تحلیل کاربری سرزمین در شهرستان بهبهان با رویکرد اکولوژی سیمای سرزمین
الموضوعات :میرمهرداد میرسنجری 1 , فاطمه محمدیاری 2
1 - استادیار گروه محیط زیست، دانشکدة منابع طبیعی و محیط زیست ،دانشگاه ملایر، ملایر، ایران. *(مسوول مکاتبات)
2 - دکتری آمایش محیط زیست گروه محیط زیست، دانشکدة منابع طبیعی و محیط زیست، دانشگاه ملایر، ملایر، ایران.
الکلمات المفتاحية: بهبهان, تحلیل مولفههای اصلی, سنجههای سیمای سرزمین, پوشش سرزمین,
ملخص المقالة :
زمینه و هدف: تغییرات پوشش سرزمین در نتیجه فعل و انفعالات پیچیدهی فاکتورهای ساختاری و عملکردی آثار گستردهای بر سیمای سرزمین دارد لذا مطالعه ساختار سیمای سرزمین بر اساس اصول اکولوژی و سنجههای سیمای سرزمین به عنوان اجزای تشکیل دهنده آن ابزاری مناسب برای نقشهسازی و کمی کردن خصوصیات مکانی هر کاربری محسوب میشوند. زمینه و هدف: تغییرات پوشش سرزمین در نتیجه فعل و انفعالات پیچیده ی فاکتورهای ساختاری و عملکردی آثار گسترده ای بر سیمای سرزمین دارد لذا مطالعه ساختار سیمای سرزمین بر اساس اصول اکولوژی و سنجه های سیمای سرزمین به عنوان اجزای تشکیل دهنده آن ابزاری مناسب برای نقشه سازی و کمی کردن خصوصیات مکانی هر کاربری محسوب می شوند.روش بررسی: در مطالعه حاضر پس از تهیه نقشه های پوشش سرزمین و استخراج سنجه ها در دو سطح کلاس و سیما، از تحلیل مولفه های اصلی (PCA) جهت انتخاب سنجه های مناسب در تحلیل تغییرات سیمای سرزمین شهرستان بهبهان در بین سال های 1378 و 1392 استفاده شد.یافته ها: سنجنده های مساحت کلاس (CA)، تعداد لکه (Np)، شکل سیمای سرزمین (LSI)، تراکم حاشیه (ED)، درصد پوششی سیمای سرزمین (PLAND) و سنجه شاخص تنوع شانون (SHDI) به عنوان مناسب ترین سنجه ها انتخاب گردید. نتایج حاکی از افزایش مساحت در کاربری های مسکونی (1551 هکتار)، اراضی کشاورزی (8036 هکتار) و مناطق آبی (287 هکتار) و افت شدید در مراتع (4560 هکتار) و جنگل های شهرستان (2081 هکتار) است.بحث و نتیجه گیری: در اثر دخل و تصرف انسان ساختار سیمای سرزمین شهرستان ریز دانه شده و تعداد تکه های انسان ساخت و نیمه طبیعی افزایش یافته است. همچنین بیشتر تغییرات ناشی از هضم لکه های مرتع در میان پوشش های انسان ساخت به ویژه یکپارچه سازی اراضی کشاورزی بوده است.
- Estavillo C, Pardini R, Rocha, P. L, 2013, Forest loss and the biodiversity threshold: An evaluation considering species habitat requirements and the use of matrix habitats. PLoS One, 8, e82369.
- Alberti M, Marzluff J, 2004, Resilience in urban ecosystems: Linking urban patterns to human and ecological functions, Urban Ecosystems, 7: 241–265.
- Sun B, Zhou Q, 2016, Expressing the spatio-temporal pattern of farmland change in arid lands using landscape metrics. Journal of Arid Environments, 124: 118-127.
- Fan Q, Ding S, 2016, Landscape pattern changes at a county scale: A case study in Fengqiu, Henan Province, China from 1990 to 2013, Catena Journal, 137: 152-160.
- Apan A, Raine Steven R, Paterson M, 2002, Mapping and Analysis of Changes in the Riparian Landscape Structure of the Lockyer Valley catchment, Queensland, Australia, Journal of Landscape &Urban Planning, 59(1):43-57.
- Paudel S, Yuan F, 2012, Assessing landscape changes and dynamics using patch analysis and GIS modeling, International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformatic, 16:66-76.
