اثر بقایای گیاهی ماشک گل سفید بر استقرار اولیه و عملکرد ارقام گندم در شرایط مزرعه
الموضوعات : بوم شناسی گیاهان زراعیبهمن عبدالرحمنی 1 , غلامرضا ولیزاده 2
1 - عضمو هیات علمی موسسه تحقیقات کشاورزی دیم کشور
2 - مؤسسه تحقیقات کشاورزی دیم کشور، سازمان تحقیقات، آموزش و ترویج کشاورزی، مراغه، ایران
الکلمات المفتاحية: بهرهوری بارش, تناوب زراعی, کشاورزی حفاظتی, علوفه,
ملخص المقالة :
جهت بررسی اثر مقادیر مختلف بقایای علوفه ماشک گل سفید بر رشد و عملکرد ارقام گندم در مناطق سردسیر، آزمایشی به صورت استریپ پلات در قالب طرح بلوکهای کامل تصادفی در سه تکرار طی سه سال زراعی 1396-1393 در مؤسسه تحقیقات کشاورزی دیم کشور، ایستگاه مراغه انجام شد. در این پژوهش، میزان بقایای علوفه ماشک گل سفید در سه سطح 0، 5/1 و 3 تن در هکتار به عنوان فاکتور افقی و ارقام گندم دیم شامل هما، آذر 2 و باران به عنوان فاکتور عمودی مورد ارزیابی قرار گرفتند. آزمایش در قطعه زمینی که در تناوب علوفه - گندم قرار داشت، اجرا شد و بقایای گیاهی ماشک در کرت های آزمایشی افزوده و به طور یکنواخت روی سطح خاک پخش گردید. بقایای گیاهی به میزان 5/1 تن در هکتار اثرات مثبتی بر استقرار اولیه گیاهچهها در مزرعه، عملکرد و اجزای عملکرد گندم داشت و رقم هما بیشترین واکنش مثبت را به اضافه شدن بقایای ماشک سبز در مقدار 5/1 تن در هکتار از لحاظ وزن هزار دانه، عملکرد دانه، عملکرد زیست توده، شاخص برداشت، درجه باردهی و شاخص بهرهوری بارش نشان داد. بنابراین، حفظ بقایای ماشک به میزان 5/1 تن در هکتار می تواند موجب بهبود عملکرد گندم دیم گردد.
1. Abdolrahmani B, Ghassemi-Golezani K, Esfahani M (2005) Effects of supplementary irrigation on growth indices, yield and yield components of wheat. Agricultural Science Journal 1: 51- 69. [in Persian with English abstract]
2. Abdolrahmani B, Ghassemi-Golezani K, Valizadeh M, Feiziasl V, Tavakoli AR (2009) Effects of seed priming on seed vigor and yield of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) in dryland. Iranian Journal of Crop Science 4: 337-352. [in Persian with English abstract]
3. Alberta E (1995) Stubble burning. Columbia Basin Agricultural Research. Annual Report. Bogota, Colombia. 105- 109.
4. Asoodar A, Sabzezar H (2008) Conservation Tillage Systems. Agricultural Education Press: Karaj. [in Persian]
5. Azizi A (2004) Presentation suitable methods for application of plant residue in food and forage production. Proceedings of the First Conference of Applied Residue Management. Tehran, Iran. [in Persian]
6. Baker CJ, Saxton KE, Ritchie WR (1996) No-Tillage Seeding. CAB international Press: Wallington.
7. Behnia M (1992) Cool Cereals. Tehran University Press: Tehran. [in Persian]
8. Behroozilar M (2009) Tractor and Agriculture Mashins Management. Tehran University Press: Tehran. [In Persian]
9. Boerne REJ (1985) Fire and nutrient cycling in temperate ecosystems. Bioscience Journal 32: 182- 192.
10. Cook RJ, Hauguland WA (1991) Wheat yield depressing associated with conservation tillage caused by root pathogens in the soil, hot phytotoxins from the straw. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 23: 1125-1133.
