A Summative Evaluation of English for Iraq Series for High School: A Focus on Motivational Design
الموضوعات :
1 - College of Education, University of Shatrah
الکلمات المفتاحية: Motivational Design, Summative Evaluation, Attention, Relevance, Confidence, Satisfaction ,
ملخص المقالة :
Motivation to learn, as a core concept in educational psychology, is a major determinant of academic achievement and productivity. Motivational design, as an aspect of instructional design focusing on strategies, principles, and processes that make instruction appealing, can contribute to the learners' goals and achievement. The present paper is an attempt to conduct a summative evaluation of the book series 'English for Iraq' for its motivational design. Accordingly, a mixed-method design was employed, relying on Keller's model. The participants included 403 Iraqi university students in the quantitative phase and 20 interviewees in the qualitative phase. Descriptive statistics and thematic coding were conducted for the data analysis. It was concluded that the overall motivational design of the book has been acceptable to the students. The analysis of the constructs in detail also showed that 'satisfaction,' followed by 'relevance,' received the highest scores. Moreover, based on the views of the students in the interviews, it was observed that most of them were motivated by the content of the book, although some had external motivation such as exam scores or achievement in exercises.
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