هویت قومی و توسعه یافتگی سیاسی (مطالعه موردی: دانشجویان دانشگاه کردستان در سال تحصیلی 94-95)
الموضوعات :
مطالعات توسعه اجتماعی ایران
قنبرعلی رجبلو
حلیمه حسین پناهی
1 - استادیار و عضو هیات علمی گروه علوم اجتماعی دانشگاه الزهرا
2 - کارشناس ارشد علوم اجتماعی دانشگاه الزهرا
تاريخ الإرسال : 25 الثلاثاء , جمادى الثانية, 1439
تاريخ التأكيد : 25 الثلاثاء , جمادى الثانية, 1439
تاريخ الإصدار : 04 الثلاثاء , جمادى الثانية, 1439
الکلمات المفتاحية:
توسعه یافتگی سیاسی,
هویت قومی,
اعتماد سیاسی,
مشارکت سیاسی,
فرهنگ سیاسی,
هویت ملی,
ملخص المقالة :
توسعه سیاسی پدیدهای است که نمیتوان تاثیرش را بر حیات اجتماعی و سیاسی جهان امروز، بویژه در جوامع در حال توسعه، انکار کرد. در فرایند تحقق توسعهیافتگی سیاسی عوامل گوناگونی ایفای نقش کنند که در میان آنها، نقش اعضای جامعه کمتر مورد توجه قرار گرفته است. بنابراین هدف پژوهش حاضر بررسی تاثیر هویت قومی دانشجویان بر توسعهیافتگی سیاسی آنها است. بر اساس نظریات موجود توسعهیافتگی سیاسی در دو سطح خرد و کلان قابل بررسی است، معرفهای سطح کلان توسعهیافتگی سیاسی در عرصه ساخت سیاسی و ساخت اجتماعی تعیین شدهاند و معرف های سطح خرد در عرصه فرهنگ سیاسی و رفتار افراد قابل تشخیصاند که عبارت بودند از: فرهنگ سیاسی دموکراتیک، اعتماد سیاسی، مشارکت سیاسی، هویت ملی. این پژوهش از نظر روش از نوع تحقیقات توصیفی-علی میباشد که بصورت پیمایشی انجام شده است. جامعه آماری کلیه دانشجویان کرد دانشگاه کردستان در سال تحصیلی 94- 95 است. حجم نمونه با استفاده از فرمول کوکران 380 نفر بدست آمد و با روش نمونهگیری خوشهای طبقهای با حجم نامتناسب، نمونههای آماری انتخاب شد. یافتهها نشان می دهد که بین هویت قومی و توسعهیافتگی سیاسی دانشجویان رابطه معناداری وجود دارد و همچنین نتایج حاصل از بررسی متغیرهای زمینهای گویای تاثیر میزان درآمد خانواده و میزان تحصیلات بر توسعهیافتگی سیاسی است. ازطرف دیگر میزان توسعه یافتگی سیاسی افراد بر حسب جنس و مذهب و وضعیت تاهل متفاوت است. بنابراین نظریه نظریهپردازان متقدم مانند دویچ، لرنر و شیلز در رابطه با رابطه قومیت و توسعه سیاسی تایید و نظریه نظریهپردازان متاخر رد شد.
Abdollahi, Mohammad & Rad, Firouz (2009) "A Study of the Transition Process and Structural Obstacles of Political Development in Iran" (1304-1382), Journal of Sociology of Iran, No. 1.
Abdollahi, Mohammad (2002) "The Baluch student's tendency toward national identity in Iran", Journal of Sociology of Iran, Vol. 4.
Abrahamian, Ervand (1998) Iran between Two Revolutions, Translated by Firoozmand, Tehran: Markaz.
Aghili, Seyyed Vahid & Jaafari, Vahid (2012) "The role of the Internet in political development", media studies, Year 7, 9th issue.
Ahmadloo, Habib (2002) Investigating the Relationship between National Identity and Ethnic Identity among Tabriz Youth, MA Thesis, Faculty of Humanities, Tarbiat Modarres University.
Alikhani, Behrouz (2003) Cultural diversity and its impact on political development in contemporary Iran, MA Thesis, Faculty of Law and Political Science, University of Tehran.
Almond, G. & J. S. Coleman. (1960). the Politics of the Developing Areas, Princeton University Press.
