Pollutants from Mobile Sources in Morning Rush Hours; Case Study: Karaj. J Environ Heal Enginering. 2019;6(4):430–42.
Ghanavati N, Nazarpour A. Environmental investigation of heavy metals concentration in Ahvaz city street dust, by using Geographical Information Systems (GIS). J Environ Stud. 2018 Nov;44(3):393–410.
Kazemi A, Bakhtiari AR, Kheirabadi N, Barani H, Haidari B. Distribution patterns of metals contamination in sediments based on type regional development on the intertidal coastal zones of the Persian Gulf, Iran. Bull Environ Contam Toxicol. 2012; 88(1):100–3.
Wan D, Han Z, Yang J, Yang G, Liu X. Heavy metal pollution in settled dust associated with different urban functional areas in a heavily air-polluted city in North China. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2016; 13(11):1119.
Abbas F, Soroush M, Alireza S, amir ali T shabani. Assessment of heavy metal pollution in urban soil in Karaj (Iran). Geosci J. 2020;29(114):231–40.
Ajmone-Marsan F, Biasioli M, Kralj T, Grčman H, Davidson CM, Hursthouse AS, et al. Metals in particle-size fractions of the soils of five European cities. Environ Pollut. 2008;152(1):73–81.
Neisi A, Goudarzi G, Akbar Babaei A, Vosoughi M, Hashemzadeh H, Naimabadi A, et al. Study of heavy metal levels in indoor dust and their health risk assessment in children of Ahvaz city, Iran. Toxin Rev. 2016; 35 (1–2):16–23.
Darus FM, Nasir RA, Sumari SM, Ismail ZS, Omar NA. Heavy metals composition of indoor dust in nursery schools building. Procedia-Social Behav Sci. 2012;38:169–75.
Rashed MN. Total and extractable heavy metals in indoor, outdoor and street dust from Aswan City, Egypt. CLEAN–Soil, Air, Water. 2008;36(10‐11): 850–7.
Manno E, Varrica D, Dongarra G. Metal distribution in road dust samples collected in an urban area close to a petrochemical plant at Gela, Sicily. Atmos Environ. 2006;40(30):5929–41.
Pekey B, Bozkurt ZB, Pekey H, Doğan G, Zararsız A, Efe N, et al. Indoor/outdoor concentrations and elemental composition of PM10/PM2. 5 in urban/industrial areas of Kocaeli City, Turkey. Indoor Air. 2010;20(2):112–25.
Wong CSC, Li X, Thornton I. Urban environmental geochemistry of trace metals. Environ Pollut. 2006;142(1):1–16.
Zohrh M. Investigation of geochemical and mineralogical properties of atmospheric dust in Isfahan. thesis master degree Technol Univ Isfahan. 2011.
Fariba J. Sedimentation rate and the most important physical, chemical and mineral properties of swimming atomic dust in Kerman. thesis master degree Technol Univ Isfahan. 2013;
Mazloomi, S., Esmaeili-Sari, A., Bahramifar, N., and Moeinaddini, M. 2017. Assessment of the metals and metalloids level in street dust of the east and west of Tehran. Iranian Journal of Health and Environment, 10 (2): 281-292. (In Persian)
Jaafarzadeh, N. Urban street dust in the Middle East oldest oil refinery zone: oxidative potential, source apportionment، and health risk assessment of potentially toxic elements. Chemosphere, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemosphere.2020.128825.
Chen J, Wang B, Huang S, Song M. The influence of increased population density in China on air pollution. Sci Total Environ. 2020;139456.
Zhang Q, Jiang X, Tong D, Davis SJ, Zhao H, Geng G, et al. Transboundary health impacts of transported global air pollution and international trade. Nature. 2017;543(7647):705–9.
Lanzerstorfer C, Logiewa A. The upper size limit of the dust samples in road dust heavy metal studies: Benefits of a combined sieving and air classification sample preparation procedure. Environ Pollut. 2019; 245: 1079–85.
Jin Y, O’Connor D, Ok YS, Tsang DCW, Liu A, Hou D. Assessment of sources of heavy metals in soil and dust at children’s playgrounds in Beijing using GIS and multivariate statistical analysis. Environ Int. 2019;124:320–8.
Barbier O, Jacquillet G, Tauc M, Cougnon M, Poujeol P. Effect of heavy metals on, and handling by, the kidney. Nephron Physiol. 2005; 99(4): p 105–10.
Menezes-Filho JA, de Souza KOF, Rodrigues JLG, dos Santos NR, de Jesus Bandeira M, Koin NL, et al. Manganese and lead in dust fall accumulation in elementary schools near a ferromanganese alloy plant. Environ Res. 2016;148:322–9.
Skerfving S, Löfmark L, Lundh T, Mikoczy Z, Strömberg U. Late effects of low blood lead concentrations in children on school performance and cognitive functions. Neurotoxicology. 2015;49:114–20.
Mazumdar I, Goswami K, Ali MS. Status of serum calcium, vitamin D and parathyroid hormone and hematological indices among lead exposed jewelry workers in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Indian J Clin Biochem. 2017;32(1):110–6.
Gulson B, Taylor A. A simple lead dust fall method predicts children’s blood lead level: New evidence from Australia. Environ Res. 2017;159:76–81.
Aelion CM, Davis HT. Blood lead levels in children in urban and rural areas: Using multilevel modeling to investigate impacts of gender, race, poverty, and the environment. Sci Total Environ. 2019;694:133783.