- Nohegar A, Jabariyan B, Afrakhte R, 2015, Land use analysis on Guilan central district using landscape ecology approach. Journal of Geography and Urban Planning, 15: 194-197. (In Persian)
- Matsushita B Xu, M, Fukushima T, 2006, Characterizing Changes in Landscape Structure in the Lake Kasumigaura Basin, Japan Using a High- Quality GIS Dataset, Journal of Landscape and Urban Planning, 78(3): 241-250.
- Makhzoumi J, 2000, Landscape ecology as a foundation for landscape architecture application in Malta, Landscape and urban planning, 5: 176–177.
- Herold M, Scepan J, Clarke K. C, 2002, The use of remote sensing and landscape metrics to describe structures and changes in urban land uses. Environment and Planning 34(8): 1443-1458.
- Narumalani S, Mishra D. R, Rothwell R.G, 2004, Change detection and landscape metrics for inferring anthropogenic processes in the greater EFMO area. Remote Sensing of Environment 91(3–4): 478-489.
- Mirzayi M, Riyahi Bakhtiyari A, Salman Mahini A, Gholamalifard M, 2013, Investigating the land cover changes in Mazandaran province using landscape ecology’s metrics between 1984-2010. Iranian Journal of Applied Ecology. 2(4):37-55. (In Persian)
- Liu T, Yang X, 2015, Monitoring land changes in an urban area using satellite imagery, GIS and landscape metrics. Applied Geography, 56: 42-54.
- Lausch A, Blaschke T, Haase D, Herzog F, Syrbe R.U, Tischendorf L Walz U, 2014, Understanding and quantifying landscape structure e a review on relevant process characteristics, data models and landscape metrics. Ecol. Model. 295: 31-41.
- Uuemaa E, Antrop M, Roosaare J, Marja R, Mander Ü, 2009, Landscape metrics and indices: an overview of their use in landscape research. Living Rev. Landsc. Res. 3: 1-28.
- Uuemaa E, Mander Ü, Marja R, 2013, Trends in the use of landscape spatial metrics as landscape indicators: a review. Ecol. Indic. 28: 100-106.
- Shrestha M, York A, Boone C, Zhang S, 2012, Land fragmentation due to rapid urbanization in the Phoenix Metropolitan Area: Analyzing the spatiotemporal patterns and drivers, Applied Geography 32: 522-531.
- Saeed Sabaee M, Salman Mahini R, Shahr Aeeni M, Mirkarimi H, Dabiry N, 2015, Using Landscape Measurements in Land Use Allocation, Journal of Land Management. 8(1); 155-175. (In Persian)
- Arekhi S, 2015, Application of landscape metrics in assessing land use changes' trend by using remote sensing and GIS case study: Dehloran desert area. Geography and Development Iranian Journal. 13(40):59-68. (In Persian)
- Mohammadpour M, Abdi N, Almodaresi A, 2014, Detection of Land Use Changes Using Satellite Image Processing and Landscape Measurements: A Case Study of Urmia. The First National Conference on the Application of Advanced Spatial Analysis Models (Remote Sensing and GIS) in Land Management, Yazd: Islamic Azad University. (In Persian)
- Kiyani V, Feghhi J, 2015, Investigation of cover/land use structure of sefidrod watershed by landscape ecology metrics. Journal of Environmental Science and Technology. 22;17(2):131-41. (In Persian)
- Tange N, 2010, Analysis on land cover change in western Sydney: 1989-2008, A Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Master of Philosophy Degree.
- Thapa R. B, Murayama Y, 2011, Scenario Based Urban Growth Allocation in Kathmandu Valley, Nepal, Landscape and Urban Planning, 1-2: 140-148.
- McGarigal K Cushman S.A Ene E, 2012, FRAGSTATS V4: Spatial Pattern Analysis Program for Categorical and Continuous Maps. Computer software program produced by the authors at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. http:// www.umass.edu/landeco/index.html (accessed 24.06.16.).
- Zhang L, Wu J, Zhen Y, Shu J, 2004, A GIS-based gradient analysis of urban landscape pattern of Shanghai metropolitan area, China. Journal of Landscape and Urban Planning ,69: 1–16.
- Weng Y. c, 2007, Spatiotemporal changes of landscape pattern in response to urbanization, Landscape and Urban Planning (81) 341–353.
