A New Non-isolated Buck-Boost DC/DC Converter Based on Cuk Topology with Single Switch for Renewable Energy Application
Subject Areas : power electronic
Mustafa Okati
Mohammad Osmani-Bojd
Samira Samimi
1 - Department of Electrical Engineering, Zabol Branch, Islamic Azad University, Zabol, Iran
2 - Department of Electrical Engineering, Zahedan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Zahedan, Iran
3 - Department of Mathematics Education, Farhangian University, Zahedan, Iran
Keywords: Buck-Boost Converter, Cuk Converter, Continuous Input/output Current, Switching Device Power, Single Switch,
Abstract :
This research focuses on an active switch non-isolated buck-boost DC/DC converter based on CUK topology. The suggested converter uses a simpler circuit topology to enable the acquisition of higher voltage gain at lower duty cycle levels. In addition, a continuous input/output current with negative output polarity is displayed by this converter. Compared with the conventional buck-boost converter, the suggested converter can obtain a wider range of the voltage conversion ratio with the same duty cycle. The principles and prominent waveforms of Continuous Conduction Mode (CCM) are explained in this work. The efficiency was examined by substituting parasitic resistance effects for steady-state conditions. The current investigation includes a thorough analysis of parameter design, power loss computation, properties, and a comparative analysis with other non-isolated converters. Finally, a working hardware prototype with a 48-watt power output is created, and the practicality of the proposed converter is confirmed by the empirical data gathered from testing.
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