Investigating the safety status of the environment based on the Elmeri index and its relationship with sports tourism in Iran's stadiums (Study case: Tehran Enghelab sport complex)
Subject Areas : Geography and tourism planning, geography and urban planning, urban planning, architecture, geography and rural planning, political geography
Sahar Rezaei
Naser Bay
Bagher Morsal
Ali Fahiminejad
1 - Ph.D Student of sports management, Department of Physical Education, Shahrood Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shahrood, Iran.
2 - Assistant Professor of Sports Management, Department of Physical Education, Azadshahr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Azadshahr, Iran.
3 - 2. Assistant Professor of Sports Management, Department of Physical Education, Azadshahr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Azadshahr, Iran
4 - Assistant Professor of Sports Management, Department of Physical Education, Shahrood Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shahrood, Iran
Keywords: Elmeri method, safety of sports facilities, sports tourism.,
Abstract :
Method: It was conducted in a mixed quantitative and qualitative manner using the safety checklist of the environment according to the elmeri method and the researcher-made questionnaire of safety and sports tourism. distributed and collected by 100 sports tourists who were selected by Morgan's table as a simple random sample of 80 people. The data were entered in Smart Pls3 structural equation software to implement the research model. Findings: The results of the elmeri index regarding environmental safety showed that the component of safety behaviors with 93.5%, the component of cleanliness and order with 89%, the paths of passage with 87% and the component of fire and first aid with 75% have status were desirable Also, the opinion of tourists regarding the safety components of the environment showed that the component of first aid with the route coefficient of 63% and the t value (4.775) had the greatest impact in attracting tourism to sports venues. Also, the components of order and safety behaviors, according to tourists, did not have much effect on attracting tourism, P<0.05. Conclusion: The safety condition of the Tehran Revolution sports complex was in a favorable condition, therefore it provides a suitable platform for holding sports events and holding international seminars and conferences in order to attract sports tourism. Therefore, the managers of the sports facilities of Tehran's Enghelab Complex should take steps to improve the infrastructure and sports facilities in order to attract sports tourists.
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Iranian Journal of Tourism & Hospitality Research Islamic Azad University, Garmsar Branch Vol.10, No 1, Winter 2023, Pp. 120-143 |
Investigating the Safety Satus of the Environment based on the Elmeri Index and its Relationship with Sports Tourism in Iran's Stadiums (Study Case: Tehran Enghelab Sport Complex)
Sahar Rezaeia, Naser Bayb*, Bagher Morsalc, Ali Fahiminejadd
a:Ph.D Student of sports management, Department of Physical Education, Shahrood Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shahrood, Iran.
b: Assistant Professor of Sports Management, Department of Physical Education, Azadshahr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Azadshahr, Iran.
c, d: Assistant Professor of Sports Management, Department of Physical Education, Shahrood Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shahrood, Iran
The purpose of the current research was to investigate the safety of the environment based on the Elmeri index and its relationship with sports tourism in Iran's stadiums. Method: It was conducted in a mixed quantitative and qualitative manner using the safety checklist of the environment according to the elmeri method and the researcher-made questionnaire of safety and sports tourism. In Al-Mari method, the checklist was made by the researcher and HSE specialist in Tehran's Enghelab sports complex. Also, the researcher-made questionnaire, which had valid validity and reliability, was distributed and collected by 100 sports tourists who were selected by Morgan's table as a simple random sample of 80 people. The results of the elmeri index regarding environmental safety showed that the component of safety behaviors with 93.5%, the component of cleanliness and order with 89%, the paths of passage with 87% and the component of fire and first aid with 75% have status were desirable Also, the opinion of tourists regarding the safety components of the environment showed that the component of first aid with the route coefficient of 63% and the t value (4.775) had the greatest impact in attracting tourism to sports venues. Also, the components of order and safety behaviors, according to tourists, did not have much effect on attracting tourism, P<0.05. Conclusion: The safety condition of the Tehran Revolution sports complex was in a favorable condition, therefore it provides a suitable platform for holding sports events and holding international seminars and conferences in order to attract sports tourism.
Keywords: Elmeri method; Safety of sports facilities; Sports tourism.
