ارزیابی اثرات محیطی خانههای دوم گردشگری(مطالعه موردی: دهستان رودبار قصران، شهرستان شمیرانات، استان تهران)
الموضوعات :فضیله دادورخانی 1 , حبیب محمودی چناری 2 , سمیه سادات موسوی 3
1 - استاد گروه جغرافیا و برنامه ریزی روستایی، دانشکده جغرافیا، دانشگاه تهران، تهران، ایران
2 - استادیار گروه مطالعات ناحیه ای،پژوهشکده محیط زیست جهاد دانشگاهی گیلان، رشت، ایران
3 - دانش آموخته کارشناسی ارشد، گروه جغرافیا و برنامه ریزی روستایی، دانشگاه تهران، تهران، ایران
الکلمات المفتاحية: اثرات محیطی, ایکلد, خانههای دوم گردشگری, رودبار قصران, شهرستان شمیرانات,
ملخص المقالة :
مقدمه: همزمان با وقوع تحولات سـاختاری در زمینه گردشـگری در سـطح کشـور و بهویژه رواج گردشگری در نواحی روستایی پیرامون شهرها، احداث خانههای دوم رشد چشمگیری داشته است و همانند دیگر الگوهای گردشگری اثرات متعددی بر نواحیای که استقرار مییابند، داشتهاند. یکی از مهمترین روشهای اصلی ارزیابی اثرات فعالیتهای انسانی در محیط، ارزیابی اثرات زیست محیطی (EIA) میباشد که در آن اثرات برنامهها و پروژههای عملیاتی را بر فاکتورهای محیط زیستی در مراحل مختلف شناسایی و راهکارهایی را برای کاهش اثرات فوق پیشنهاد مینمایند. روش شناسی تحقیق: در پژوهش حاضر، با استفاده از روش تعدیلیافته آیکولد (ICOLD) که روشی برای ارزیابی پروژههای عمرانی است، تلاش میشود تا تأثیر گردشگری خانههای دوم بر ابعاد محیطی ارزیابی شود. جهت گردآوری دادهها بر اساس فرمت مدل آیکولد بجای استفاده از پرسشنامه، از مصاحبه موردی با 15 نفر از مسئولین، معتمدین محلی و ساکنین 5روستای آهار، ایگل؛باغ گل، امامه بالا و امامه پایین، با طراحی یک چکلیست، اثرات محیطی گردشگری خانههای دوم سنجیده و کمی شد. یافته ها و بحث: نتایج تحقیق نشان داد که گردشگری خانههای دوم در روستای مورد مطالعه بر ابعاد اقتصادی، اجتماعی، زیستی و کالبدی، تأثیر منفی بر جای گذاشته است. بهطوریکه درمجموع پاسخها درصد کثیری از مشارکتکنندگان به اثرات نامطلوب آن اشارهکردهاند. تطابق نتایج این پژوهش با مطالعات پیشین مشخص کرد که در بعد محیط زیستی، تمام تحقیقات با نتایج پژوهش حاضر همسو بودهاند. در بعد اقتصادی و اجتماعی هم با توجه به نسبی بودن مسئله در محیطها و مکانهای جغرافیایی مختلف اختلاف داشته در برخی موارد هم سو و در مواردی دیگر خلاف جهت هم بودهاند.
Aldskogius, H. (1993) Recreation, cultural life and Tourism, National Atlas of sweden, stockholm: SNAG.
Ali Gholizadeh Firouzjaei, Naser, 1394, The role and effects of development Tourism of the second homes On social and cultural dimensions, Human settlements planning studies,Tenth year, number 30, spring 1394 ,57 -67pp.
Alwani, S. M, (1993). The mechanisms necessary for the sustainable development of tourism (Culture and Development), Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance.
DadvaR Khani, F, & Mohammadzadeh Larijani, F. (2013). Assessing the Economic and Social Impact of Tourism in Second Homes, Case Study: Bungalow villages, Eastern bandpy, babol towship. Human Geography Research, 45(4), 75-102.