Almond, Gabrial A. and Verba, Sidny (1963) The Civic Culture: Political Attitudes and Democracy in five Nations. Prenceton. Prenceton University Press.
Almond, Gabriel A., (1987), “The Development of Political Development”, Understanding Political Development, (ed.), Myron Weiner and Samuel Huntington. Boston: Little Brown.
Almond, Gabriel and Verba, Sideney (1990) the Civic Culture: Political A.titudesand Democracy in Five Nations. Boston: Little Brown.
Almond, Gabriel et Al (1998) Comparative Politics: A Theoretical Framework, Translated by Alireza Tayyeb, Tehran: Center for Education of Governmental Management.
Almond, Gabriel, & Verba, Sidney (1968), the Civic Culture: Political Attitudes and Democracy in Five Nations, Michigan: Ann Arbor.
Amith, Ryan Clous (2001) Understanig Politics of Third World, Translated by Mohammad Haji yoosefi & Mohammad Saeed Ghaeni Najafi, Tehran: Ministry of Forreign Affairs.
Azkia, Mostafa (2007) Sociology of Development, Tehran: Nashre Keyhan.
Badii, Bertrand (1997) Political Development, Translated by Ahmad Naghib Zadeh, Tehran: Ghoomes.
Bagheri, Samad (2011), University and Political Development, Case study: Iran Between 1989 to 2005, MA Thesis, Faculty of Humanities.
Bashirieh, Hossein (1995) Political Sociology in Islamic Republic of Iran, Tehran: Gaame no.
Bashirieh, Hossein (2009) "Political Culture & Political Development", Nameye Farhang, 2nd Year, No. 3.
Bretzer, Noreen. (2002). “How Can Institutions Better Explain Political Trust than Capitals Do?”. PHD Thesis. University of Gothenburg. Sweden.
Chalabi, Masoud (1996), Sociology of Order: A Theoretical Analysis of Social Order, Tehran: Nashre Ney.
Dabiri Mehr, Amir (2014) "The typology of political development studies from community-based theories to state-oriented theories", Rahbord, 23th Year, No. 70.
Dahl, Robert (1974).who Governs 20th Print. New Haven and London: Yale university press.
Dariush Bastani (2000) The Study of the Impact of the Social Class on Political Culture (Case Study: People of the City of Shiraz), Master's thesis, University of Shiraz.
Delavari, Reza (2012) "Pathology of the role and place of the state bureaucracy in the process of political development of Iran", MA Thesis, Tehran: Islamic Azad University, Tehran Markaz, faculty of Political Science.
Deutsch, Carl (-1969) Nationalism and its Alternatives.New York: Alfred Knopf.
Deutsch, Karl et Al (1996) Theories of International Relations, Translated by Vahid Bozorgi, Tehran: Jahade Daneshgahi.
Eftekhari, Asghar (2000) "Natural Capacity of Security", Strategic Studies Quarterly, Vol. 2.
Ehsani, Sajjad (2009) State & Political Development, Case Study: The Impact of Reformist's Government on Iran's Political Development between 1384-1376, MA Thesis, Faculty of Social Sciences, Razi University of Kermanshah.
Eisenstadt, S. N. (1964), Modernization and Condition of Sustained Growth, Chicago: Chicago University Press.
Enloe, Cynthia H. (1986).” Ethnic Conflicl and Political Development”. U.S.A. University Press of America, P. Viii
Firouzjaeyan, Ali Asghar & Jahangiri, Jahangir (2008) "Sociological Analysis of Students Political Participation", Journal of Social Sciences, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Ferdousi University of Mashhad, Year 5.
Geranmaye Pour, Ali & Ansari, Elham (1389) "Modernization Pattern; the Savior of the Traditional Middle Eastern Community or Western Theory", Journal of Media Studies, Year 5, No. 8.
Ghader Zadeh, Omid (2009) the collective identity of the Kurds in the countries of Iran and Iraq, Ph.D. Thesis, Tehran: Faculty of Social Scineces, Allame Tabatabayi University.
Ghaderi, Tahere & Esmail AAlizad (2012) "Governmental Policies and Political Development in Iran" (1989-2005), Social Sciences Quarterly, No. 60.