*Corresponding author:
Received: 2/09/2024 Accepted: 06/10/2024
1. Introduction
Safety (regarding unexpected and unplanned risks and threats) and destination security are among the most important issues that tourists pay attention to when making decisions for their trip; Especially when the purpose of the trip is to visit unfamiliar places abroad (Filliri et al., 2021). Tourism safety and tourism risks are always two intertwined topics in research; In some cases, the issue of tourism safety has been examined around safety risks (Xi et al., 2021). Unlike the issue of tourism risks (risks), which are related to issues such as terrorism, war and political instability, crime, natural disasters, or health risks such as Sars disease (Polizescu et al., 2018); In tourism safety, what is important and important is the existence of stable and orderly conditions. In other words, tourism safety refers to safe and free conditions for tourists during the time they travel. Considering that the safety of sports tourism destinations and the emotions that tourists experience during their stay at the destination have an impact on the expansion of more tourisms, therefore, people's emotional experiences regarding the safety and security of the environment can play a major role in deciding to return to the tourist. sports in tourism destinations (Emkono et al., 2017).
Sports facilities are the platform for the implementation of sports activities and programs, and their correct and principled design and management directly affects the quantity and quality of sports programs and events and the attraction of sports tourism, and since sports facilities and spaces are part of national capitals. In every country, increasing their useful life and increasing their efficiency increases the return on capital. In big sports events, a large number of visitors, athletes, spectators, media, and tourists come to watch, for this reason, sports competitions have significant positive effects on the economy and cause the development of the host society (Nemati et al., 2022). Considering the holding of sports events in safe places, these events can be known as an example of a suitable safety level in the society (Mousavi et al., 2021). The safety of sports facilities is very effective in promoting sports activities. One of the important areas in safety is the review and control of equipment and the use of preventive measures to avoid accidents (Raisi et al., 2021). Since Iran has a very large geographical area and as a result different weather and climates, there is a need to design multi-purpose sports complexes according to different weather and climate conditions in order to increase the strength, security, stability and save energy consumption. Also, Iran is one of the accidents. It is considered the most vulnerable and most vulnerable countries in the world, so this issue has been taken into consideration in urban plans and programs (Daneshyar et al., 2023). Comprehensive urban plans include specific criteria for locating uses and retrofitting buildings, which can be used for any city and should be considered for sports venues as well (Radfar et al., 2019; Daneshyar et al., 2022). In the research of Hosseinpour et al. (2017) who investigated the safety indicators in sports environments, it was found that professional and committed management as the central category of safety culture, competence and specialized competence, legal and ethical requirements (ethical duty and law-abiding ) safety instructions, compliance with health principles, positive environmental approach, physical, mental state and personal equipment, human factors engineering, space, places and standard equipment, medical measures and emergency services, information and communication technology were determined as other safety categories in sports environments based on this model. And improving the role of different categories in the safety of sports environments to prevent accidents can improve safety in sports and prevent accidents in sports. Also, in the research of Araslan et al. (2023), which examines the security and safety measures of stadiums from the audience's point of view, it was found that the highest score is related to the sub-dimension "perception of violence prevention by security forces" and the lowest score is related to the sub-dimension "perception of control in is the entrance to the stadium. To the audience's perception of the security of the stadium. Especially women spectators consider the security measures in the stadiums to be sufficient, but think that the security forces cannot handle every violent event that may occur. In addition, it is observed that participants who have a high level of education and define themselves as "very good spectators" have a higher understanding of security measures in stadiums. Also, safe equipment and standard environmental partitioning were very important in preventing accidents for spectators. Praznik et al. (2020) also considered the most important safety factors in holding international sports events to be firefighting equipment and infrastructure, the strength of spectators' stands, the amount of reconstruction of high-traffic environments, and the security of spectator traffic routes. Nowadays, compliance with safety considerations in sports spaces has become inevitable (Ebrahimi, 2016). Evidence shows that underestimation of safety is a widespread issue in workplaces. Therefore, to improve health and safety performance, it is essential to properly understand the factors of the activity environment (industrial, administrative, sports, service, etc.) Safety is one of the main aspects of performance in all service sectors such as sports, which, despite its high priority, has not yet been accepted and implemented by a comprehensive model for its evaluation, planning, implementation and monitoring within the country (Koze Chian, 2019). One of the most important tasks of environmental health is to take care of the health status of public places, which has a direct relationship with the health of the people in the society. According to the environmental health regulations, public places are places that belong to the general public, such as religious places, hotels, inns, nursing homes, schools and sports facilities (Gartlen, 2017).
