The Model of Influencing Factors on Metaverse Governance in Smart Cities (Qualitative Approach)
الموضوعات : International Journal of Finance, Accounting and Economics Studies
farzad fallahian
Ata Allah Abtahi
Neda Soleimani
1 - PhD student in Media Management, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor - Department of Media Management and Cultural Management, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
3 - Assistant Professor - Department of Media Management and Cultural Management, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
الکلمات المفتاحية: Metaverse Governance, Smart Governance, Smart City,
ملخص المقالة :
Purpose: The current research was conducted with the purpose of "presenting a model of factors affecting the metaverse governance of the smart city using thematic analysis technique. Design/methodology/approach: this research was applied in terms of purpose and in terms of the qualitative-quantitative method based on a thematic analysis approach and 15 qualified professors and experts who were aware of smart city metaverse governance were used in the form of interviews Findings: In this study, the analysis of the collected qualitative data was done through open coding and axial coding. In the open coding stage, the researcher identified 32 concepts and expanded them according to their characteristics and dimensions. Out of the 32 extracted codes, 13 codes were repeated, and 19 codes were confirmed after sorting. Then, from the primary raw data, the preliminary categories related to the phenomenon under investigation by dividing the information into the formation categories of information about the phenomenon under study, asking questions about the data, comparing cases, events, and other states of phenomena for The similarities and differences were discussed and categorized into 4 categories: 1) Smart ICT, 2) Ethics, 3) External and internal cooperation and participation, and 4) Organizational processes implications: In line with the proposal for future research, researchers are advised to measure the causal, contextual, and interventional factors of smart governance using the meta-composite approach and database, or to analyze and evaluate its effect on variables with appropriate semantic affinity.
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