11. Cossani CM, Pietragalla J, Reynolds M (2012) Canopy temperature and plant water relations traits. In: Physiological Breeding I:. Reynolds MP, Pask AJD and Mullan DM (Eds.). CYMMYT Press: Elbatan.
12. Dao TH (1987) Crop residues and management of annual grass weeds in continuous no-till wheat. Weed Science 35: 395-406.
13. Derpsch R (2008) No tillage and conservation agriculture: Final project report, World Association of Soil and Water Conservation: Bangkok, Thailand.
14. Dickey EC, Shelton DP, Jasa PJ (1981) Residue management for soil erosion control. Lincoln Extension Press: Nebraska.
15. Doran JW, Sarandon M, Lie B (1996) Soil health and sustainability. Advances in Agronomy 56: 412- 422.
16. Emam Y (2007) Cereal Production. Shiraz University Press: Shiraz. [in Persian].
17. Emam Y, Ahmadi A, Pesarakli M (2010) Effects of different tillage methods, residue management and nitrogen levels on yield and yield component of wheat (Agosta cv.) in Fars province. Iranian Journal of Crop Science 4: 841- 850. [in Persian with English abstract].
18. FAO (2008) Food Outlook and Background. Analytical report, FAO Press: Rome
19. Feredric KJR, Marshall HG (1985) Grain yield components of soft red winter wheat as affected by management practices. Agronomy Journal 77: 495- 499.
20. Ferguson H, Boatweigh GO (1998) Effects of environmental factors on the development of crown node and adventitious roots of winter wheat. Agronomy Journal 6: 528-536.
21. Fischer RA, Maurer R (2002). Drought resistance in spring wheat cultivars. I. Grain yield responses. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research 45: 83-89.
22. Gajri PR, Arora VK, Prihar SS (2004) Tillage for sustainable cropping. International Book Disturbing Company: Delhi.
23. Giovanni G, Silvano P, Giovanni D (2004) Grain yield, nitrogen-use efficiency and baking quality of old and modern Italian bread-wheat cultivars grown at different nitrogen levels. European Journal of Agronomy 24(2): 181-182.
24. Giunta F, Motza R, Deidda M (1993) Effect of drought on yield and yield components of durum and triticale in a Mediterranean environments. Field Crops Research 33: 399-406.
25. Hasheminia SM (2009) Rainfed Farming. Modern Methods for Sustainable. Mashhad University press: Mashhad. [in Persian]
26. Hedayatipoor A, Mirzaei SA (2012) The effect of sub-soiler on soil penetration, yield and yield components of bean. Proceedings of the 4th Iranian Pulse Crops Symposium. Arak, Iran. [in Persian]
27. Ishag HM, Taha MB (1999) Production and survival of tillers of wheat and their contribution to yield. Journal of Agricultural Science 83(1): 117-124.
28. Jessop RS, Stewart LW (1999) Effect of crop residues, soil type and temperature on emergence and early growth of wheat. Plant and Soil 74: 101-109.
29. Kacemi M, Peterson GA, Marbet R (2012) Water conservation wheat crop rotation and conservation tillage systems in a turbulent Moroccan semiarid agriculture. Australian Journal of Agriculture 35: 835-848.
30. Kepner RA, Bainer R, Barger EL (2010) Principles of Farm Machinery (3ed.). Avi Publishing Company: London.
31. Koller K (2003) Techniques of Soil Tillage. In: Soil Tillage in Agro ecosystems. Titi AE (Eds). Chemical Rubber Company (CRC)Press: Florida.
32. Kumar A, Sharma DK, Sharma HC (1995) Nitrogen uptake, recovery and N use efficiency in wheat as influenced by nitrogen and irrigation levels in semi-reclaimed sodic soil. Indian Journal of Agronomy 40(2): 198-203.