Sports facilities in Iran are far from international standards. Therefore, one of the most important concerns of the managers of sports venues is to ensure the safety and health of spectators and participants in sports events in addition to preserving the environment and health and safety (Zafarian, 2018). The traditional view of sports in Iran has caused the creation of non-standard and dangerous obstacles and equipment, inappropriate and unsafe surfaces, non-compliance with playground fencing standards, the use of outdated tools and the installation of improper ventilation systems. According to reports, all the factors mentioned have caused falls, sports injuries, loss of life and other irreparable damages. These consequences show insufficient attention to the safety of the environment (Zafarian, 2018). Basically, spaces and places that accommodate many people cannot be free of danger. If safety principles are not observed in these places, it may cause irreparable accidents and problems (Mozaffari, 2008). Therefore, it must be said that providing a safe environment for sports activities is essential and important. In order to provide a safe environment, the observance of safety principles in sports facilities and equipment should be taken into consideration. In general, the first aspect of observing the safety principles for equipment and equipment is to pay attention to the necessary standards in the design of the materials and equipment used and the general shape of the sports halls according to the number of users (Razavi and Dabaghian, 2015). Ernon et al. (2011) concluded that collisions with hard obstacles (such as boards, goalposts) and hard surfaces lead to severe injuries among hockey players. Gholami et al. (2012) low-quality sports equipment such as shoes and poor quality flooring in sports halls, Verhagen et al. (2010) inappropriate sports environment, non-standard tools and equipment, Petrido et al. Playing and using worn out and non-standard equipment are considered the most important causes of sports injuries. America (2012) based on research in which they evaluated 1024 playgrounds in 27 states showed that 80% of the fields lacked suitable surfaces. Having suitable floors is considered the most important safety factor. On the other hand, 75% of playground injuries are due to improper ground and falls. 27% of these 1037 playgrounds did not have suitable stands for spectators, and non-observance of safety points in the construction of spectators' stands was recognized as one of the most important factors in the injury of spectators. In 36% of the studied playgrounds, the distance of the walls and fences around the playgrounds were very close to the playground and their standard distance was not observed, which caused severe injuries and even death of athletes. Also, in the research of Abdulla et al. (2024), who examined safety and health indicators: a case study of the tourism industry. In the results, they stated that in the tourism industry, it is necessary to prioritize health and safety measures to ensure the satisfaction and well-being of local communities and tourists. This study analyzed the publication patterns, geographic distribution, cited articles, and thematic emphasis on safety and health research in the tourism industry and stated that the importance of safety and health measures in the tourism industry in China between 2021 and 2022 is one of the most important indicators. Sports tourism has been in this country.
2. Theoretical foundations
Sports tourism is one of the types of tourism that has a long history and its importance and development is increasing day by day, and some countries earn a lot of income from this. Different types of this type of tourism are included in the types of normal and nature-oriented tourism and sports event tourism. The realization of tourism in its various forms requires a geographical space, which acts as the main core of tourism (Kim et al., 2021). Researchers have categorized sports tourism in different ways. Redmon (2010) classifies sports tourism into types of sports holidays, sports festivals, world championships and halls of fame. Tourism with the purpose of visiting sports events that take place in large sports complexes with several halls and grass fields is one of the types of tourism with the attraction of sports tourists, which has received more attention after the 2008 Athens Olympics, and different countries are trying to The competition to improve the quality of sports halls and equipment and complexes in terms of safety and innovation and the security of tourism are in competition (Zhu et al., 2024). ELMERI index is a reliable tool for monitoring safety and health in work environments (production, industry and service). This method was invented in Finland in 2000 (Jamshidi, 2017). This index shows the current level of safety in the work environment, which evaluates and reports the results based on observing all aspects of safety and health of the work environment as well as the safety behaviors of the personnel. Observations that are considered in the ELMERI index are: safe behaviors, cleanliness, orderliness, equipment safety, environmental health, ergonomics, passageways, fire safety and first aid. It is worth noting that the safety index is calculated as a percentage and its value varies from 0 to 100 percent. This index, while providing awareness of the level of compliance with the safety of the work environment, also determines and identifies the necessary measures to improve the safety status of each space (Zaykina, 2017). Today, accidents that occur in work environments are considered the major risks that can endanger the health of personnel and users. During the last decades, specialists