Partial pseudo-triangular entropy of uncertain random variables with application to portfolio risk management
الموضوعات : فصلنامه ریاضی
1 - Bank Pasargad Investment Company, Mirdamad Blvd, Tehran, Iran.
الکلمات المفتاحية: Portfolio optimization, Chance theory, Uncertain random variable, Partial entropy, Partial pseudo-triangular entropy,
ملخص المقالة :
In this paper, the concept of partial pseudo-triangular entropy as a superior measure of indeterminacy for uncertain random variables is proposed. It is first proved that partial entropy and partial triangular entropy sometimes fail to measure the indeterminacy of an uncertain random variable. Then, the concept of partial pseudo-triangular entropy and its mathematical properties are investigated. To illustrate the outperformance of partial pseudo-triangular entropy as a measure of risk, a portfolio optimization problem is optimized via different types of entropy. Furthermore, a genetic algorithm (GA) is implemented in MATLAB to solve the corresponding problem. Numerical results show that partial pseudo-triangular entropy as a quantifier of portfolio risk outperforms partial entropy and partial triangular entropy in the uncertain random portfolio optimization problem.
Partial pseudo-triangular entropy of uncertain random variables with application to portfolio risk management
Abstract. In this paper, the concept of partial pseudo-triangular entropy as a superior measure of indeterminacy for uncertain random variables is proposed. It is first proved that partial entropy and partial triangular entropy sometimes fail to measure the indeterminacy of an uncertain random variable. Then, the concept of partial pseudo-triangular entropy and its mathematical properties are investigated. To illustrate the outperformance of partial pseudo-triangular entropy as a measure of risk, a portfolio optimization problem is optimized via different types of entropy. Furthermore, a genetic algorithm (GA) is implemented in MATLAB to solve the corresponding problem. Numerical results show that partial pseudo-triangular entropy as a quantifier of portfolio risk outperforms partial entropy and partial triangular entropy in the uncertain random portfolio optimization problem.
Keywords: Chance theory; Uncertain random variable; Partial entropy; Partial pseudo-triangular entropy; Portfolio optimization.
1. Introduction
Entropy is a quantitative measurement of indeterminacy associated with a variable. Entropy of random variables was first proposed in logarithm form (Shannon [28]). A pioneer research carried out by scholars to associate entropy with a measure of risk in portfolio optimization showed that entropy is more common and better suited in portfolio optimization than variance (Philippatos and Wilson [26]). Moreover, researches showed that entropy as a measure of risk is better than variance in wealth allocation and by using entropy instead of variance in the portfolio optimization problem, all major difficulties with Markowitz’s mean-variance portfolio optimization model can be eliminated (simonelli [31] and Mercurio et al. [25]).
In the mentioned literatures, the indeterminacy is considered under probability theory. The key assumption for using probability theory is that the probability distribution of historical data is similar to the past one and close enough to the frequency. Nevertheless, it is difficult to achieve this assumption generally. As an approach to deal with problems associated with non-random phenomena, fuzzy set theory was proposed (Zadeh [34]). As an improvement, Liu and Liu [21] presented a self-dual credibility measure for fuzzy events. Further researches by Liu [17] confirmed that using fuzzy set theory or subjective probability to model human uncertainty may lead to inaccurate results.
To better deal with non-random phenomena and in particular human uncertainty, Liu [14] founded uncertainty theory. Then, Liu [15] introduced entropy of uncertain variables in logarithm form. Since then, several scholars have been investigating entropy under uncertainty theory. Chen et al. [6] proposed the concept of cross-entropy to measure the divergence degree of uncertain variables and presented the minimum cross-entropy principle. Chen and Dai [5] proposed the maximum entropy principle for uncertain variables. Moreover, Dai and Chen [8] presented a formula to calculate the entropy of uncertain variables. As a supplement of logarithm entropy, several types of entropy for uncertain variables have been investigated by scholars (Tang and Gao [32], Yao et al. [33], Dai [9] and Abtahi et al. [1]).
In numerous situations, uncertainty and randomness may appear together in phenomena. In these situations, the concept of uncertain random variable and chance theory are used for modeling such phenomena. In order to describe such phenomena, Liu [19] proposed uncertain random variables. Liu [20] also discussed the concepts of chance distribution, expected value and variance of uncertain random variables. Then, Liu and Ralescu [22] proposed the risk index for uncertain random variables and established a formula for calculating this index. Guo and Wang [10] presented a formula to obtain variance of uncertain random variables. Liu and Ralescu [23] presented the concept of value at risk for uncertain random variables and Qin et al. [27] optimized portfolio selection problems of uncertain random returns based on value at risk models. Liu et al. [24] proposed the concept of tail value at risk for uncertain random variables and applied it to series systems, parallel systems, k-out-of-n systems, standby systems and structural system. Li et al. [13] proved some mathematical properties of tail value at risk for uncertain random variables and formulated several mean-TVaR models for hybrid portfolio optimization models.