Von Lindern IH, Spalinger SM, Bero BN, Petrosyan V, Von Braun MC. The influence of soil remediation on lead in house dust. Sci Total Environ. 2003; 303 (1–2):59–78.
Marcus AH, Elias RW. Estimating the contribution of lead-based paint to soil lead, dust lead, and childhood blood lead. In: Lead in Paint, Soil and Dust: Health Risks, Exposure Studies, Control Measures, Measurement Methods, and Quality Assurance. ASTM International; 1995.
Cheng Z, Chen L-J, Li H-H, Lin J-Q, Yang Z-B, Yang Y-X, et al. Characteristics and health risk assessment of heavy metals exposure via household dust from urban area in Chengdu, China. Sci Total Environ. 2018; 619:621–9.
Muhamad-Darus F, Nasir RA, Sumari SM, Ismail ZS, Omar NA. Nursery schools: characterization of heavy metal content in indoor dust. Asian J Environ Stud. 2017;2(5):63–70.
Tong STY, Lam KC. Home sweet home? A case study of household dust contamination in Hong Kong. Sci Total Environ. 2000;256(2–3):115–23.
Calabrese EJ, Stanek EJ. What proportion of household dust is derived from outdoor soil? Soil Sediment Contam. 1992;1(3):253–63.
Wei X, Gao B, Wang P, Zhou H, Lu J. Pollution characteristics and health risk assessment of heavy metals in street dusts from different functional areas in Beijing, China. Ecotoxicol Environ Saf. 2015;112:186–92.
Abbas F, Soroush M, Alireza S, Amirali T shabani. Assessment of heavy metal pollution in urban soil in Karaj (Iran). Geosci J. 2020; 29 (114): 231–40.
Mirsanjari MM, Zarandian A, Mohammadyari F, Visockiene JS. Investigation of the impacts of urban vegetation loss on the ecosystem service of air pollution mitigation in Karaj metropolis, Iran. Environ Monit Assess. 2020;192(8):1–23.
Shirazi MR. Growth of polynucleated metropolis and fragmentation of territorial management in the Tehran–Karaj urban region. Int J Urban Sustain Dev. 2014;6(1):107–22.
Moeinaddini M, Ali-Taleshi MS. A GIS Based Emission Inventory of Air Pollutants from Mobile Sources in Morning Rush Hours; Case Study: Karaj. J Environ Heal Enginering. 2019;6(4):430–42.
Ghanavati N, Nazarpour A. Environmental investigation of heavy metals concentration in Ahvaz city street dust, by using Geographical Information Systems (GIS). J Environ Stud. 2018 Nov;44(3):393–410.
Kazemi A, Bakhtiari AR, Kheirabadi N, Barani H, Haidari B. Distribution patterns of metals contamination in sediments based on type regional development on the intertidal coastal zones of the Persian Gulf, Iran. Bull Environ Contam Toxicol. 2012; 88(1):100–3.
Wan D, Han Z, Yang J, Yang G, Liu X. Heavy metal pollution in settled dust associated with different urban functional areas in a heavily air-polluted city in North China. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2016; 13(11):1119.
Abbas F, Soroush M, Alireza S, amir ali T shabani. Assessment of heavy metal pollution in urban soil in Karaj (Iran). Geosci J. 2020;29(114):231–40.
Ajmone-Marsan F, Biasioli M, Kralj T, Grčman H, Davidson CM, Hursthouse AS, et al. Metals in particle-size fractions of the soils of five European cities. Environ Pollut. 2008;152(1):73–81.
Neisi A, Goudarzi G, Akbar Babaei A, Vosoughi M, Hashemzadeh H, Naimabadi A, et al. Study of heavy metal levels in indoor dust and their health risk assessment in children of Ahvaz city, Iran. Toxin Rev. 2016; 35 (1–2):16–23.
Darus FM, Nasir RA, Sumari SM, Ismail ZS, Omar NA. Heavy metals composition of indoor dust in nursery schools building. Procedia-Social Behav Sci. 2012;38:169–75.
Rashed MN. Total and extractable heavy metals in indoor, outdoor and street dust from Aswan City, Egypt. CLEAN–Soil, Air, Water. 2008;36(10‐11): 850–7.
Manno E, Varrica D, Dongarra G. Metal distribution in road dust samples collected in an urban area close to a petrochemical plant at Gela, Sicily. Atmos Environ. 2006;40(30):5929–41.
Pekey B, Bozkurt ZB, Pekey H, Doğan G, Zararsız A, Efe N, et al. Indoor/outdoor concentrations and elemental composition of PM10/PM2. 5 in urban/industrial areas of Kocaeli City, Turkey. Indoor Air. 2010;20(2):112–25.
Wong CSC, Li X, Thornton I. Urban environmental geochemistry of trace metals. Environ Pollut. 2006;142(1):1–16.
Zohrh M. Investigation of geochemical and mineralogical properties of atmospheric dust in Isfahan. thesis master degree Technol Univ Isfahan. 2011.
Fariba J. Sedimentation rate and the most important physical, chemical and mineral properties of swimming atomic dust in Kerman. thesis master degree Technol Univ Isfahan. 2013;
Mazloomi, S., Esmaeili-Sari, A., Bahramifar, N., and Moeinaddini, M. 2017. Assessment of the metals and metalloids level in street dust of the east and west of Tehran. Iranian Journal of Health and Environment, 10 (2): 281-292. (In Persian)
Jaafarzadeh, N. Urban street dust in the Middle East oldest oil refinery zone: oxidative potential, source apportionment، and health risk assessment of potentially toxic elements. Chemosphere, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemosphere.2020.128825.