Ghaffari, Gholamreza & Niazi, Mohsen (2012) Sociology of Participation, Tehran: Nashre Nazdik.
Ghanbari, Dariush (2006) Modern government and national integrity in Iran, Tehran: Tamaddone Irani.
Ghavam, Abdol Ali (1991) the evolution of the concept of political development, Tadbir, No. 14.
Ghavam, Abdol Ali (1994) Political Development and Administrative Transformation, Tehran: Ghoomes.
Ghavam, Abdol Ali (2003) the Chalenges of Political Development, Tehran: Ghoomes, 3rd Ed.
Ghavam, Abdol Ali (2005) International Relations: Theories and Approaches, Tehran: Samt.
Giddens, Anthony (2005) Central Problems in Social Theory: Action, Structure, and Contradiction in Social Analysis, Translated by Mohammad Rezayi, Nashre Saad.
Goodarzi, Hossein (2001) "Political Development and Participation of the Iranian Kurd Society", National Studies Quarterly, Year 3, No. 9.
Haghpanah, Jaafar (2002) "The process of elaboration of ethnic policy in the Islamic Republic of Iran", Research Report, Research Institute of Strategic Studies.
Hajiani Ebrahim (2009) "The Relationship of National Identity with Ethnic Identity", Iranian Sociology, Vol. 9, No. 3-4.
Hajiani Ebrahim (2013) Sociology of Iranian Identity, Tehran: Center for Strategic Research.
Hajjarian, Saeed (1993) "The disorganized process of political development in peripheral countries", Rahbord, No. 2.
Huntington, S & J, M Nelson (1976). Political Participation in Developing Countries Cambridge.Harvard University Press.
Huntington, Samuel & Joan, Nelson. (1976). “political participation in developing countries”. Cambridge. Mass: Harvard University press.
Huntington, Samuel P (1984), will more countries become democratic? Political Science Quortery, vol 99, No. 2.
Huntington, Samuel P. and John M. Nelson. No Easy Choice: Political Participation in Developing Countries (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1976).
Huntington, Samuel P. & Weiner, Myron (2000) Understanding Political Development, Tehran: Research Institute of Strategic Studies.
Huntington, Samuel P. (1991) Political Order in Changing Societies, Translated by Mohsen Salasi, Tehran: Entesharate Elmi.
Huntington, Samuel P. (2008) The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order, Translated by Mohammad Ali Hamid Rafee, Tehran: Cultural Researches.
Huntington, Samuel, (1984). "Will More Countries Bec ome Democratic?" Political Science Quarterly, 99, summer.
Identity”. International Journal Counseling Psychology. 2007. Vol. 54. No. 3. 271–281.
Inglehart, R, R. Foa, C, Welzel and C, Peterson (2008) "Social Change. Freedom and Rising Happiness: A Global Perspective. 1981–2007". Perspectives on Psychological Science. 3: 264-285.
Inglehart, Ronald (2003) Cultural Evolution, Translated by Maryam Vatar, Tehran: Kavir.
Inglehart, Ronald and Christian, Welzel (2009) "Political Culture. Mass Beliefs and Value Change", in Democratization. Hearper and Etc. Oxford University Press: 126-143.
Inglehart, Ronald and Christian, Welzel. (2005). Modernization, Social Change and Democracy. London. Cambridge University Press.
Jalayi Pour, Hamidreza & Ghanbari, Ali (2009) "Study of national identity and globalization values with emphasis on Arabic-speaking Iranians", Social Science Research, 3rd year, No. 2.
Johari. J.C. (1991). Comparative politics. New Delhi: Sterling publishers.
Kadivar, Mohammad Ali (2007) A Preface to the Theory of Transition to Democracy, Tehran: Game No.
Kupper, Adam and jesica kupper (1999), the sociad scence encyclopedia, London, rout ledge, 2nd Ed.
Lerner, Daniel (1958). The Passing of Traditional Society: Modernizing the Middle East. New York: Free Press.
Lerner, Daniel (2004) The Passing of Traditional Society: Modernizing the Middle East, Translated by Gholamreza Khaje Sarvari, Tehran: Research Institute of Strategic Studies.
Lipset, Seymour, M. (1963). Political Man. New York: Anchor Books.
Mehdi Khani, Alireza (2001) a Brief Overview of Political-Economic Development, Tehran: Arvan Nashr.