and experts have tried to reduce the number of accidents by using different methods. The first way in this step is to improve the hardware condition (machines, equipment and safer devices) (Kazemi et al., 2017). In the next step, choosing the right people, training, establishing reward and punishment systems and paying attention to the management system, especially safety management systems. Each of these methods have been able to reduce the number of accidents, but they have not been completely successful. In the past, after the occurrence of accidents and irreparable damage, the causes of accidents were investigated and the defects of a system or process were determined. But today, the trend is towards preventing risk by using preventive measures (Qurbani, 2021). Safety performance measurement provides information that indicates the status of safety activities. Comparison between performance measurements and organizational patterns or goals allows the safety manager to make decisions and take appropriate action. The key difference between performance measurement and safety indicators is that performance measurement evaluates a safety process and safety indicators are measurement standards (such as the number of incidents). A set of safety indicators lead to safety performance measurement. One of the main benefits of performance measurement is that it enables companies to express the results of a safety process qualitatively, not qualitatively, and to analyze the results to determine the effectiveness of safety and health processes. (Lindry, 2001), these measurements enable the identification of problems and their prioritization. Also, they identify the useful actions taken and make it possible to prioritize the macro issues of the company (Janikak et al., 2017). Therefore, in this research, the researcher is trying to investigate the safety indicators of the environment based on the al-Mari method and its impact with the development of sports tourism in Iran's stadiums.
3. Research method
The present study is descriptive and cross-sectional, which was conducted in the summer of 2014 in Tehran's Enghelab sports complex in order to evaluate the safety and health performance of the environment using the ELMERI questionnaire method. This research is done in a mixed quantitative and qualitative method. The statistical population of the research is made up of 100 sports tourists present in the Tehran Revolution sports complex, and 80 people were selected by simple random sampling using Cochran's formula. In the qualitative part, Elmeri method is used, and in the qualitative part, using the opinion of elites to design a researcher's questionnaire, effective indicators in the Elmeri method are used to respond to sports tourists. This questionnaire included 4 components (safe behaviors, cleanliness and order, traffic routes, first aid) and has 10 questions. The content and form validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by the professors of physical education and HSE, and also its reliability was obtained by Cronbach's alpha test as 0.87%, which was an acceptable value. The data were entered in Smart Pls3 structural equation software to implement the research model. In the quantitative part, it was done by Elmeri method by the researcher and a HSE specialist. In this research, first, work units were identified in the Revolution Sports Complex, which is managed by the Sports Facilities Development and Maintenance Company of the country, and at least 5 observations are made in each unit (in the ELMERI method, in order to obtain a creditable score, it is necessary to Make at least 5 observations at each station)
Table 1. Elmeri method of observed items in each work section
Original item | Sub-items and criteria |
Safe behaviors | 1- The worker uses the necessary personal protective equipment
Ergonomics | 1- This work does not involve hazardous repetitive tasks or manual handling of heavy loads 2- Work station and tools and equipment have ergonomic design. |
Machine safety | 1- Machines are in safe operating conditions, safety devices comply with safety standards. 2- Machine control devices comply with safety standards |
Traffic routes | 1- Traffic routes are solid, marked and non-slippery. Traffic lanes for pedestrians and vehicles are separated if necessary. The fall protection guard meets safety standards. 2-Emergency exits and exit signs comply with safety standards |
(Laitinen et al., 2013)
3.1. Calculation of ELMERI index
The number of observations required to evaluate each of the seven items of the ELMERI index and the criteria for scoring the observations of each item are explained in the following section.
1. Identification of a number of jobs in the Revolution sports complex by field visit to the place
2. Selection of rooms and work spaces
3. Evaluation and inspection by the researcher based on ELMERI criteria
4. Calculation of ELMERI index
The observed items are listed and how to rate them:
1-Safety behavior
Number of inspections
An inspection should be carried out for each worker in the workplace. If the worker is not at work, the sign "not inspected" is marked.
Criteria for giving a "correct" score:
The use of personal protective clothing (PPE) and the elimination of hazards by the worker's use of (PPE) to the extent that it is necessary for his job and not accepting significant hazards.
Personal protective equipment (PPE) that may be required includes, for example:
- Head protection
- Leg and leg protection
- Hearing protection
- Eye and face protection
- Protective gloves
- Protective equipment to prevent falling from a height / safety belt
- Respiratory protection equipment
Risk acceptance, for example, may include:
- Use of defective equipment.