Entropy of uncertain random variables was first proposed in logarithm form by Sheng et al. [30]. Then, Ahmadzade et al. [3] introduced a definition of partial entropy for uncertain random variables to measures how much the entropy of an uncertain random variable belongs to the uncertain variable and derived several properties. Further applications of entropy for uncertain random variables in portfolio optimization problems have been investigated by several scholars (Ahmadzadeh et al. [4], Chen et al. [7] and He et al. [11]).
As it mentioned, partial entropy and partial triangular entropy sometimes fail to measure the indeterminacy of an uncertain random variable. Therefore, in order to address this problem, in this paper, the concept of partial pseudo-triangular entropy for uncertain random variables is proposed. As an application, partial pseudo-triangular entropy as a measure of risk is applied in a portfolio optimization problem. The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, some concepts of uncertainty theory and chance theory are reviewed. In Section 3, the concept of partial pseudo-triangular entropy for uncertain random variables together with its mathematical properties are proposed. Then in Section 4, a portfolio optimization problem based on different types of entropy are optimized via a mean–entropy model. Finally, conclusions are given in Section 5.
2. Preliminaries
This section comes with reviewing some concepts of uncertainty theory and chance theory including definition of uncertain variable, uncertainty distribution, uncertain random variable and chance distribution.
2.1. Uncertainty theory
Uncertainty theory was founded by Liu in 2007 to model human uncertainty. In lack of historical data, we should request experts to evaluate the degree of belief for the occurrence of an event. In this section, some necessary definitions and theorems in uncertainty theory are reviewed.
Assume that is a nonempty set and
is a
- algebra over
. Then,
is named a measurable space. Each element
is called a measurable set. A measurable set can be considered as an event in uncertainty theory. That is, a number
will be assigned to each event
to indicate the belief degree with which we believe
will happen. In order to deal with belief degree, the following axioms are suggested (Liu [14]):
Axiom 1 (Normality) For the universal set
Axiom 2 (Duality) For any event
Axiom 3 (Subadditivity) For every countable sequence of events we have
Then, is called an uncertainty space.
Axiom 4 (Product) Let be uncertainty spaces for
. Then, the product uncertain measure
is an uncertain measure satisfying
where are arbitrarily chosen events from
Definition 1 (Liu [14]) An uncertain variable is a function from an uncertainty space
to the set of real numbers such that
is an event for any Borel set B of real numbers.
Definition 2 (Liu [16]) For any Borel sets of real numbers, the uncertain variables
are independent if
Definition 3 (Liu [16]) An uncertain variable is called normal denoted by
if it has a normal uncertainty distribution
Example 1 (Liu [16]) Let , then the inverse uncertainty distribution of normal uncertain variable
Theorem 1 (Liu [16]) Let be an uncertain variable with regular uncertainty distribution
. If the expected value of
exists, then
where is the inverse uncertainty function of
with respect to
Definition 4 (Liu [15]) Let be an uncertain variable with uncertainty distribution
. Then, the logarithm entropy of uncertain variable
Theorem 2 (Dai and Chen [8]) Let be an uncertain variable with inverse uncertainty distribution
Then, the logarithm entropy of
Definition 5 (Tang and Gao [32]) Suppose that is an uncertain variable with uncertainty distribution
. Then, the triangular entropy of
is defined by
Theorem 3 (Tang and Gao [32]) Let be an uncertain variable with uncertainty distribution
Then, the triangular entropy of
Remark 1 Logarithm entropy and triangular entropy sometimes may fail to measure the indeterminacy of an uncertain variable.
Example 2 (Abtahi et al. [1]) Let be an uncertain variable with uncertainty distribution
and inverse uncertainty distribution
Then, the logarithm entropy and triangular entropy of are infinite.
As a superior measure of indeterminacy compared to logarithm entropy and triangular entropy, Abtahi et al. [1] proposed the concept of pseudo-triangular entropy for uncertain variables. They also proved that the pseudo-triangular entropy of in Example 2 is finite.