Mosalla Nejad, Abbas (2008) Political Culture of Iran, Tehran: Farhange Saba.
Mousavi, Mir Tayyeb (2010) "Thought of Social Capital: Social Consensus", Political Development and National Security, Quarterly Journal of Political Science, No. 13.
Nazari, Mogaddese (2010) the role of public opinion in the political development of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Tehran: Faculty of Political and Social Sciences, Bagher-ol Oloum University.
Nazari, Seyyed Ghani et Al (2013) "Investigating the Impact of Political Participation on the Political Development Case Study: Khalkhal City Youth", Iranian Social Development Studies Journal, Year 6, No. 1.
Norris. P. (2002). Democratic phoenix: political activism world wide. New York. Cambridge university press.
Phinney, Jean S. (2005)”. Ethnic Identity in Late Modern Times: A Response to Rattansi and Phoenix.
Phinney. Jean S. (1990).” Ethnic Identity in Adolescents and Adults”, Review of Research Psychological Bulletin. Vol. 108. No. 3.
Pye L, (1966) Aspects of Political Development. Boston: Little Brown.
Pye. Lucian (1965). Political Culture and Political Development. Prinston University Press.
Rajab Nasab, Hamid (2001) "Theoretical Study of Ethnic Diversity, Development and National Solidarity", National Studies Quarterly, Year 3, No. 9.
Rajab Zadeh, Ahmad (1999) Sociology of Development: Comparative study, Iran and Japan, Tehran: Salman.
Rash, Michael (2011) Society and Politics, Translated by Manoochehr Sabouri, Tehran: Samt.
Razazi Far, Afsar (2000) "The sociological pattern of national identity in Iran", National Studies Quarterly, Year 2, No. 5.
Rice, Tom W. and Jeffrey Ling (2002), Democracy, Economic Wealth and Social Capital, Sorting Out The Causal Connections Space and Polity, Vol 6. No3.pp:307 – 325.
Rotheram, M., & Phinney, J. (1987). Ethnic behavior patterns as an aspect of identity. In Children’s ethnic socialization: Pluralism and development. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
Rush, Michael (1992) Politics and society an introduction to political sociological, London prentice hall.
Salehi Amiri, Ali Akbar et Al (2011) "Cultural barriers to political development in Iran and providing management solutions in this field", Cultural Management, Year 5, No. 11.
Sarayi, Hasan & Safiri, Nasrin (2009) "Student Political Trust: A Study of the Students of Amir Kabir University", Journal of Iranian Social Development Studies, Vol. 1, No. 4.
Sariolghalam, Mahmoud (1991) "Third World Structure; Past and Future", Journal of Political and Economic Information, No. 47.
Sariolghalam, Mahmoud (2001) Rationality and Future of Iran's Development, Center for Strategic Research and Strategic Studies in the Middle East.
Sarmast, Bahram (1995) Cultural pluralism and the crisis of political participation, MA Thesis, Tehran: Shahid Beheshti University, Faculty of Economics and Political Science.
Seif Zadeh, Hossein (2004) Modernization and political transformation, Tehran: Ghoomes.
Seyyed Emami, Kavoos (2007) "Political Participation of Students: Assessing Some Predictors of Political Participation", Tehran: Political Science Association of Iran, Year 2, No. 1.
Tajfel, H & Turner, J, C. (1979). “An integrative theory of intergroup conflict”. The social psychology of intergroup relations.
Verba, Sydney (1996), Comparison between political Cultures, translated by Majid Mohammadi, Tehran: Pajooheshhaye Bonyadi.
Yu, Dal Siung (2002) Political Culture and Political Development a comparative study of Korea and Iran, Tehran: Khaneye Sabz.
Abdollahi, Mohammad & Rad, Firouz (2009) "A Study of the Transition Process and Structural Obstacles of Political Development in Iran" (1304-1382), Journal of Sociology of Iran, No. 1.
Abdollahi, Mohammad (2002) "The Baluch student's tendency toward national identity in Iran", Journal of Sociology of Iran, Vol. 4.
Abrahamian, Ervand (1998) Iran between Two Revolutions, Translated by Firoozmand, Tehran: Markaz.
