ملخص المقالة :
زمینه و هدف:یکی از پیامدهای فعالیت های صنعتی، ورود ترکیبات سمی نظیرسیانور به محیط زیست است که بی توجهی به آن سلامت انسان و سایر موجودات زنده را تهدید می کند. مطالعه حاضر به منظور بررسی حذف بیولوژیکی سیانور از فاضلاب و شناسایی میکروارگانیزم های مقاوم انجام شد.
روش بررسی: فاضلاب ساختگی از سیانور پتاسیم تهیه شد و در راکتور جریان منقطع (ناپیوسته) با ظرفیت 2 لیتر، غلظت های 5،20، 50، 100، 150 و 200 میلی گرم در لیترسیانور مورد بررسی قرارگرفت. لجن ثانویه تصفیه خانه فاضلاب شهری به عنوان محیط کشت مخلوط در راکتور به کار رفت. میزانCN، NH3، NO3، TSS، VSS و باکتری ها بر اساس روش های موجود در کتاب استاندارد متد اندازه گیری شد. همچنین شناسایی روتیفرها، مژه داران و جلبک ها نیز با استفاده از میکروسکوپ مدلIIS انجام شد.
یافتهها: نتایج نشان داد که تصفیه بیولوژیکی می تواند تا غلظت 150 میلی گرم در لیتر سیانور را از فاضلاب حذف نماید و بالاتر بودن MLVSS اولیه نقش زیادی در حذف غلظت های بالاتر سیانور دارد. در پایان حذف سیانور پسودوموناس، کلی فرم ها(به جز کلی فرم های مدفوعی)، باسیلوس ها، قارچ ها و همچنین کارچزیوم (از دسته مژه داران)، فیلودینا (ازدسته روتیفرها) و اوسیلاتوریا (از دسته جلبک ها) به عنوان گونه های مقاوم به سیانور و آسپیدیسک، پرولز و آلوتریکس به ترتیب به عنوان حساس ترین روتیفر، مژه دار و جلبک به سیانور شناسایی شدند.
بحث و نتیجه گیری: تصفیه بیولوژیکی لجن فعال برای حذف سیانور از فاضلاب یک روش کارآمد است و اگر در آن ها از محیط کشت خالص مرکب از میکروارگانیزم های مقاوم استفاده شود می تواند جایگزین مناسبی برای روش های حذف شیمیایی سیانور از فاضلاب صنعتی باشد.
Ebbs, S.,2004. Biological degradation of cyanide compound. Current Opinion in Biotechnology, 2004,Vol. 15, pp.231–236.
Smith, A., Mudder, T.I.,1991. The chemistry and treatment of cyanidation Mining. Journal Books Ltd, London,United Kingdom.
Young, C.A., Jordan, T.S.,1995. Cyanide remediation:current and past technologies. Proceedings of the 10th Annual Conference on Hazardous Waste Research, Great Plains/Rocky Mountain Hazardous Substance Research Center, Kansas State University, Kansas, pp. 104-129.
Dubey, S.K., Holmes, D.S.,1995. Biological cyanide destruction mediated by microorganisms. World J Microbiol Biotechnol,Vol. 11, pp. 257-265.
Ware, G.C., Painter, H.A.,1955. Bacterial Utilization of Cyanide. Nature, 175, 900.
Brink, R.J.,1960. Biological decomposition of cyanide. Proc. 3rd. Conf. on Biological Wastes Treatment, manhattan College.
Ludzack, F.J., Schaffer, R.B.,1960. Activated sludge treatment of cyanate and thiocyanate. Proc. 15th Industial Waste Conf, Purdue Univ, pp. 439-460.
Gurnham, C.F., 1965. Cyanide destruction on trickling filters. Proc. 10th Industrial Waste Conf, Purdue Univ, pp. 186-193.
Allen, J., Strobel, G.A.,1966. The assimilation of HCN by a variety of fungi.Canadian Journal of Microbiology, Vol. 12, pp. 414-416.
