Determinants of Trans-Cervical Artificial Insemination Success in Synchronized Ewes Using Frozen Semen
الموضوعات :
N. Naher
S. Arif
M. Hossain
N. Sultana Juyena
F. Yeasmin Bari
1 - Department of Surgery and Obstetrics, Faculty of Veterinary Science, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh-2202, Bangladesh
2 - Department of Surgery and Obstetrics, Faculty of Veterinary Science, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh-2202, Bangladesh
3 - Department of Surgery and Obstetrics, Faculty of Veterinary Science, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh-2202, Bangladesh
4 - Department of Surgery and Obstetrics, Faculty of Veterinary Science, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh-2202, Bangladesh
5 - Department of Surgery and Obstetrics, Faculty of Veterinary Science, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh-2202, Bangladesh
الکلمات المفتاحية: conception rate, cervical penetration depth, estrus signs intensity, TCAI, VER,
ملخص المقالة :
The study was undertaken to observe the effects of cervical penetration depth, estrus signs intensity and vaginal electrical resistance on conception rate in ewes following trans-cervical artificial insemination with frozen semen. Twenty-four ewes were synchronized using 100 µg Prostaglandin F2α intramuscularly, twice at 9 days interval. Estrus behavior of ewes with teaser ram was observed to determine the estrus onset and intensity. Vaginal electrical resistance was recorded immediately before insemination using electrical heat detector. A 200 µg tablet, Misoprostol was administered intra-vaginally in 10 ewes 11 hours before insemination, and cervical penetration depth was measured by centimeter graduated steel rod. Conception rate was confirmed by ultrasonography at 40-42 days of insemination. The cervical penetration depth was significantly increased (P<0.05) in Misoprostol-treated ewes compared to non-treated ones (3.54±0.10 vs. 0.47±0.04 cm, respectively). Similarly, conception rate was also higher following Misoprostol treatment (60.0 vs. 28.6%, respectively) but no significant difference. Significantly higher (P<0.05) conception rate was found in ewes with high estrous signs intensity compared to medium (70.0 vs. 22.2%) and low intensity (70.0 vs. 20.0%), respectively. Conception rate was tended to be higher (58.3 vs. 37.5%) in low vaginal electrical resistance group (230-280 Ω) compared with the high group (281-330 Ω). Higher conception rate in Misoprostol-treated ewes indicates that the grater cervical penetrability during semen deposition ensures the success of TCAI with frozen semen. Estrus signs intensity and low vaginal electrical resistance could be used as a valuable indicator to select ewes for successful trans-cervical artificial insemination (TCAI) through obtaining higher conception rate.
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