A Hybrid Approach in Designing and Validating a Green Quality Management Model in the Food Industry
Subject Areas : Business StrategyDavood Tarvirdizadeh 1 , Shahram Mirzaeidaryani 2 * , Mohammadreza Nahidi AmirKhiz 3 , Mohammad Pasbani 4 , Morteza Honarmand Azimi 5
1 - Department of Management, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran
2 - Department of Management, Ardabil Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ardabil, Iran
3 - Department of Economics, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran
4 - Department of Management, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran
5 - Department of Management, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran
Keywords: validating, Grounded Theory, partial least squares, Food Industry, A Hybrid Approach, Green Quality Management,
Abstract :
In recent years, global reports on the irreparable damage of human economic activities to the environment, the need for efficient management systems capable of reducing pollutants and waste management and the optimal use of non-renewable resources, more than any other another time is needed. Therefore, in order to achieve this, a study was presented with the aim of designing and validating a model for green quality management in the food industry. The present study is an exploratory combination that through qualitative strategies with library study methods and grounded theory, a conceptual model is obtained and then through a quantitative strategy of structural equations with Smart PLS approach, the conceptual model of the research is tested and its goodness is calculated. Is. In the qualitative section, after extensive study in the theoretical literature on the subject and taking notes, as well as through theoretical and purposeful sampling with a selection of 24 experts and officials, a semi-structured interview was conducted. In the quantitative part, according to the Vinzy rule, 192 managers and experts of the food industry have been selected as a sample and the data have been collected using a researcher-made questionnaire. According to the findings of the qualitative section and after coding, finally 5 main categories and 19 sub-categories were extracted that green management of human resources from causal conditions and green management thinking as underlying conditions, technology management and environmental management system as intervening conditions. Green management innovation was selected as a strategy and also green supply chain as a consequence of green quality management model. The results show that the conceptual model designed with grounded theory approach was approved by experts and the GOF criterion was used to validate the model, which is higher than the level of fit classification based on the theory of Wetzel’s et al. (2009) which indicates that has it.
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