10.Kostenbadner, P.D., Flecksteiner, J.W., 1969. Biological oxidation of coke plant weak ammonia liquo. J.WPCF,Vol. 41, pp.199-207.
Raef, S.F., Characklis, W.G., Kessick, M.A., Ward, C.H., 1976. Fate of Cyanide and related compounds in aerobic microbial systems II. Microbial Degradation. Water Research, Vol. 11.pp. 485-492.
12.Luthy, R.G.,1981. treatment of coal coking and coal gasification wastewatera. J. WPCF, Vol. 53, pp. 325-339.
13.Katayama, Y., Kuraishi, H.,1978. Characteristics of thiobacillus thioparus and its thiocyanate assimilation.Can. J. Microbial, Vol.24, pp.804-810.
Betts, P.M., Rinder, D.F., fleeker, J.R., 1979. Thiocyanate utilization by an arthrobacter. Can. J. Microbial, Vol. 25, pp. 1277-1282.
15.Gaudy, A.F., Gaudy, E.T., Feng, Y.J ., Brucggemann, G.,1982. treatment of cyanide waste by the Extended aeration process. J. WPCF,Vol. 54, pp.153- 164.
Mudder, T.I ., Whitlock, J.L., 1983. Biological treatment of cyanidation wastewaters. Proc. 38th Industrial waste Con, Purdue Univ, pp. 279-288.
Meyers, PR., Gokool, P., Rawlings, DE., Woods, DR., 1991. An efficient cyanidedegrading Bacillus pumilus strain. J Gen Microbiol, Vol.137, pp. 1397-1400.
Banerjee, G.,1996. Phenol and thiocyanate based wastewater treatment in RBC reactor. J. Environ. Eng, Vol. 122, pp. 941-948.
White, D.M., Schnabel, W.,1997. Treatment of cyanide waste in a sequencing bath biofilm reactor.Wat. Res, Vol. 32, pp. 254-257.
APHA.,1992. Standard Methods for the Examinations of Water and Wastewater. 18th Edn, Publication office American Public Health Association.
Akcil, A., Karahan, A.G., Ciftci, H. Sagdic, O.,2003. Biological treatment of cyanide by natural isolated bacteria (Pseudomonas sp.) Mineral Engg, Vol.16, pp. 643-649.
Gurbuz, F., Hasan, C. Akcil, A., Karahan, A.G.,2004. Microbial detoxification of cyanide solutions: a new biotechnological approach using algae, Hydrometallurgy, Vol.72, pp. 167-176 .
Navvabi Ghamsari, S. R., Haghighi, M. R., Tajrishi, M., Emtiazi, G.,1380. The effect of cyanide on the coefficients Biokinetic. 4th national conference of environmental Health, Yazd Shahid Sadoughi University of Medical Sciences and Health Services. (In Persian)
Kuyucak, N., Akcil, A., 2013. Cyanide and removal options from effluents in gold mining and metallurgical processes. Minerals Engineering, Vol. 50, pp. 13-29.
Mekuto, L., Jackson, VA., Ntwampe, SKO.,2015. Biodegradation of free cyanide and subsequent utilisation of biodegradation by-products by Bacillus consortia: optimisation using response surface methodology. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Vol. 22 , pp. 10434–10443.
Ebbs, S.,2004. Biological degradation of cyanide compound. Current Opinion in Biotechnology, 2004,Vol. 15, pp.231–236.
Smith, A., Mudder, T.I.,1991. The chemistry and treatment of cyanidation Mining. Journal Books Ltd, London,United Kingdom.
Young, C.A., Jordan, T.S.,1995. Cyanide remediation:current and past technologies. Proceedings of the 10th Annual Conference on Hazardous Waste Research, Great Plains/Rocky Mountain Hazardous Substance Research Center, Kansas State University, Kansas, pp. 104-129.
Dubey, S.K., Holmes, D.S.,1995. Biological cyanide destruction mediated by microorganisms. World J Microbiol Biotechnol,Vol. 11, pp. 257-265.
