Impact of climate change on actual evapotranspiration in future periods using remote sensing techniques and SEBAL energy balance algorithms (Case study: Plain Tuyserkan Hamedan)
Subject Areas : Hydrology and water resourcesسمانه پور محمدی 1 * , محمد تقی دوستانی 2 , مهران فاطمی 3 , علیرضا مساح بوانی 4 , هادی جعفری 5
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Keywords: LARS-WG, تغییر اقلیم, الگوریتم سبال, SEBAL Algorithm, تبخیر و تعرق واقعی, Climate change actual evapotranspiration,
Abstract :
Evapotranspiration is the main source of water loss in basin and so knowledge of various aspects of water resources management is essential. Type text or a website address or translate a document. On the other hand, knowledge of the actual evapotranspiration plains is important to determine and manage crop pattern and irrigation of horticultural and agricultural. Due to the effects of climate change on all environmental aspects of watersheds, Check these changes on actual evapotranspiration of catchment is essential as a key factor in determining the water balance and water management planning for the sustainable management of natural resources and the environment. The aim of the present study is investigation of climate change effective on actual evapotranspiration in Tuyserkan Basin in west of Iran. For this aim MODIS satellite images and SEBAL algorithms was used to estimating of actual evapotranspiration in Tuyserkan basin for 10 years old. Impact of climate change was analyses through 15 atmospheric general circulation model and under two scenarios A1B and B1 in Software LARS-WG. The results showed that the probability of 80% in future periods, minimum temperature from 13 to 20% and maximum temperature from 2.4 to 6.4 percent has increase. Actual evapotranspiration is the probability of 80% in future periods will increase from 0.4 to 1.4%.
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