33. Mansoorirad D (2007) Tractores and Agricultural Mashines. Tehran University Press: Tehran. [in Persian]
34. Marbet R (2000) Differential response of wheat to tillage management systems in a semi-arid area of Morocco. Field Crops Research 66: 165-174.
35. Malecka I, Blecharczyk A (2008) Effect of tillage systems, mulches and nitrogen fertilization on spring barley (Hordeum vulgare). Agronomy Research 6(2): 517- 529.
36. Muñoz-Romero V, Benítez-Vega J, López-Bellido RJ, Fontán JM, López-Bellido L (2010) Effect of tillage system on the root growth of spring wheat. Plant and Soil 326: 97-107.
37. Mitchell JP, Pettygrove GS, Upadhyaya S, Shrestha AA, Fry R, Roy R, Hogan P, Vargas R, Hembree K (2009) Classification of Conservation Tillage Practices in California Irrigated Row Crop Systems. California University Press, California.
38. Mitchell JP, Singh PN, Wallende WW, Munk DS, Wroble JF, Horwath WR, Hogan P, Roy R, Hanson BR (2012) No-tillage and high-residue practices reduce soil water evaporation. California Agriculture Journal 66(2): 55-61.
39. Mohseni SH (2008) Role of sustaiable agricultuer in development of deprived zones. Proceedings of the initiative and prgress in Agriculture Conference. Sari, Iran. [in Persian]
40. Morris NL, Miller PCH, Orson JH, Froud-Williams RJ (2010) The adoption of non-inversion tillage systems in the United Kingdom and the agronomic impact on soil, crops and the environment—A review. Soil and Tillage Research 108: 1–15.
41. Opoku G, Vyn TG (1997) Wheat residue management option for no-till corn. Canadian Journal of Plant Science 77: 207-213.
42. Ozpinar S, Cay A (2005) Effects of minimum and conventional tillage systems on soil properties and yield of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in clay-loam in the Canakkale region. Turk Journal of Agricultural Food Chemistry 29: 9-18.
43. Prasertsak A, Fukai S (1997) Nitrogen availability and water stress interaction on rice growth and yield. Field Crops Research 52: 249-260.
44. Radmehr M (2007) Effect of heat sress on wheat growth and physiology. University of Mashhad Press: Mashhad. [Iin Persian]
45. Sepaskhah A, Tavakoli AR, Moosavi SF (2006) Principles of Limited Irrigation. National Committee of Irrigation and Drainage Press: Tehran. [in Persian]
46. Seyedgiasi MF (1991) Detailed surveyed area of the agricultural dryland research station in Maragheh. Final project report, Dryland Agriculture Research Institute: Maragheh, Iran. [in Persian]
47. Shafee SA (1995) Agricultural Machines. Tehran University Press: Tehran. [in Persian]
48. Singh ID, Stoskopf NC (1971) Harvest index in cereals. Agronomy Journal 63(2): 224-226.
49. Van Wijik WR, Larson WE, Burrows WC (1999) Soil temperature and the early growth of corn from mulched and unmulched soil. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 23: 428-434.
_||_1. Abdolrahmani B, Ghassemi-Golezani K, Esfahani M (2005) Effects of supplementary irrigation on growth indices, yield and yield components of wheat. Agricultural Science Journal 1: 51- 69. [in Persian with English abstract]
2. Abdolrahmani B, Ghassemi-Golezani K, Valizadeh M, Feiziasl V, Tavakoli AR (2009) Effects of seed priming on seed vigor and yield of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) in dryland. Iranian Journal of Crop Science 4: 337-352. [in Persian with English abstract]