- Rafiee R, Mahiny A. S, Khorasani N, Darvishsefat A, Danekar A, 2009, Simulating urban growth in Mashad City, Iran through the SLEUTH model (UGM). Cities,26(1), 19–26.
- Wu J, Jenerette J. D, Buyantuyev A, Redman C.L, 2011, Quantifying spatiotemporal patterns of urbanization: The case of the two fastest growing metropolitan regionsin the United States. Ecological Complexity 8: 1–8.
- Dezhkam SS, Amiri BJ, 2015, Monitoring the landscape changes using synoptic analysis and satellite images (case study: Rasht township). Journal of Natural Environment. 68(2). (In Persian)
- Farbod A, Oladi B, Abasi N, 2013, Questionnaire data analysis with the help of SPSS22 software, Abed Publications. (In Persian)
- Bahrami H, Vegharfard H, Mlkian A, Gholami H, Tahmasbi P, 2015, Factor analysis method in prioritizing land degradation metrics in Karun watershed, The Journal of Spatial Planning. 20 (2): 87-111. (In Persian)
- Lausch A, Herzog F, 2002, Applicability of landscape metrics for the monitoring of landscape change: issues of scale, resolution and interpretability. Ecological indicators 2(1): 3-15.
- Deng J, Wang S, Hong Y, Qi J. G, 2009, Spatio-temporal dynamics and evolution of land use change and landscape pattern in response to rapid urbanization. Landscape and Urban Planning 92(3–4): 187-198.
- Karami A, Feghhi J, 2011, Quantitative Study of Landscape Measurements in Conservation of Sustainable Land Use Pattern (Case Study: Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad Provinces), journal of Environment Studies, 37 (60): 79-88. (In Persian)
- Estavillo C, Pardini R, Rocha, P. L, 2013, Forest loss and the biodiversity threshold: An evaluation considering species habitat requirements and the use of matrix habitats. PLoS One, 8, e82369.
- Alberti M, Marzluff J, 2004, Resilience in urban ecosystems: Linking urban patterns to human and ecological functions, Urban Ecosystems, 7: 241–265.
- Sun B, Zhou Q, 2016, Expressing the spatio-temporal pattern of farmland change in arid lands using landscape metrics. Journal of Arid Environments, 124: 118-127.
- Fan Q, Ding S, 2016, Landscape pattern changes at a county scale: A case study in Fengqiu, Henan Province, China from 1990 to 2013, Catena Journal, 137: 152-160.
- Apan A, Raine Steven R, Paterson M, 2002, Mapping and Analysis of Changes in the Riparian Landscape Structure of the Lockyer Valley catchment, Queensland, Australia, Journal of Landscape &Urban Planning, 59(1):43-57.
- Paudel S, Yuan F, 2012, Assessing landscape changes and dynamics using patch analysis and GIS modeling, International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformatic, 16:66-76.
- Nohegar A, Jabariyan B, Afrakhte R, 2015, Land use analysis on Guilan central district using landscape ecology approach. Journal of Geography and Urban Planning, 15: 194-197. (In Persian)
- Matsushita B Xu, M, Fukushima T, 2006, Characterizing Changes in Landscape Structure in the Lake Kasumigaura Basin, Japan Using a High- Quality GIS Dataset, Journal of Landscape and Urban Planning, 78(3): 241-250.
- Makhzoumi J, 2000, Landscape ecology as a foundation for landscape architecture application in Malta, Landscape and urban planning, 5: 176–177.
- Herold M, Scepan J, Clarke K. C, 2002, The use of remote sensing and landscape metrics to describe structures and changes in urban land uses. Environment and Planning 34(8): 1443-1458.
- Narumalani S, Mishra D. R, Rothwell R.G, 2004, Change detection and landscape metrics for inferring anthropogenic processes in the greater EFMO area. Remote Sensing of Environment 91(3–4): 478-489.
- Mirzayi M, Riyahi Bakhtiyari A, Salman Mahini A, Gholamalifard M, 2013, Investigating the land cover changes in Mazandaran province using landscape ecology’s metrics between 1984-2010. Iranian Journal of Applied Ecology. 2(4):37-55. (In Persian)
- Liu T, Yang X, 2015, Monitoring land changes in an urban area using satellite imagery, GIS and landscape metrics. Applied Geography, 56: 42-54.
- Lausch A, Blaschke T, Haase D, Herzog F, Syrbe R.U, Tischendorf L Walz U, 2014, Understanding and quantifying landscape structure e a review on relevant process characteristics, data models and landscape metrics. Ecol. Model. 295: 31-41.