Aghili, Seyyed Vahid & Jaafari, Vahid (2012) "The role of the Internet in political development", media studies, Year 7, 9th issue.
Ahmadloo, Habib (2002) Investigating the Relationship between National Identity and Ethnic Identity among Tabriz Youth, MA Thesis, Faculty of Humanities, Tarbiat Modarres University.
Alikhani, Behrouz (2003) Cultural diversity and its impact on political development in contemporary Iran, MA Thesis, Faculty of Law and Political Science, University of Tehran.
Almond, G. & J. S. Coleman. (1960). the Politics of the Developing Areas, Princeton University Press.
Almond, Gabrial A. and Verba, Sidny (1963) The Civic Culture: Political Attitudes and Democracy in five Nations. Prenceton. Prenceton University Press.
Almond, Gabriel A., (1987), “The Development of Political Development”, Understanding Political Development, (ed.), Myron Weiner and Samuel Huntington. Boston: Little Brown.
Almond, Gabriel and Verba, Sideney (1990) the Civic Culture: Political A.titudesand Democracy in Five Nations. Boston: Little Brown.
Almond, Gabriel et Al (1998) Comparative Politics: A Theoretical Framework, Translated by Alireza Tayyeb, Tehran: Center for Education of Governmental Management.
Almond, Gabriel, & Verba, Sidney (1968), the Civic Culture: Political Attitudes and Democracy in Five Nations, Michigan: Ann Arbor.
Amith, Ryan Clous (2001) Understanig Politics of Third World, Translated by Mohammad Haji yoosefi & Mohammad Saeed Ghaeni Najafi, Tehran: Ministry of Forreign Affairs.
Azkia, Mostafa (2007) Sociology of Development, Tehran: Nashre Keyhan.
Badii, Bertrand (1997) Political Development, Translated by Ahmad Naghib Zadeh, Tehran: Ghoomes.
Bagheri, Samad (2011), University and Political Development, Case study: Iran Between 1989 to 2005, MA Thesis, Faculty of Humanities.
Bashirieh, Hossein (1995) Political Sociology in Islamic Republic of Iran, Tehran: Gaame no.
Bashirieh, Hossein (2009) "Political Culture & Political Development", Nameye Farhang, 2nd Year, No. 3.
Bretzer, Noreen. (2002). “How Can Institutions Better Explain Political Trust than Capitals Do?”. PHD Thesis. University of Gothenburg. Sweden.
Chalabi, Masoud (1996), Sociology of Order: A Theoretical Analysis of Social Order, Tehran: Nashre Ney.
Dabiri Mehr, Amir (2014) "The typology of political development studies from community-based theories to state-oriented theories", Rahbord, 23th Year, No. 70.
Dahl, Robert (1974).who Governs 20th Print. New Haven and London: Yale university press.
Dariush Bastani (2000) The Study of the Impact of the Social Class on Political Culture (Case Study: People of the City of Shiraz), Master's thesis, University of Shiraz.
Delavari, Reza (2012) "Pathology of the role and place of the state bureaucracy in the process of political development of Iran", MA Thesis, Tehran: Islamic Azad University, Tehran Markaz, faculty of Political Science.
Deutsch, Carl (-1969) Nationalism and its Alternatives.New York: Alfred Knopf.
Deutsch, Karl et Al (1996) Theories of International Relations, Translated by Vahid Bozorgi, Tehran: Jahade Daneshgahi.
Eftekhari, Asghar (2000) "Natural Capacity of Security", Strategic Studies Quarterly, Vol. 2.
Ehsani, Sajjad (2009) State & Political Development, Case Study: The Impact of Reformist's Government on Iran's Political Development between 1384-1376, MA Thesis, Faculty of Social Sciences, Razi University of Kermanshah.
Eisenstadt, S. N. (1964), Modernization and Condition of Sustained Growth, Chicago: Chicago University Press.
Enloe, Cynthia H. (1986).” Ethnic Conflicl and Political Development”. U.S.A. University Press of America, P. Viii
Firouzjaeyan, Ali Asghar & Jahangiri, Jahangir (2008) "Sociological Analysis of Students Political Participation", Journal of Social Sciences, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Ferdousi University of Mashhad, Year 5.
