Behavioral modeling for sampling receiver with baseband structure with noise pattern recognition and cancelation in MATLAB/SIMULINK
Subject Areas : Majlesi Journal of Telecommunication Devices
Fatemeh Eghtedari
Javad Haddadnia
1 - Hakim Sabzevari University
2 - Hakim Sabzevari University
Keywords: en,
Abstract :
Software Defined-Radio (SDR) is a wireless communication system which consists of a transmitter and a receiver that are controlled by means of software. Its goal is to provide a single radio transceiver with multi-mode multi-standard wireless communications capability. This advantage will help the designers to have a more precise technological look at the performance and processing principles of this structure and have better designs for their structure. In this work, discrete-time signal processing of a direct-sampling discrete-time receiver which is used for radio Bluetooth applications, is modeled in Simulink environment. The results show that, when the BPSK signal is entered to the receiver with an additive white gaussian noise (AWGN), the system had the best performance. In this simulation the signal time domain and its spectrum is shown in each stage of receiver, in order to display the noise removal process and the original signal extraction from noisy signal.
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[5] Sergi orrit prat, “Behavioral modeling for sampling receiver and baseband in software-defined radio,”