List of Articles Seed yield Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 1 - Inheritance pattern and association study of agronomical traits in 47 elite accessions/genotypes of Opium poppy ( Papaver somniferum L.) Rashmi Lahiri - Jyotshana A.K. Verma Karuna Shanker Raj Kishori Lal 20.1001.1.25883623.2020. Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 2 - Effects of season and spacing on growth pattern and seed yield of Muskdana genotypes (Abelmoschus moschatus L.) and radical scavenging activity of its seed oil Ritu Mishra Ajay Kumar A.K. Gupta Dharmendra Saikia Raj K. Lal 20.1001.1.25883623.2020.