A Modified Novel Method for Solving the Uncertainty Linear Programming Problems Based on Triangular Neutrosophic Number
Subject Areas : Transactions on Fuzzy Sets and Systems
Kshitish Mohanta
Vishal Chaubey
Deena Sharanappa
Vishnu Mishra
1 - Department of Mathematic, Indra Gandhi National Tribal University, Madhya Pradesh, India.
2 - Department of Mathematics, Indra Gandhi National Tribal University, Madhya Pradesh, India.
3 - Department of Mathematics, Indra Gandhi National Tribal University, Madhya Pradesh, India.
4 - Department of Mathematics, Indra Gandhi National Tribal University, Madhya Pradesh, India.
Keywords: Ranking Function, linear programming problem, Triangular Neutrosophic Number, Nutrosophic Linear Programming Problem,
Abstract :
Generally, linear programming (LP) problem is the most extensively utilized technique for solving and optimizing real-world problems due to its simplicity and efficiency. However, to deal with the inaccurate data, the neutrosophic set theory comes into play, which creates a simulation of the human decision-making process by considering all parts of the choice (i.e., agree, not sure, and disagree). Keeping the bene ts in mind, we proposed the neutrosophic LP models based on triangular neutrosophic numbers (TNN) and provided a method for solving them. Fuzzy LP problem can be converted into crips LP problem based on the de ned ranking function. The provided technique has been demonstrated with numerical examples given by Abdelfattah. Finally, we found that, when compared to previous approaches, the suggested method is simpler, more efficient, and capable of solving all types of fuzzy LP models.
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