Revisiting the concept of contentment with the aim of optimizing space in the architecture (Case study: the contemporary and old architecture of Isfahan)
الموضوعات :
Ehsan Abbasie
Islam Karami
1 - Faculty of Architectural Engineering and Urbanism, Shahroud University of Technology, Shahroud, Iran.
2 - Faculty of Architectural Engineering and Urbanism, Shahroud University of Technology, Shahroud, Iran.
الکلمات المفتاحية: Architecture, Optimization, Optimize space, Architecture with approach of contentment,
ملخص المقالة :
Optimization is a prevalent topic in today's scientific forums, and the field of architecture is no exception. Optimization in architecture aims to optimize available resources and reduce construction costs. What makes it necessary to address this issue in the current situation is the widespread use of inefficient patterns in the design, implementation, or operation of modern buildings, which leads to waste resources. The present study examines architectural samples in Isfahan, referring to the Iranian-Islamic concept of "Ghana'at," which conveys the concept of "satisfaction with less." By extracting instances of contentment in the use of space, the research aims to define effective strategies for optimization in the architectural process. So, this research has been conducted in three steps: Brainstorming sessions to identify instances of optimization in architectural samples, categorization of similar topics to explain effective strategies for optimization using Maxqda software, and finally, prioritization of the solutions based on the opinions of 30 experts in architecture and urban planning who are active in the construction industry in Isfahan through pairwise comparison of criteria. As a result, 15 solutions for optimal use of space in the architectural process were introduced in the form of 5 strategies: "efficiency," "multifunctionality," "environmental friendliness," "self-sufficiency," and "recyclability." The most effective solutions under each strategy were identified as "build as required," dimensional adaptability of architectural spaces," "preventing ground destruction in the construction process," "fixing Unfavorable dimensions and angles with the help of architectural elements," and "developability of the building."
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