Prioritizing Fars Province Industrial Clusters by Copeland Aggregation of Qualiflex Hesitant Fuzzy and Topsis Hesitant Fuzzy
Subject Areas : Decision AnalysisFatemeh Allahakbari 1 * , Ali Mohamadi 2 , Payam Shojaei 3 , hadi mirghaderi 4
1 - management department, Faculty of Economics, Management and Social Sciences, Shiraz University,Shiraz, Iran
2 - Management department, Faculty of Economics, Management and Social Science, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran
3 - Management department, Faculty of Economics, Management and Social Science, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran
4 - Department of management, management and social science school, shiraz university
Keywords: Industrial cluster, Prioritizing, Topsis Hesitant fuzzy, Copeland, Qualiflex Hesitant fuzzy,
Abstract :
In recent years, industrial clusters have received considerable attention from economists and industry analysts because they are seen as the main reason for certain economic regions' economic growth and success. For many Industrial States Organization, the selection of industrial clusters has become a critical strategic consideration due to the Budget allocation priority. In this paper, an extended qualitative flexible multiple (QUALIFLEX) methods is used to solve problems regarding the priority among this cluster using probability hesitant fuzzy information, which can lead to allocating the budget for industrial clusters more effectively. For more accuracy, we have applied a Hesitant fuzzy Topsis for prioritizing. Both rankings have been aggregated by the Copeland method. From our research results, the Larestan Muscat is of great importance, and Abade Inlaid Wood, Citrus packaging, Shiraz Marquetry, and Niriz stone have ranked respectively.
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