Dadvar Khani, F, & Mohammadzadeh Larijani, F. 2013. Measuring the Implications of Second Home Tourism On the environment of rural areas ( Case Study: Bungalow villages, Eastern bandpe, Babel Township. Geography and Regional Development 11(20).
Davies B. Richard and O’Farrel, Patrick N. (1981), A spatial and temporal analysis of second home ownership in West Wales. Volume 12, Issue 2, 1981, Pages 161–178.
Dieter K. Muler, (2002 Second Home Ownership and Sustainable Development in Northern Sweden. Tourism and Hospitality Research, VOl. 3, No.4, pp.343-355.
Environmental Processes Consultant Engineers (2004), Environmental Assessment of the Mashquid Dam, Sistan and Baluchestan Regional Water Company.
Fallahtakar,S,and et al., Environmental Impact Assessment of Construction of Qomishlou Freeway using ICOLD Matrix Method and Checklist, Land Scheduling, Second Issue, Spring and Summer 2010. Page 111 - 132
Fazelnya ,Gharib; Kiani ,Akbar; Ramezanzadeh Lesbouy ,Mehdi; Afshar ,Elham. 2011. Analysis of the effects of second homes on the structure of tourist villages From Opinion Host society (Case study of Bresa village, Tonekabon Township) Journal of Human Resource Planning Studies. Volume 6, Issue 15, Summer 2011, Pages 102-119.
GHadami, M, and Aghilizadeh Firoozjai, N, and Bardi Ana Morad N, Rahim. 2010, The Role of Tourism In land use change Destination, Urban and Regional Studies and Research, 3, 21-42.
Ghadiri Masoum, M, Gholami, A, Mahmodi Chenari, H, Taghavi Ziravani, E. And Mohammadzadeh Larijani, F. 2016. Effects of Secondary Homes on Rural-Urban Areas Case: Firoouch Township Area in Khoy County, Quarterly Journal of Rural Space and Rural Development, 18, 105-122.
Gilin Moghaddam, Kh ,2009, The process of formation and expansion of second homes in the mountainous -forest areas of the north of Iran, 1966-2006, Quarterly Journal of Planning Studies - Human Settlements,Volume 4, Issue 9, Winter 2009, Page 191-210
Javadi Pirbazari ،Saman, Mohammadi، Kourosh, Khodadadi, Ahmad: 2007 Environmental Impact Assessment of Gotvand Olia Hydroelectric Dam using combination Icold and Leopold. 7th International River Engineering Conference Shahid Chamran University, 13-15 Feb 2007, Ahwaz
Johnston, R.J, (1988), Dictionary of Human Geography, Second edition, Blackwell, Oxford.
Karimi et al., 2008, A new method for exploitation of water resources in watershed areas of arid regions. (Case study of Marvd Dam). Environmental Faculty, Vol. 34, No. 47, pp. 98-87.
Malekshahi, Gh, Hosseinian, S.Z .2014. The Role of Tourism of Second Homes in Economic and Environmental Changes (Case Study: Chalav Amol Region), Quarterly Journal of Urban Planning, 8, 133-148.
Muharram Nejad, N. 2006. Environmental Management and Planning, Tehran, Negar Publications.
Pigram, J., (1993), Planning for Tourism in Rural Areas, Routledge, London.
Planning and Budget Organization of Tehran Province, 2011.
Rezvani, MR. 2003. The study of the development and extension of second homes in rural areas of northern Tehran, Geographical Research, 45, 59-73.
Rezvani, MR. & Safaei, J. 2005, Tourism of second homes and its effects on rural areas: Opportunity or Threat (Case Study: Rural Areas of North of Tehran), Quarterly Journal of Geographical Research, University of Tehran, 54, 45-61.
Ronizi, Akbarian, Saeed Reza and Morteza Mohammadpour Chabari, (2012). Environmental effects Second homes touris in rural areas emphasizing the host community. Alborz mountain villages. Second Conference on Environmental Planning and Management, Tehran, Tehran University.
