Studying the Reasons for Weakness in Communication and Not Having a Seat in the International Football Federation
Subject Areas : Sport management
Mostafa Mostafapour
Mozafar Yektayar
Mojghan Khodamoradpour
Meisam Allahmoradi
1 - Department of Physical Education and Sport Science, Sanandaj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Sanandaj, Iran
2 - Department of Physical Education and Sport Science, Sanandaj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Sanandaj, Iran
3 - Department of Physical Education and Sport Science, Sanandaj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Sanandaj, Iran
4 - Department of Physical Education and Sport Science Department, Baneh Branch, Islamic Azad University, Baneh, Iran
Keywords: Weakness in communication, A seat in the Asian Football Confederation, Sport international relations, Football Federation of Islamic Republic of Iran,
Abstract :
In this study, we investigate the reasons for the weakness in communication and not having a seat in the football federation at the international level Research method: In terms of the purpose of the research, it was part of applied research, and in terms of descriptive nature and from the perspective of variables, it was a mixed research. The statistical population in the qualitative section includes 12 experts in the field of sports diplomacy and international relations (Appendix 1); The members of the academic staff of sports management in the country and the officials of international relations of the football federation were selected by the criteria method; And in the quantitative part, based on Morgan's table, 125 people from the governors and the football board of the provinces and experts in charge of the football federation were selected as a statistical sample . The analysis of the findings of the qualitative part was done based on theme analysis with Max Kyuda 10 software and the quantitative part was done based on the structural equation model based on Lisrel analysis software. The quantitative part confirmed all the qualitative parts based on the model of the structural equation model. Totally, it was specified that communication with well-known persons in international football, appropriate relationships with Asian Confederation, and taking national and club hosting are appropriate strategies to gain and retain powerful seats in Asian Football Confederation.
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