Importance of Black Locust (Robinia pseudoacacia) Foliage in the Extension of the Grazing Season and in the Reduction of Damages Caused by Climate Change (a Review)
الموضوعات :
Andras Halasz
Marta Bajnok
Agnes Suli
Edit Mikone
Tamas Schieszl
1 - Institute of Animal Husbandry at Szent Istvan University
2 - Institute of Animal Husbandry Szent Istvan University
3 - Szeged University
4 - Szeged University
5 - Szent Istvan University
الکلمات المفتاحية: digestibility, Foliage forage, Forest grazing, Traditional lifestyle, Semi intensive feeding,
ملخص المقالة :
Forest grazing of cattle, horse and sheep is allowed under certain strict regulations. Black locust forests have major importance amongst domestic forestry (Central Europe), as their habitat are situated on less productive sand soils. In most cases there are no other option than setting trees next to the grazing areas. Black Locust (Robinia pseudoacacia) leaves and the herbage of Gramineae amongst the trees provide excellent supplemental feed at the beginning and in the last period of grazing season. It can be well integrated into rotational grazing system, thus grazing season can be prolonged with two months. Digestibility of black locust is significantly lower than alfalfa because of its high lignin content. The protein level however is remarkably high (20%) during spring. Despite its lower feeding value it is still a considerable forage due to its role as rumen filling feed, and also because other valuable plants also available during forest grazing. Black locust trees contain poisonous compounds in the crust. Such compounds are robiine and fazine. Diverse rangelands with clump act major role in healthy grassland ecosystems. Foliage provides basic forage and shade at once. Ground water usage of trees also discussed as they might be competitors of the basic grassland association.
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