Operation and Maintenance (O&M) Risks Management Based on the Hazard and Effect Management Index (HEMI) in an Oilfield
الموضوعات :
Ali Askari
Hasan Maihanparast
Laila Mahdinasab
Ali Salehi sahlabadi
Masoud Davoodi
Mohammad Nemati
1 - Department of Occupational Health Engineering, School of Public Health, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
2 - Department of Health, Safety, and Environment (HSE), OICO Safety Division Shift Supervisor, Azar Oilfield, Ilam, Iran
3 - Department of Work and Knowledge, Work and Education School, Mehran Education Office, Ilam, Iran
4 - Workplace Health Promotion Research Center, Department of Occupational Health and Safety at Work, School of Public Health and Safety, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
5 - Department of Health, Safety, and Environment (HSE), OICO HSE Manager, Azar Oilfield, Ilam, Iran
6 - Department of Planning and project control, OICO Planning Division, Azar oilfield, Ilam, Iran
الکلمات المفتاحية: Risk Priority Number, Risk Assessment, Oil and Gas Industry, HARPI, HMEI,
ملخص المقالة :
One of the main factors in achieving safety management and safety objectives is designing in addition, applying specific risk evaluation techniques. The present study takes this approach to manage the risks related to non-routine activities and hazardous work inOperation and Maintenance (O&M) project inan oilfield. This semi-quantitative and descriptive study was conducted at the Sarvak Azar oil field in Iran in 2023. A combination of the Hazard and Effect Management Process (HEMP) and the Hazard and Risk Prioritization Index (HARPI) are used to assess the risk of activities. Then, to simplify managers' decisions to implement control measures, final risk scores reported based on the Pareto principle. The results show that based on the conventional use of RPN, T11 (Desalters bypassing; 850), has the highest risk, and T1 (PSV installation on the off spec tank; 30) activity has the lowest calculated risk. However, based on the HEMI, T12 (Electrical substation commissioning; 749.7) has the highest calculated risk, and the lowest estimated risk score is associated with T7 (Loading chemical barrels and collecting pallets and empty barrels; 25.5). Furthermore, a survey of the standard deviation of the data shows that among the factors added to the risk assessment, involved people number (Pi), is more influential than other factors. The study showed we could optimize the conventional use of the risk priority number (RPN) with slight modifications. Changes made while maintaining the simplicity and applicability of the method can improve the accuracy of the priority set by the RPN.
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