Enhancing the Quality of Satellite Images Enhancing through Combination of Feature and Pixel Level Image Fusion
Subject Areas : Majlesi Journal of Telecommunication DevicesMahnaz zarei 1 , Mansour Esmaeilpour 2
1 - computer department, Faculty of Engineering, Islamic Azad university, Hamedan, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor of computer department, Faculty of Engineering, Islamic Azad university, Hamedan, Iran
Keywords: high pass filtering, Discrete Wavelet transform, multi-spectrum images, Quality enhancement of images, Image fusion,
Abstract :
Up to now, several methods have been proposed for image fusion in pixel level and feature level for quality enhancement of satellite images. From these methods, methods based on discrete wavelet transform (DWT); intensity hue saturation (IHS); and high pass filtering have attracted much attention. But in methods based on; intensity hue saturation and discrete wavelet transform each have disadvantages such as chromatic aberration and linear discontinuity of location characteristics. The present article proposed a new and effective method for fusion in pixel and feature level and by combining the mentioned methods intelligently; the new proposed method maintains the significant and salient characteristics of input images and simultaneously overcomes the mentioned weaknesses. Results are product of experiments evidencing this claim
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