Definition 6 (Abtahi et al. [1]) Suppose that is an uncertain variable with uncertainty distribution
. Then, the pseudo-triangular entropy of
is defined by
Theorem 4 (Abtahi et al. [1]) Suppose that is an uncertaint variable with regular uncertainty distribution
. Then, the pseudo-triangular entropy of
Example 3 (Abtahi et al. [1]) Let , then the pseudo-triangular entropy of uncertain variable
Theorem 5 (Liu [16]) Let be independent uncertain variables with regular uncertainty distributions
, respectively. If
is strictly increasing with respect to
and strictly decreasing with respect to
, then
has an inverse uncertainty distribution
2.2. Chance theory
In order to handle phenomena including both uncertainty and randomness, chance theory was proposed by Liu [19]. In chance theory, the chance space is refer to the product of, in which
is an uncertainty space and
is a probability space. The chance measure of an uncertain random event
is defined as
Liu [19] proved that a chance measure satisfies following properties:
(i) (Normality)
(ii) (Duality) for any event
(iii) (Monotonicity) for any real number set
Furthermore, Hou [12] proved that for a sequence of events a chance measure satisfies subadditivity as follows,
Definition 7 (Liu [19]) An uncertain random variable is a function from a chance space
to the set of real numbers such that for any Borel set of
of real numbers,
is an event in
Definition 8 (Liu [19]) Suppose is an uncertain random variable. Then the chance distribution of
for any
is defined by
Definition 9 (Sheng et al. [29]) A chance distribution is said to be regular if it is a continuous and strictly increasing function with respect to
at which
, and
Definition 10 (Liu [19]) Let be an uncertain random variable. Then the expected value of
is defined by
provided that at least one of the two integrals is finite.
Theorem 6 (Liu [20]) Let be independent random variables with probability distributions
, and let
be independent uncertain variables with uncertainty distributions
, respectively. Then the uncertain random variable
has a chance distribution
where is the uncertainty distribution of uncertain variable
for any real numbers
Theorem 7 (Ahmadzadeh et al. [2]) Let be independent random variables with probability distributions
, and let
be independent uncertain variables with uncertainty distributions
, respectively. Suppose
, then
where is the inverse uncertainty distribution of uncertain variable
3. Partial pseudo-triangular entropy of uncertain random variables
In this section, the concepts of pseudo-triangular entropy of uncertain random variables are proposed. Besides, some mathematical properties of pseudo-triangular entropy and a formula to calculate it via inverse uncertainty distribution are derived. We first recall the definition of entropy, partial entropy and partial triangular entropy for uncertain random variables.
Definition 11 (Sheng et al. [30]) Let be an uncertain random variable with chance distribution
Then the entropy of
is defined by
Theorem 8 (Ahmadzade et al. [3]) Let be independent random variables with probability distributions
be independent uncertain variables with uncertainty distributions
, respectively, and let
be a measurable function. Also let
be an uncertain random variable. Then,
has partial entropy
where and
is the uncertainty distribution of uncertain variable
for any real numbers
Theorem 9 (Ahmadzade et al. [3]) Let be independent random variables with probability distributions
be independent uncertain variables with uncertainty distributions
, respectively, and let
be a measurable function. Then,
has partial entropy
where is the inverse uncertainty distribution of uncertain variable
Theorem 10 (Ahmadzade et al. [3]) Let be an uncertain variable with uncertainty distribution function
and let
be a random variable with probability distribution function
. If
, then
Theorem 11 (Ahmadzade et al. [3]) Let and
be independent random variables and let
be independent uncertain variables. Also assume that
. Then, for any real numbers
, we have
Theorem 12 (Ahmadzade et al. [4]) Suppose that are independent random variables, and
are independent uncertain variables. Also let
be an uncertain random variable. Then, partial triangular entropy of uncertain random variable
is defined as follows,
and is the uncertainty distribution of uncertain variable
for any real numbers
Theorem 13 (Ahmadzade et al. [4]) Let be independent random variables with probability distributions
be independent uncertain variables with uncertainty distributions
, respectively, and let
be a measurable function. Then,
has partial triangular entropy
where is the inverse uncertainty distribution of uncertain variable
Theorem 14 (Ahmadzade et al. [4]) Let be an uncertain variable with uncertainty distribution function
and let
be a random variable with probability distribution function
. If
, then
Theorem 15 (Ahmadzade et al. [4]) Let and
be independent random variables and let
be independent uncertain variables. Also assume that
. Then, for any real numbers
, we have
Remark 2 Partial entropy and partial triangular entropy sometimes may fail to measure the indeterminacy of an uncertain random variable.
Example 4 Let be an uncertain variable with uncertainty distribution
and inverse uncertainty distribution
also let be a random variable. Consider
. Since,
are infinite (Abtahi et al. 2022), Theorem 10 and Theorem 14 imply that
, respectively. Since, partial entropy and partial triangular entropy failed to measure the indeterminacy of uncertain random variable
, a new measure of indeterminacy for uncertain random variables will be proposed.