3. Alberta E (1995) Stubble burning. Columbia Basin Agricultural Research. Annual Report. Bogota, Colombia. 105- 109.
4. Asoodar A, Sabzezar H (2008) Conservation Tillage Systems. Agricultural Education Press: Karaj. [in Persian]
5. Azizi A (2004) Presentation suitable methods for application of plant residue in food and forage production. Proceedings of the First Conference of Applied Residue Management. Tehran, Iran. [in Persian]
6. Baker CJ, Saxton KE, Ritchie WR (1996) No-Tillage Seeding. CAB international Press: Wallington.
7. Behnia M (1992) Cool Cereals. Tehran University Press: Tehran. [in Persian]
8. Behroozilar M (2009) Tractor and Agriculture Mashins Management. Tehran University Press: Tehran. [In Persian]
9. Boerne REJ (1985) Fire and nutrient cycling in temperate ecosystems. Bioscience Journal 32: 182- 192.
10. Cook RJ, Hauguland WA (1991) Wheat yield depressing associated with conservation tillage caused by root pathogens in the soil, hot phytotoxins from the straw. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 23: 1125-1133.
11. Cossani CM, Pietragalla J, Reynolds M (2012) Canopy temperature and plant water relations traits. In: Physiological Breeding I:. Reynolds MP, Pask AJD and Mullan DM (Eds.). CYMMYT Press: Elbatan.
12. Dao TH (1987) Crop residues and management of annual grass weeds in continuous no-till wheat. Weed Science 35: 395-406.
13. Derpsch R (2008) No tillage and conservation agriculture: Final project report, World Association of Soil and Water Conservation: Bangkok, Thailand.
14. Dickey EC, Shelton DP, Jasa PJ (1981) Residue management for soil erosion control. Lincoln Extension Press: Nebraska.
15. Doran JW, Sarandon M, Lie B (1996) Soil health and sustainability. Advances in Agronomy 56: 412- 422.
16. Emam Y (2007) Cereal Production. Shiraz University Press: Shiraz. [in Persian].
17. Emam Y, Ahmadi A, Pesarakli M (2010) Effects of different tillage methods, residue management and nitrogen levels on yield and yield component of wheat (Agosta cv.) in Fars province. Iranian Journal of Crop Science 4: 841- 850. [in Persian with English abstract].
18. FAO (2008) Food Outlook and Background. Analytical report, FAO Press: Rome
19. Feredric KJR, Marshall HG (1985) Grain yield components of soft red winter wheat as affected by management practices. Agronomy Journal 77: 495- 499.
20. Ferguson H, Boatweigh GO (1998) Effects of environmental factors on the development of crown node and adventitious roots of winter wheat. Agronomy Journal 6: 528-536.
21. Fischer RA, Maurer R (2002). Drought resistance in spring wheat cultivars. I. Grain yield responses. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research 45: 83-89.
22. Gajri PR, Arora VK, Prihar SS (2004) Tillage for sustainable cropping. International Book Disturbing Company: Delhi.
23. Giovanni G, Silvano P, Giovanni D (2004) Grain yield, nitrogen-use efficiency and baking quality of old and modern Italian bread-wheat cultivars grown at different nitrogen levels. European Journal of Agronomy 24(2): 181-182.
24. Giunta F, Motza R, Deidda M (1993) Effect of drought on yield and yield components of durum and triticale in a Mediterranean environments. Field Crops Research 33: 399-406.
25. Hasheminia SM (2009) Rainfed Farming. Modern Methods for Sustainable. Mashhad University press: Mashhad. [in Persian]
26. Hedayatipoor A, Mirzaei SA (2012) The effect of sub-soiler on soil penetration, yield and yield components of bean. Proceedings of the 4th Iranian Pulse Crops Symposium. Arak, Iran. [in Persian]
27. Ishag HM, Taha MB (1999) Production and survival of tillers of wheat and their contribution to yield. Journal of Agricultural Science 83(1): 117-124.
28. Jessop RS, Stewart LW (1999) Effect of crop residues, soil type and temperature on emergence and early growth of wheat. Plant and Soil 74: 101-109.