Ware, G.C., Painter, H.A.,1955. Bacterial Utilization of Cyanide. Nature, 175, 900.
Brink, R.J.,1960. Biological decomposition of cyanide. Proc. 3rd. Conf. on Biological Wastes Treatment, manhattan College.
Ludzack, F.J., Schaffer, R.B.,1960. Activated sludge treatment of cyanate and thiocyanate. Proc. 15th Industial Waste Conf, Purdue Univ, pp. 439-460.
Gurnham, C.F., 1965. Cyanide destruction on trickling filters. Proc. 10th Industrial Waste Conf, Purdue Univ, pp. 186-193.
Allen, J., Strobel, G.A.,1966. The assimilation of HCN by a variety of fungi.Canadian Journal of Microbiology, Vol. 12, pp. 414-416.
10.Kostenbadner, P.D., Flecksteiner, J.W., 1969. Biological oxidation of coke plant weak ammonia liquo. J.WPCF,Vol. 41, pp.199-207.
Raef, S.F., Characklis, W.G., Kessick, M.A., Ward, C.H., 1976. Fate of Cyanide and related compounds in aerobic microbial systems II. Microbial Degradation. Water Research, Vol. 11.pp. 485-492.
12.Luthy, R.G.,1981. treatment of coal coking and coal gasification wastewatera. J. WPCF, Vol. 53, pp. 325-339.
13.Katayama, Y., Kuraishi, H.,1978. Characteristics of thiobacillus thioparus and its thiocyanate assimilation.Can. J. Microbial, Vol.24, pp.804-810.
Betts, P.M., Rinder, D.F., fleeker, J.R., 1979. Thiocyanate utilization by an arthrobacter. Can. J. Microbial, Vol. 25, pp. 1277-1282.
15.Gaudy, A.F., Gaudy, E.T., Feng, Y.J ., Brucggemann, G.,1982. treatment of cyanide waste by the Extended aeration process. J. WPCF,Vol. 54, pp.153- 164.
Mudder, T.I ., Whitlock, J.L., 1983. Biological treatment of cyanidation wastewaters. Proc. 38th Industrial waste Con, Purdue Univ, pp. 279-288.
Meyers, PR., Gokool, P., Rawlings, DE., Woods, DR., 1991. An efficient cyanidedegrading Bacillus pumilus strain. J Gen Microbiol, Vol.137, pp. 1397-1400.
Banerjee, G.,1996. Phenol and thiocyanate based wastewater treatment in RBC reactor. J. Environ. Eng, Vol. 122, pp. 941-948.
White, D.M., Schnabel, W.,1997. Treatment of cyanide waste in a sequencing bath biofilm reactor.Wat. Res, Vol. 32, pp. 254-257.
APHA.,1992. Standard Methods for the Examinations of Water and Wastewater. 18th Edn, Publication office American Public Health Association.
Akcil, A., Karahan, A.G., Ciftci, H. Sagdic, O.,2003. Biological treatment of cyanide by natural isolated bacteria (Pseudomonas sp.) Mineral Engg, Vol.16, pp. 643-649.
Gurbuz, F., Hasan, C. Akcil, A., Karahan, A.G.,2004. Microbial detoxification of cyanide solutions: a new biotechnological approach using algae, Hydrometallurgy, Vol.72, pp. 167-176 .
Navvabi Ghamsari, S. R., Haghighi, M. R., Tajrishi, M., Emtiazi, G.,1380. The effect of cyanide on the coefficients Biokinetic. 4th national conference of environmental Health, Yazd Shahid Sadoughi University of Medical Sciences and Health Services. (In Persian)
Kuyucak, N., Akcil, A., 2013. Cyanide and removal options from effluents in gold mining and metallurgical processes. Minerals Engineering, Vol. 50, pp. 13-29.
Mekuto, L., Jackson, VA., Ntwampe, SKO.,2015. Biodegradation of free cyanide and subsequent utilisation of biodegradation by-products by Bacillus consortia: optimisation using response surface methodology. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Vol. 22 , pp. 10434–10443.