Structural Equation Modeling of the Relationship among BFI and Components of IELTS Reading and Speaking Modules among Female Candidates
Subject Areas : Journal of Teaching English Language Studies
Abdolhamid Mohammadi
Seyyed Ayatollah Razmjoo
Shahram Afraz
Fazlolah Samimi
1 - PH.D candidate, Gheshm Branch Islamic Azad University,Gheshm,Iran
2 - Faculty of Foreign Languages, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran
3 - Assistant Professor of TEFL, Department of English Language, Qeshm Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qeshm, Iran
4 - Department of English, Bandar-Abbas Branch, Islamic Azad University, Bandar-Abbas, Iran
Keywords: Brain-friendly Instruction, IELTS, Reading Scores, Speaking Scores, English as a Foreign Language (EFL),
Abstract :
The current study investigates the role of Brain-friendly Instruction components namely, Assessment, Motivation, and Instruction in predicting the IELTS reading and speaking scores of female candidates. The present research was conducted with 120 female EFL learners through SEM with Smart PLS. It was found that the components of BFI are positively and significantly related to language proficiency outcomes. Whereas Assessment and Motivation were found to enhance IELTS reading scores significantly, Instruction was considered the most critical factor affecting speaking scores. From this, it is clear that to consider brain-friendly pedagogical practices, students' cognitive and emotional needs will have to be taken into account. The current study contributes to the existing literature pool with empirical data related to BFI effectiveness within language education. It points out the need for educators to inculcate such principles into their instructional strategies. In this direction, the creation of a nonthreatening learning environment, along with the implementation of proper assessment tools, will significantly improve the language output, especially for female learners who experience very particular problems when learning in EFL settings. The implications of this study are, therefore, useful in informing the practice of language professionals, curriculum developers, and researchers interested in the improvement of English proficiency using innovative instructional approaches. Further research is recommended to establish how far BFI principles can be generalized across different educational contexts and learner profiles to consolidate the findings presented here.
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