- Uuemaa E, Antrop M, Roosaare J, Marja R, Mander Ü, 2009, Landscape metrics and indices: an overview of their use in landscape research. Living Rev. Landsc. Res. 3: 1-28.
- Uuemaa E, Mander Ü, Marja R, 2013, Trends in the use of landscape spatial metrics as landscape indicators: a review. Ecol. Indic. 28: 100-106.
- Shrestha M, York A, Boone C, Zhang S, 2012, Land fragmentation due to rapid urbanization in the Phoenix Metropolitan Area: Analyzing the spatiotemporal patterns and drivers, Applied Geography 32: 522-531.
- Saeed Sabaee M, Salman Mahini R, Shahr Aeeni M, Mirkarimi H, Dabiry N, 2015, Using Landscape Measurements in Land Use Allocation, Journal of Land Management. 8(1); 155-175. (In Persian)
- Arekhi S, 2015, Application of landscape metrics in assessing land use changes' trend by using remote sensing and GIS case study: Dehloran desert area. Geography and Development Iranian Journal. 13(40):59-68. (In Persian)
- Mohammadpour M, Abdi N, Almodaresi A, 2014, Detection of Land Use Changes Using Satellite Image Processing and Landscape Measurements: A Case Study of Urmia. The First National Conference on the Application of Advanced Spatial Analysis Models (Remote Sensing and GIS) in Land Management, Yazd: Islamic Azad University. (In Persian)
- Kiyani V, Feghhi J, 2015, Investigation of cover/land use structure of sefidrod watershed by landscape ecology metrics. Journal of Environmental Science and Technology. 22;17(2):131-41. (In Persian)
- Tange N, 2010, Analysis on land cover change in western Sydney: 1989-2008, A Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Master of Philosophy Degree.
- Thapa R. B, Murayama Y, 2011, Scenario Based Urban Growth Allocation in Kathmandu Valley, Nepal, Landscape and Urban Planning, 1-2: 140-148.
- McGarigal K Cushman S.A Ene E, 2012, FRAGSTATS V4: Spatial Pattern Analysis Program for Categorical and Continuous Maps. Computer software program produced by the authors at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. http:// www.umass.edu/landeco/index.html (accessed 24.06.16.).
- Zhang L, Wu J, Zhen Y, Shu J, 2004, A GIS-based gradient analysis of urban landscape pattern of Shanghai metropolitan area, China. Journal of Landscape and Urban Planning ,69: 1–16.
- Weng Y. c, 2007, Spatiotemporal changes of landscape pattern in response to urbanization, Landscape and Urban Planning (81) 341–353.
- Rafiee R, Mahiny A. S, Khorasani N, Darvishsefat A, Danekar A, 2009, Simulating urban growth in Mashad City, Iran through the SLEUTH model (UGM). Cities,26(1), 19–26.
- Wu J, Jenerette J. D, Buyantuyev A, Redman C.L, 2011, Quantifying spatiotemporal patterns of urbanization: The case of the two fastest growing metropolitan regionsin the United States. Ecological Complexity 8: 1–8.
- Dezhkam SS, Amiri BJ, 2015, Monitoring the landscape changes using synoptic analysis and satellite images (case study: Rasht township). Journal of Natural Environment. 68(2). (In Persian)
- Farbod A, Oladi B, Abasi N, 2013, Questionnaire data analysis with the help of SPSS22 software, Abed Publications. (In Persian)
- Bahrami H, Vegharfard H, Mlkian A, Gholami H, Tahmasbi P, 2015, Factor analysis method in prioritizing land degradation metrics in Karun watershed, The Journal of Spatial Planning. 20 (2): 87-111. (In Persian)
- Lausch A, Herzog F, 2002, Applicability of landscape metrics for the monitoring of landscape change: issues of scale, resolution and interpretability. Ecological indicators 2(1): 3-15.
- Deng J, Wang S, Hong Y, Qi J. G, 2009, Spatio-temporal dynamics and evolution of land use change and landscape pattern in response to rapid urbanization. Landscape and Urban Planning 92(3–4): 187-198.
- Karami A, Feghhi J, 2011, Quantitative Study of Landscape Measurements in Conservation of Sustainable Land Use Pattern (Case Study: Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad Provinces), journal of Environment Studies, 37 (60): 79-88. (In Persian)