Evaluation the Effect of Conservation Tillage on Sunflower Yield and Energy Productivity
Subject Areas : Research On Crop Ecophysiology
Keywords: Tillage, Sunflower yield, Keywords: Energy, Soil moisture content,
Abstract :
Zaynolabedin Omidmehr Academic member of Agricultural Engineering Research Department, Semnan (Shahrood), Agricultural Research and Education and Natural Resource Research Center, AREEO, Shahrood, lran. *Corresponding Author: zshamabadi@gmail.com Received: 10 June 2019 Accepted: 20 July 2019 AbstractDevelopment of cultivation and sustainable production of sunflower is one of the important issues in agriculture. In this research, effect of conservation tillage on energy consumption and sunflower yield in Kalpoush dryland region of Shahrood was studied. An experimental design RCBD with five replications and four treatments selected. The treatments were no-tillage (T1), reduced tillage (T2) and two conventional tillage without and with gathering residue (T3 and T4). Results showed that at the 0-30cm of Soil depth, moisture content difference was significant. Sunflower yield difference was significant (P<1%). Maximum and minimum of sunflower yield was related to reduced tillage and conventional tillage with gathering residue, respectively. Between no-tillage and reduced tillage, Sunflower yield difference wasn't significant (P<5%). Reduced and conventional tillage with gathering residue (T2 and T4), had the maximum and minimum of energy efficiency and energy productivity, respectively. Regarding to conservation tillage advantages (soil moisture maintaining and energy saving), for sunflower production (dryland), it may be recommended that, plowing can be replaced by conservation tillage (chisel-packer or no-tillage). Application of conservation tillage for sunflower production compared with moldboard plough, in addition to increase of crop yield, increased energy productivity.