Salehinesab, Z. (2005). Tourism of the second homes and its effects on rural areas, Master's thesis, Tehran University.
Shariat, M, and, Monavari, M. (1996), Introduction to Environmental Impact Assessment, Tehran, Publication of Environmental Protection Organization, First Edition
Sharifzadeh, A, and Moradi Nejad, H, (2002). Sustainable Development and Rural Tourism, Jahad Social Economic Monthly, Khordad and Tir, Nos, 250-251.
Sharpley, R .2001. Rural Tourism, Translation by Rahmatollah Munshizadeh and Fatemeh Nasirzadeh, Monashi Publications, Tehran
Tavakoli Bidgoli, M. 2016, Evaluation of the implications of expanding the tourism of the second homes,Case Study: Ghamsar section), Master's thesis of Kashan University of Technology, Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Supervisor: Sedigheh Kiani.
Teymour Amar,2006, Investigating and analyzing the expansion of second homes in rural areas (Case study: Khorgam section of Rudbar city), Geographical perspective Quarterly Journal, 1, 65-78.
Wall and Smith, (1982), Tourism Alternatives: Potential and Problems in the Development of Tourism, Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.
William, A.M. and Hall, C.M (2000) Tourism and migration: new relationships between production and consumption, Tourism Geographies.
Zakipoor, Najmeh, Soltani Ali,.2016. Environmental Impact Assessment by ICOLD Method Case S tudy: Shiraz-Esfahan Highway. The first National Conference on Sustainable Development in Roads with Environmental Conservation Approach.
_||_Aldskogius, H. (1993) Recreation, cultural life and Tourism, National Atlas of sweden, stockholm: SNAG.
Ali Gholizadeh Firouzjaei, Naser, 1394, The role and effects of development Tourism of the second homes On social and cultural dimensions, Human settlements planning studies,Tenth year, number 30, spring 1394 ,57 -67pp.
Alwani, S. M, (1993). The mechanisms necessary for the sustainable development of tourism (Culture and Development), Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance.
DadvaR Khani, F, & Mohammadzadeh Larijani, F. (2013). Assessing the Economic and Social Impact of Tourism in Second Homes, Case Study: Bungalow villages, Eastern bandpy, babol towship. Human Geography Research, 45(4), 75-102.
Dadvar Khani, F, & Mohammadzadeh Larijani, F. 2013. Measuring the Implications of Second Home Tourism On the environment of rural areas ( Case Study: Bungalow villages, Eastern bandpe, Babel Township. Geography and Regional Development 11(20).
Davies B. Richard and O’Farrel, Patrick N. (1981), A spatial and temporal analysis of second home ownership in West Wales. Volume 12, Issue 2, 1981, Pages 161–178.
Dieter K. Muler, (2002 Second Home Ownership and Sustainable Development in Northern Sweden. Tourism and Hospitality Research, VOl. 3, No.4, pp.343-355.
Environmental Processes Consultant Engineers (2004), Environmental Assessment of the Mashquid Dam, Sistan and Baluchestan Regional Water Company.
Fallahtakar,S,and et al., Environmental Impact Assessment of Construction of Qomishlou Freeway using ICOLD Matrix Method and Checklist, Land Scheduling, Second Issue, Spring and Summer 2010. Page 111 - 132
Fazelnya ,Gharib; Kiani ,Akbar; Ramezanzadeh Lesbouy ,Mehdi; Afshar ,Elham. 2011. Analysis of the effects of second homes on the structure of tourist villages From Opinion Host society (Case study of Bresa village, Tonekabon Township) Journal of Human Resource Planning Studies. Volume 6, Issue 15, Summer 2011, Pages 102-119.
GHadami, M, and Aghilizadeh Firoozjai, N, and Bardi Ana Morad N, Rahim. 2010, The Role of Tourism In land use change Destination, Urban and Regional Studies and Research, 3, 21-42.
