Assessment of Vivaldi Antenna Parameters for Biomedical applications
Subject Areas : Majlesi Journal of Telecommunication Devices
1 - Adana Science and Technology University
Keywords: Vivaldi antenna, return loss (S11), voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR), ultra-wide band (UWB), Radiation pattern, Biomedical applications, the Scientific Research Unit of Adana Science and Technology University, en,
Abstract :
In this paper, Microstrip-fed Vivaldi antenna is presented for Ultra-Wide Band (UWB) biomedical applications and antenna characteristic parameters such as radiation pattern, return loss (S11), and voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR) are evaluated. However, by using different values of antenna parameters such as stub angle, substrate thickness, and relative dielectric constant, antenna performance in the UWB frequency range is developed to create antenna structure with the best efficiency, gain, and directivity. The design and modeling of the antenna are performed in CST Microwave Studio. Additionally, this can be used in terms of an attractive configuration for biomedical applications.
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