Ranking of the suitability of investment for online sales in different fields of clothing in Shiraz City using the Data Envelopment Analysis method
الموضوعات : International Journal of Data Envelopment Analysis
Mehdi Abbasi
Ali Doroodchi
1 - Department of Industrial Engineering, Islamic Azad University, Shiraz, Iran
2 - Department of Industrial Engineering, Najafabad University, Isfahan, Iran
الکلمات المفتاحية: Ranking, investment appropriateness, online sales, data envelopment analysis, Andersen-Peterson model.,
ملخص المقالة :
One of the common concerns of investors is determining the suitable field for investment. Due to the attractiveness of online sales in various fields such as clothing, newcomers and even existing companies tend usually to sell online. In this research, the rank of the suitability of an investment for online sales in different fields of clothing in Shiraz City was determined using the data envelopment analysis method. In the beginning, we form an expert team. Also, we recognized ten fields of clothing as investment alternatives for online sales (DMUs). Then, we defined suitable inputs and outputs by reviewing the literature and obtaining the opinions of expert team members. Also, we determine an epsilon-based input-oriented BCC model as a suitable DEA model for DMU ranking. Then, we obtained the input and output values from the expert team members and considered the average values as the inputs and outputs of the DEA models. Formulating and solving epsilon-based input-oriented BCC models showed that three DMUs were inefficient, and the other seven DMUs were efficient. Therefore, the rank of these three DMUs was determined. Next, to determine the rank of the other seven DMUs, we formed and solved the Andersen-Peterson epsilon-based input-oriented BCC models. The results of solving the DEA models showed that the fields of "Designing, producing, and selling of wedding dresses", "Designing, producing, and selling suits and formal dresses", and "Designing, producing, or selling local clothing" have the first to third ranks, respectively.
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