Ghadiri Masoum, M, Gholami, A, Mahmodi Chenari, H, Taghavi Ziravani, E. And Mohammadzadeh Larijani, F. 2016. Effects of Secondary Homes on Rural-Urban Areas Case: Firoouch Township Area in Khoy County, Quarterly Journal of Rural Space and Rural Development, 18, 105-122.
Gilin Moghaddam, Kh ,2009, The process of formation and expansion of second homes in the mountainous -forest areas of the north of Iran, 1966-2006, Quarterly Journal of Planning Studies - Human Settlements,Volume 4, Issue 9, Winter 2009, Page 191-210
Javadi Pirbazari ،Saman, Mohammadi، Kourosh, Khodadadi, Ahmad: 2007 Environmental Impact Assessment of Gotvand Olia Hydroelectric Dam using combination Icold and Leopold. 7th International River Engineering Conference Shahid Chamran University, 13-15 Feb 2007, Ahwaz
Johnston, R.J, (1988), Dictionary of Human Geography, Second edition, Blackwell, Oxford.
Karimi et al., 2008, A new method for exploitation of water resources in watershed areas of arid regions. (Case study of Marvd Dam). Environmental Faculty, Vol. 34, No. 47, pp. 98-87.
Malekshahi, Gh, Hosseinian, S.Z .2014. The Role of Tourism of Second Homes in Economic and Environmental Changes (Case Study: Chalav Amol Region), Quarterly Journal of Urban Planning, 8, 133-148.
Muharram Nejad, N. 2006. Environmental Management and Planning, Tehran, Negar Publications.
Pigram, J., (1993), Planning for Tourism in Rural Areas, Routledge, London.
Planning and Budget Organization of Tehran Province, 2011.
Rezvani, MR. 2003. The study of the development and extension of second homes in rural areas of northern Tehran, Geographical Research, 45, 59-73.
Rezvani, MR. & Safaei, J. 2005, Tourism of second homes and its effects on rural areas: Opportunity or Threat (Case Study: Rural Areas of North of Tehran), Quarterly Journal of Geographical Research, University of Tehran, 54, 45-61.
Ronizi, Akbarian, Saeed Reza and Morteza Mohammadpour Chabari, (2012). Environmental effects Second homes touris in rural areas emphasizing the host community. Alborz mountain villages. Second Conference on Environmental Planning and Management, Tehran, Tehran University.
Salehinesab, Z. (2005). Tourism of the second homes and its effects on rural areas, Master's thesis, Tehran University.
Shariat, M, and, Monavari, M. (1996), Introduction to Environmental Impact Assessment, Tehran, Publication of Environmental Protection Organization, First Edition
Sharifzadeh, A, and Moradi Nejad, H, (2002). Sustainable Development and Rural Tourism, Jahad Social Economic Monthly, Khordad and Tir, Nos, 250-251.
Sharpley, R .2001. Rural Tourism, Translation by Rahmatollah Munshizadeh and Fatemeh Nasirzadeh, Monashi Publications, Tehran
Tavakoli Bidgoli, M. 2016, Evaluation of the implications of expanding the tourism of the second homes,Case Study: Ghamsar section), Master's thesis of Kashan University of Technology, Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Supervisor: Sedigheh Kiani.
Teymour Amar,2006, Investigating and analyzing the expansion of second homes in rural areas (Case study: Khorgam section of Rudbar city), Geographical perspective Quarterly Journal, 1, 65-78.
Wall and Smith, (1982), Tourism Alternatives: Potential and Problems in the Development of Tourism, Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.
William, A.M. and Hall, C.M (2000) Tourism and migration: new relationships between production and consumption, Tourism Geographies.
Zakipoor, Najmeh, Soltani Ali,.2016. Environmental Impact Assessment by ICOLD Method Case S tudy: Shiraz-Esfahan Highway. The first National Conference on Sustainable Development in Roads with Environmental Conservation Approach.