Topology Control in Wireless Sensor Network using Fuzzy Logic
الموضوعات :Samaneh Nazari Dastjerdi 1 , Hamid Haj Seyyad Javadi 2
1 - Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University,
Tehran, Iran
2 - Department of Mathematics and Applications, Shahed
الکلمات المفتاحية: Fuzzy Logic, Topology control, Wireless Sensor Network,
ملخص المقالة :
Network sensors consist of sensor nodes in which every node covers a limited area. The most common use ofthese networks is in unreachable fields.Sink is a node that collects data from other nodes.One of the main challenges in these networks is the limitation of nodes battery (power supply). Therefore, the use oftopology control is required to decrease power consumption and increase network accessibility.In this paper, a network is modeled by a graph. Each vertex in the graphindicatesa sensor node and the edges display the communication links between them.Changes in the graph show changes in network topology and a different path to the sink.In this research, “fuzzy logic” is used for topology control. As the fuzzy logic utilizes optimized sensing radius comparing with minimum-maximum sensing radius, we expect less dead nodes, more mean residual energy and relatively more load balance in the network. At first, 2-input fuzzy algorithm was chosen. However 3-input fuzzy algorithm was also observed due to reasons explained in the main text. In both algorithms, we haveload balance in network and prolong network lifetime. Unreachable paths are less encountered with higher rates of packet delivery. The final standard deviation (STD) reaches to its minimum level, while the residual energy in sensors remains close to each other.
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