29. Kacemi M, Peterson GA, Marbet R (2012) Water conservation wheat crop rotation and conservation tillage systems in a turbulent Moroccan semiarid agriculture. Australian Journal of Agriculture 35: 835-848.
30. Kepner RA, Bainer R, Barger EL (2010) Principles of Farm Machinery (3ed.). Avi Publishing Company: London.
31. Koller K (2003) Techniques of Soil Tillage. In: Soil Tillage in Agro ecosystems. Titi AE (Eds). Chemical Rubber Company (CRC)Press: Florida.
32. Kumar A, Sharma DK, Sharma HC (1995) Nitrogen uptake, recovery and N use efficiency in wheat as influenced by nitrogen and irrigation levels in semi-reclaimed sodic soil. Indian Journal of Agronomy 40(2): 198-203.
33. Mansoorirad D (2007) Tractores and Agricultural Mashines. Tehran University Press: Tehran. [in Persian]
34. Marbet R (2000) Differential response of wheat to tillage management systems in a semi-arid area of Morocco. Field Crops Research 66: 165-174.
35. Malecka I, Blecharczyk A (2008) Effect of tillage systems, mulches and nitrogen fertilization on spring barley (Hordeum vulgare). Agronomy Research 6(2): 517- 529.
36. Muñoz-Romero V, Benítez-Vega J, López-Bellido RJ, Fontán JM, López-Bellido L (2010) Effect of tillage system on the root growth of spring wheat. Plant and Soil 326: 97-107.
37. Mitchell JP, Pettygrove GS, Upadhyaya S, Shrestha AA, Fry R, Roy R, Hogan P, Vargas R, Hembree K (2009) Classification of Conservation Tillage Practices in California Irrigated Row Crop Systems. California University Press, California.
38. Mitchell JP, Singh PN, Wallende WW, Munk DS, Wroble JF, Horwath WR, Hogan P, Roy R, Hanson BR (2012) No-tillage and high-residue practices reduce soil water evaporation. California Agriculture Journal 66(2): 55-61.
39. Mohseni SH (2008) Role of sustaiable agricultuer in development of deprived zones. Proceedings of the initiative and prgress in Agriculture Conference. Sari, Iran. [in Persian]
40. Morris NL, Miller PCH, Orson JH, Froud-Williams RJ (2010) The adoption of non-inversion tillage systems in the United Kingdom and the agronomic impact on soil, crops and the environment—A review. Soil and Tillage Research 108: 1–15.
41. Opoku G, Vyn TG (1997) Wheat residue management option for no-till corn. Canadian Journal of Plant Science 77: 207-213.
42. Ozpinar S, Cay A (2005) Effects of minimum and conventional tillage systems on soil properties and yield of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in clay-loam in the Canakkale region. Turk Journal of Agricultural Food Chemistry 29: 9-18.
43. Prasertsak A, Fukai S (1997) Nitrogen availability and water stress interaction on rice growth and yield. Field Crops Research 52: 249-260.
44. Radmehr M (2007) Effect of heat sress on wheat growth and physiology. University of Mashhad Press: Mashhad. [Iin Persian]
45. Sepaskhah A, Tavakoli AR, Moosavi SF (2006) Principles of Limited Irrigation. National Committee of Irrigation and Drainage Press: Tehran. [in Persian]
46. Seyedgiasi MF (1991) Detailed surveyed area of the agricultural dryland research station in Maragheh. Final project report, Dryland Agriculture Research Institute: Maragheh, Iran. [in Persian]
47. Shafee SA (1995) Agricultural Machines. Tehran University Press: Tehran. [in Persian]
48. Singh ID, Stoskopf NC (1971) Harvest index in cereals. Agronomy Journal 63(2): 224-226.
49. Van Wijik WR, Larson WE, Burrows WC (1999) Soil temperature and the early growth of corn from mulched and unmulched soil. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 23: 428-434.