Physical Characteristics and Physically Effectiveness of Beet Pulp for Ruminant
الموضوعات :
1 - Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Agricultural Science, Sari University of Agricultural Science and Natural Resources, Sari, Iran
الکلمات المفتاحية: ruminant feed, beet pulp, physically effective fiber, physical property,
ملخص المقالة :
Beet pulp as component of cattle feed can be processed in different way. Tis study was performed to characterize the physical properties of so called fine beet pulp (FBP); normal beet pulp (NBP) and pelleted beet pulp (PBP). The following parameters were determined: bulk density, kinetics of hydration, functional specific gravity (FSG), water holding capacity (WHC), soluble dry matter and intrinsic osmotic pressure (IOP) were investigated. Furthermore particle size distribution and its geometric mean were determined according to ASAE S424.1. All three types of beet pulp had similar composition, but different acid detergent insoluble nitrogen, bulk density, WHC, hydration rate, soluble matter and IOP. PBP had the highest (0.967 g/mL) and NBP had the lowest (0.623 g/mL) bulk density. WHC was 4.318, 5.261, 4.881 (g/DM) and hydration rate 0.0527, 0.0663, 0.0657 (g/DM/Min) for FBP, NBP and PBP, respectively. Grinding and pelleting significantly decreased WHC. Initial FSG of FBP was higher than of NBP and PBP (1.416 vs. 1.371 and 1.384, respectively). FSG changed with incubation time as particle size decreased. Final FSG of all three beet pulp types were similar. FBP had the highest soluble DM (28.61 vs. 17.98 and 23.66% of initial DM in NBP and PBP, respectively). In addition, FBP had the highest soluble ash (45.18 vs. 37.79 and 39.36% of initial ash in NBP and PBP, respectively). FBP had the highest IOP and there are not significant differences between NBP and PBP. The studied physical properties were highly correlated with the chemical composition of the pulp. So was bulk density negatively correlated with the neutral detergent fiber (NDF), crude protein (CP) and non-fiber carbohydrates (NFC), hydration rate and WHC and was positively correlated with the DM, EE, FSG, soluble DM and ash, and IOP. In addition, WHC was positively correlated with dry matter (DM), NDF, NFC, CP and EE, but also negatively correlated with bulk density, FSG, soluble DM, soluble ash and IOP. FSG was highly negatively correlated with DM, NDF, CP, NFC, EE, hydration rate and WHC and positive correlated with bulk density, soluble DM, soluble ash and IOP. The physical properties of beet pulp aid in establishing the nutritive value of feedstuffs for ruminant. They physical properties of feedstuff take into account the modifying role of the reticulo-ruminal function on the speed of the character of the quantitative and qualitative biochemical degradation process.
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