Definition 12 Suppose that are independent random variables, and
are independent uncertain variables. Also let
be an uncertain random variable. Then, partial pseudo-triangular entropy of uncertain random variable
is defined as follows,
and is the uncertainty distribution of uncertain variable
Theorem 16 Suppose that are independent random variables, and
are independent uncertain variables. Also let
be an uncertain random variable. Then, the partial pseudo-triangular entropy of uncertain random variable
is defined as follows,
and is the inverse uncertainty distribution of uncertain variable
Proof It is clear that is a derivable function with
we have,
It follows from Fubini’s theorem that
The proof is completed.
Theorem 17 Let be independent random variables with probability distributions
be independent uncertain variables with uncertainty distributions
, respectively, and let
be a measurable function. Then,
has partial pseudo-triangular entropy
Proof According to Theorem 16 we have
Theorem 18 Let be an uncertain variable with uncertainty distribution function
and let
be a random variable with probability distribution function
. If
, then
Proof It is obvious that Therefore, by applying theorem 17 we have
Theorem 19 Let be an uncertain variable with uncertainty distribution function
and let
be a random variable with probability distribution function
. If
, then
Proof It is obvious that Therefore, by applying theorem 16 we have
Theorem 20 Suppose that are independent random variables, and
are independent uncertain variables. Assume
If is strictly increasing with respect to
and strictly decreasing with respect to
, then
has partial pseudo-triangular entropy
where is the inverse uncertainty distribution of uncertain variable
for any real number
Proof By applying Theorem 17, the proof of theorem is straightforward.
Theorem 21 Let and
be independent random variables with probability distributions
, respectively, and let
be independent uncertain variables with uncertainty distributions
respectively. Then,
(i) If and
(ii) If and
Proof of part (i) it is clear that and
. By applying Theorem 20, we have
Proof of part (ii) it is clear that and
. By applying Theorem 20, we have
Theorem 22 Let and
be independent random variables with probability distributions
, respectively, and let
be independent uncertain variables with uncertainty distributions
respectively. If
, then
Proof It is clear that and
. By applying Theorem 20, we have
Theorem 23 Let and
be independent random variables and also let
be independent uncertain variables. Assume that
. Then for any real numbers
, we have
Proof The theorem will be proved via three steps.
Step 1 We prove
If , then the inverse uncertainty distribution of
where is the inverse uncertainty distribution of
. It follows from Theorem 20 that
If , then the inverse uncertainty distribution of
therefore we have,
By changing variable, we have
Thus, we have
Step 2 we prove
Since, the inverse distribution of is
, by applying Theorem 20 we have
Step 3 For any real numbers and
, we have
The proof is completed.
4. Uncertain random portfolio optimization
In this section, in order to solve the portfolio optimization problem of uncertain random variables, a mean-entropy model via partial pseudo-triangular entropy is proposed. Suppose that there are securities with uncertain random returns
. Moreover, let
’s be investment proportions in security
To make sure that the uncertain random portfolio risk is under control, we minimize entropy as the objective function. Moreover, we set expected value greater than some preset value
In order to optimize the portfolio optimization problem, a mean-entropy model based on partial pseudo-triangular entropy is presented as follows,
where the predetermined parameter is designated by investor.
By applying the expected value formula of uncertain random variables in Theorem 7, we have
Now, according to Theorem 18 and Theorem 23, the partial pseudo-triangular entropy of uncertain random variables is obtained as follows,
where is the pseudo-triangular entropy of uncertain variable
Thus, Model (4.1) is equivalent to the following model,
Now, in order to further investigate the outperformance of partial pseudo-triangular entropy as a quantifier of portfolio risk in comparison with partial entropy and partial triangular entropy in portfolio risk management let us consider the following example.
Example 5 Suppose there is an investment portfolio containing five securities. According to expert’s evaluation and the data from Tehran Stock Exchange, five securities are assumed to be uncertain random variables with depicted in Table 1. Moreover, the parameter
in Model (4.2) is designated to 2 by investor.
The optimal solutions are obtained by implementing a genetic algorithm (GA) in MATLAB. The investment proportions in securities and the objective values are illustrated in Table 2. According to Table 2, the objective value for partial pseudo-triangular entropy has the lowest value amongst different types of entropy. Therefore, a portfolio based on partial pseudo-triangular entropy is less risky than partial entropy and partial triangular entropy. Furthermore, investment proportion in securities with smaller parameter is more other securities.
Table 1 Uncertain random returns