- Removing safety systems and disabling them.
- Servicing the working equipment.
- Launching and using devices with inappropriate speed.
- Smoking in prohibited areas.
2- Order and cleanliness
Number of inspections
A total of 5 inspections are conducted, one of which is for the following.
If there is no desk, shelf, machine surfaces, or trash container, the item is scored as "not inspected". If someone wants to emphasize order and cleanliness, the inspection can be done separately for each desk, shelf, surfaces and garbage containers, in which case we will have more than 5 inspections.
Criteria for a "correct" score:
• Desks: the desks are tidy and there are no unnecessary objects on it.
• Shelves: The shelves are neat and strong, or they are not too full and piled up.
• Surfaces of cars and closets, etc.: Don't place unnecessary objects on the edges of cars and closets.
• Garbage containers: Garbage containers should not be too full or overflowing.
• Platforms and floors: platforms and floors are clean and in good condition for walking, driving and transporting materials.
3- Safety of cars
Number of inspections
Inspection for each machine must be done at the workplace and separately. If a machine does not have protection or permanent means are not accessible, it should be given the score "not inspected".
Criteria for a "correct" score:
When the structure and conditions are "correct" that:
- The machine must be firmly established and have the necessary stability.
- Do not see any sharp edges that could injure you.
- The car should not be damaged and its structure should not be broken or damaged, no repair equipment such as adhesive tape should be seen on it at the beginning of the work.
Safety warning signs should be well visible.
Control devices and emergency cut-off switches
Control devices including the devices for turning on the car, turning it off and regulators in place:
- Visible, recognizable and appropriately marked.
- The replacement should be correct in terms of ergonomics and safety.
- The design of control movements should be integrated.
- The emergency shutdown control must also be clearly visible and can be quickly controlled.
Permanent means of access
Hole manholes should be equipped with permanent devices so that they can enter the areas used for daily production, adjustments and maintenance operations of the machine.
Permanent access devices are "correct" when:
- Be safe and have enough space.
- Paths with a slope of less than 45 degrees lead to a platform.
- Do not have anything unnecessary on it.
Finally, after review and evaluation by Elmeri indicators, the level of safety of the Tehran Revolution sports complex is determined in the findings section.
4. Findings
Figure 1. GIS map of the study area (Englab Sports Complex, Tehran)
Table 2. Calculation of the Elmeri index in the observation of safe behaviors in the Revolution sports complex
number | Safe behaviors |
76 | correct |
5 | incorrect |
7 | Not seen |
93.5% | plural |
76 of the observations were correct, 5 were incorrectly observed, and 7 were not observed; It means that the use of personal protective equipment (protective equipment in combat sports by athletes, safety clothing by complex workers, non-smoking in prohibited places) is in good condition.
Table 3. Calculation of the elmeri index in the observations of cleanliness, order and order in the sports complex of the Revolution
The level of halls and platforms | Garbage containers | Machin surfaces | shelves | Work desks | Cleanliness and order |
43 | 257 | 36 | 56 | 78 | correct |
11 | 19 | 1 | 3 | 9 | incorrect |
1 | 5 | 1 | 4 | 5 | Not seen |
74.5% | 93.5% | 94 | 94.6% | 88.5% | plural |
Brightness and visibility | order | Design and marking | Traffic routes |
| ||
80 | 75 | 81 | correct |
| ||
5 | 12 | 21 | incorrect |
| ||
0 | 0 | 0 | Not seen |
| ||
94 | 74 | 74 | plural |
Electrical panel | Emergency exit routes | Fire extinguisher | First aid box | Fire safety and first aid |
| |
121 | 42 | 55 | 76 | correct |
| |
36 | 11 | 20 | 14 | incorrect |
| |
4 | 0 | 1 | 5 | Not seen |
| |
70 | 74.5 | 64 | 81.5 | plural |
Effect of components |
| Path coefficient value | number | T | Significant level | result |
First aid |
| 0.636% | 80 | 4.755% |
| confirmation |
Crossing route | Safety and sports tourism | 0.552% | 80 | 3.840% |
| confirmation |
order |
| 0.230% | 80 | 1.386% | 0.05 | confirmation |
Safety behaviors |
| 0.028% | 80 | 1.209% | 0.05 | confirmation |