The impact of CEO Characteristics and Audit Market Competition on Disclosure Quality and Financial Comparability
الموضوعات :
1 - Department of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran
الکلمات المفتاحية: CEO’s characteristics, CEO's tenure, CEO’s financial expertise, information disclosure quality, timeliness of information, reliability of information, information comparability,
ملخص المقالة :
Objective: Nowadays, considering the competitive environment and changing business conditions, the most important issue for companies is their credibility and level of acceptance. One of the important tools to show this is the ranking of companies. In fact, the company's ranking can be a sign of its creditworthiness. Regarding this, most countries have ranked companies listed on their stock exchanges. The study examines whether the CEO’s characteristics are associated with financial information's disclosure quality and comparability. Methodology: The research data was obtained from 119 listed companies on the Tehran Stock Exchange during 2014-2019. In this study, panel data and regression model of the data panel were used and data were analyzed using EViews. Results: The results indicate a positive significant relationship between the tenure and disclosure quality of financial information. There is a negative significant relationship between the CEO’s financial information and the quality of information disclosure, and also, no significant relationship exists between the competition in the audit market and the disclosure quality of financial information. Innovation: Considering that the characteristics of the CEO, especially his tenure and financial information, have not been examined with important variables such as disclosure quality and financial comparability, we felt it necessary to present an article on this topic.
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