The Effect of the Perceived Value of Hosting Sports Events on the Desire to Travel: a Conceptual Model
الموضوعات : International Journal of Finance, Accounting and Economics Studies
Mohammad Ali Berangi,
Ehsaneh Nejad Mohammad Nameghi
1 - Department of Executive Management and Entrepreneurship ; Faculty of Management and Economics; Islamic Azad University; Science and Research Branch; Tehran; Iran
2 - Department of Business Administration; Faculty of Management and Economics; Islamic Azad university; Science and Research Branch; Tehran; Iran
الکلمات المفتاحية: Key words: Event Marketing, Sport marketing, Tourism Marketing,
ملخص المقالة :
Abstract:This article propose a new conceptual framework as model to illustrate which factor can affect on travel desire to sport event host. This paper focus on the audience that follow the event far from the event host. There are eight factors which are extracted from more than fifty papers. The factors are divided in 3 groups that are named Absorbent factors (The factors which have positive effect if it is perceived. However, it does not have negative effect if it did not perceived.)., Balance factors(This kind of factors can affect negative in traveling desire if followers perceived negative perceptions or can be positive if perception be positive.) and Repelled factors(The factors which have negative effect if it is precepted. However, it does not have positive effect if it did not perceived.).Authors suggest testing the framework that is illustrated in this paper.Key words: event marketing, sport marketing, tourism marketing