Geranmaye Pour, Ali & Ansari, Elham (1389) "Modernization Pattern; the Savior of the Traditional Middle Eastern Community or Western Theory", Journal of Media Studies, Year 5, No. 8.
Ghader Zadeh, Omid (2009) the collective identity of the Kurds in the countries of Iran and Iraq, Ph.D. Thesis, Tehran: Faculty of Social Scineces, Allame Tabatabayi University.
Ghaderi, Tahere & Esmail AAlizad (2012) "Governmental Policies and Political Development in Iran" (1989-2005), Social Sciences Quarterly, No. 60.
Ghaffari, Gholamreza & Niazi, Mohsen (2012) Sociology of Participation, Tehran: Nashre Nazdik.
Ghanbari, Dariush (2006) Modern government and national integrity in Iran, Tehran: Tamaddone Irani.
Ghavam, Abdol Ali (1991) the evolution of the concept of political development, Tadbir, No. 14.
Ghavam, Abdol Ali (1994) Political Development and Administrative Transformation, Tehran: Ghoomes.
Ghavam, Abdol Ali (2003) the Chalenges of Political Development, Tehran: Ghoomes, 3rd Ed.
Ghavam, Abdol Ali (2005) International Relations: Theories and Approaches, Tehran: Samt.
Giddens, Anthony (2005) Central Problems in Social Theory: Action, Structure, and Contradiction in Social Analysis, Translated by Mohammad Rezayi, Nashre Saad.
Goodarzi, Hossein (2001) "Political Development and Participation of the Iranian Kurd Society", National Studies Quarterly, Year 3, No. 9.
Haghpanah, Jaafar (2002) "The process of elaboration of ethnic policy in the Islamic Republic of Iran", Research Report, Research Institute of Strategic Studies.
Hajiani Ebrahim (2009) "The Relationship of National Identity with Ethnic Identity", Iranian Sociology, Vol. 9, No. 3-4.
Hajiani Ebrahim (2013) Sociology of Iranian Identity, Tehran: Center for Strategic Research.
Hajjarian, Saeed (1993) "The disorganized process of political development in peripheral countries", Rahbord, No. 2.
Huntington, S & J, M Nelson (1976). Political Participation in Developing Countries Cambridge.Harvard University Press.
Huntington, Samuel & Joan, Nelson. (1976). “political participation in developing countries”. Cambridge. Mass: Harvard University press.
Huntington, Samuel P (1984), will more countries become democratic? Political Science Quortery, vol 99, No. 2.
Huntington, Samuel P. and John M. Nelson. No Easy Choice: Political Participation in Developing Countries (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1976).
Huntington, Samuel P. & Weiner, Myron (2000) Understanding Political Development, Tehran: Research Institute of Strategic Studies.
Huntington, Samuel P. (1991) Political Order in Changing Societies, Translated by Mohsen Salasi, Tehran: Entesharate Elmi.
Huntington, Samuel P. (2008) The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order, Translated by Mohammad Ali Hamid Rafee, Tehran: Cultural Researches.
Huntington, Samuel, (1984). "Will More Countries Bec ome Democratic?" Political Science Quarterly, 99, summer.
Identity”. International Journal Counseling Psychology. 2007. Vol. 54. No. 3. 271–281.
Inglehart, R, R. Foa, C, Welzel and C, Peterson (2008) "Social Change. Freedom and Rising Happiness: A Global Perspective. 1981–2007". Perspectives on Psychological Science. 3: 264-285.
Inglehart, Ronald (2003) Cultural Evolution, Translated by Maryam Vatar, Tehran: Kavir.
Inglehart, Ronald and Christian, Welzel (2009) "Political Culture. Mass Beliefs and Value Change", in Democratization. Hearper and Etc. Oxford University Press: 126-143.
Inglehart, Ronald and Christian, Welzel. (2005). Modernization, Social Change and Democracy. London. Cambridge University Press.
Jalayi Pour, Hamidreza & Ghanbari, Ali (2009) "Study of national identity and globalization values with emphasis on Arabic-speaking Iranians", Social Science Research, 3rd year, No. 2.
Johari. J.C. (1991). Comparative politics. New Delhi: Sterling publishers.
Kadivar, Mohammad Ali (2007) A Preface to the Theory of Transition to Democracy, Tehran: Game No.
Kupper, Adam and jesica kupper (1999), the sociad scence encyclopedia, London, rout ledge, 2nd Ed.
Lerner, Daniel (1958). The Passing of Traditional Society: Modernizing the Middle East. New York: Free Press.
Lerner, Daniel (2004) The Passing of Traditional Society: Modernizing the Middle East, Translated by Gholamreza Khaje Sarvari, Tehran: Research Institute of Strategic Studies.
Lipset, Seymour, M. (1963). Political Man. New York: Anchor Books.
Mehdi Khani, Alireza (2001) a Brief Overview of Political-Economic Development, Tehran: Arvan Nashr.
Mosalla Nejad, Abbas (2008) Political Culture of Iran, Tehran: Farhange Saba.
Mousavi, Mir Tayyeb (2010) "Thought of Social Capital: Social Consensus", Political Development and National Security, Quarterly Journal of Political Science, No. 13.
Nazari, Mogaddese (2010) the role of public opinion in the political development of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Tehran: Faculty of Political and Social Sciences, Bagher-ol Oloum University.
Nazari, Seyyed Ghani et Al (2013) "Investigating the Impact of Political Participation on the Political Development Case Study: Khalkhal City Youth", Iranian Social Development Studies Journal, Year 6, No. 1.
Norris. P. (2002). Democratic phoenix: political activism world wide. New York. Cambridge university press.
Phinney, Jean S. (2005)”. Ethnic Identity in Late Modern Times: A Response to Rattansi and Phoenix.
Phinney. Jean S. (1990).” Ethnic Identity in Adolescents and Adults”, Review of Research Psychological Bulletin. Vol. 108. No. 3.
Pye L, (1966) Aspects of Political Development. Boston: Little Brown.
Pye. Lucian (1965). Political Culture and Political Development. Prinston University Press.
Rajab Nasab, Hamid (2001) "Theoretical Study of Ethnic Diversity, Development and National Solidarity", National Studies Quarterly, Year 3, No. 9.
Rajab Zadeh, Ahmad (1999) Sociology of Development: Comparative study, Iran and Japan, Tehran: Salman.
Rash, Michael (2011) Society and Politics, Translated by Manoochehr Sabouri, Tehran: Samt.
Razazi Far, Afsar (2000) "The sociological pattern of national identity in Iran", National Studies Quarterly, Year 2, No. 5.
Rice, Tom W. and Jeffrey Ling (2002), Democracy, Economic Wealth and Social Capital, Sorting Out The Causal Connections Space and Polity, Vol 6. No3.pp:307 – 325.
Rotheram, M., & Phinney, J. (1987). Ethnic behavior patterns as an aspect of identity. In Children’s ethnic socialization: Pluralism and development. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
Rush, Michael (1992) Politics and society an introduction to political sociological, London prentice hall.
Salehi Amiri, Ali Akbar et Al (2011) "Cultural barriers to political development in Iran and providing management solutions in this field", Cultural Management, Year 5, No. 11.
Sarayi, Hasan & Safiri, Nasrin (2009) "Student Political Trust: A Study of the Students of Amir Kabir University", Journal of Iranian Social Development Studies, Vol. 1, No. 4.
Sariolghalam, Mahmoud (1991) "Third World Structure; Past and Future", Journal of Political and Economic Information, No. 47.
Sariolghalam, Mahmoud (2001) Rationality and Future of Iran's Development, Center for Strategic Research and Strategic Studies in the Middle East.
Sarmast, Bahram (1995) Cultural pluralism and the crisis of political participation, MA Thesis, Tehran: Shahid Beheshti University, Faculty of Economics and Political Science.
Seif Zadeh, Hossein (2004) Modernization and political transformation, Tehran: Ghoomes.
Seyyed Emami, Kavoos (2007) "Political Participation of Students: Assessing Some Predictors of Political Participation", Tehran: Political Science Association of Iran, Year 2, No. 1.
Tajfel, H & Turner, J, C. (1979). “An integrative theory of intergroup conflict”. The social psychology of intergroup relations.
Verba, Sydney (1996), Comparison between political Cultures, translated by Majid Mohammadi, Tehran: Pajooheshhaye Bonyadi.
Yu, Dal Siung (2002) Political Culture and Political Development a comparative study of Korea and Iran, Tehran: Khaneye Sabz.